
植物提取物 植物提取物目录

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长沙捷凯生物制品有限公司 商铺
中国 湖南 长沙市 人民东路111号长房东郡13栋3门1106室
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品名 植物提取物目录 产地 湖南

no. product name中文名 specification

001a 5-htp griffonia seed extract 加拉籽提取物

5-羟基色氨酸50%, 95%, 98%, 99% 5-hydroxytroptophan (5-htp) hplc

002 achyranthes bidentata extract牛膝提取物25% polysaccharides uv

003 adenophora extract南沙参提取物 10:1

004 agricus bisporus extract双孢菇提取物 25% polysaccharides uv

005 agricus bisporus powder双孢菇粉 10% polysaccharides uv 100 mesh

006 agricus blazei extract姬松茸提取物15%, 20%,40%,45%polysaccharides uv

007 agrimory extract仙鹤草提取物 12:1

008 aiye leaf extract艾叶提取物 4:1

009 akebia caulis extract木通提取物 10:1

010 alfalfa extract medicago extract紫花苜蓿提取物5% ,10% flavonoids uv

10% coumestrol hplc

011 alisma extract 泽泻提取物 20:1,10:1,4:1

012 almond extract杏仁提取物 4:1

013 aloe vera extract芦荟提取物100:1 (whole leaf sd or fd, >5% polysacchrides, non-aloin),100:1 (whole leaf sd or fd, >6% polysaccharides, >0.5% aloin),10%, 20%, 30% aloin(barbaloin) uv

014alpinia oxyphylla extractyi zhi ren extract 益智仁提取物 10:1 015 althaea rosae root extract marshmallow root extract 蜀葵提取物

药蜀葵提取物 4:1, 7:1, 10:1

016 amla extract emblica officinalis extract triphala extract 酸藤子提取物

余甘子提取物 30%, 40% tannins uv

017andrographis paniculata extract 穿心莲提取物 5%, 30%, 95% andrograpbolide hplc

018angelica dongquai extract 当归提取物 1% ligustilides hplc usa methods

019angelicae pubescentis extract 独活提取物 4:1

020apple extract 苹果提取物 50%, 75%, 80% polyphenols uv

021 apple root bark extract 苹果根皮提取物 40%, 60%, 80%, 90%, 98%phloridzin hplc

022 aralia elata extract 龙牙楤木提取物 30% araloside a+b hplc

023 aronia (europe, wild) extract 黑果花楸提取物 5%, 10%, 15% anthocyanidin uv

024 artichoke leaf extract 朝鲜蓟提取物 2%, 2.5%, 5%cynarin hplc

025 artemisia annua extract wormwood extract 青篙提取物 青蒿素 双氢青蒿素 青蒿琥酯 蒿甲醚 99.5% artemisnin hplc, 99% dihydroartemisinin hplc, 99% artesunate hplc,99% artemether hplc

026 asari extract wild ginger extract 细辛提取物 10:1,4:1

027 asiatic comelian cherry fruit extract 山茱萸提取物 5:1

028 asparagus root extract天门冬提取物5% asparagosides hplc,


029 astragalus root extract 黄芪提取物 0.4%, 5%,10%,80%,90% astragaloside iv hplc, 20%-70% polysaccharides uv, 0.2~0.4% flavone & 16% polysacchrides

030b baical skullcap root extract 黄芩根提取物 20%- 95% baicalin uv,

20%-95% flavonoids uv,

031 bamboo leaves extract 竹叶提取物,淡竹叶提取物8-24%flavones & 2-10% lactones

032 banaba leaf extract 大花紫薇提取物,巴拉巴提取物 1%, 3%, 10% corosolic acid

033 barbed skullcap herb extract 半枝莲提取物 10:1, 20:1

034 barberry root extract,amur barberry root extract小檗提取物 6% berberine hplc

035 barley grass juice extract 麦苗精 20:1

036 barley grass powder 麦苗粉 powder

037 belladonna herb extract 颠茄提取物 1.4% scopolamine alkaloids hplc

038 bilberry extract 越橘提取物 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 25% anthocyanidins uv,

5% pterostilbene hplc, 4:1, 5:1, 12:1, 25:1

039 bitter melon extract 苦瓜提取物 1% charantin (&. or ) 10% total saponins hplc, 10% charantins uv, 400uiu phyto-isulin(insulin-like) active test mehtod, 30:1, 60:1, 100:1

040 bitter orange extract 苦橙皮提取物 98% hesperidin hplc,95% neohesperidin hplc

041 bitter sophora root extract 苦参提取物 90% matrine hplc, 10:1

042 blach cohosh extract黑升麻提取物 2.5%, 5%, 8%triterpene glycosides hplc

043 black bean peel extract 黑豆提取物 15:1, 1% anthocyanidins uv

044 black currant extract 黑加仑提取物 5%, 10%, 15%, 25% anthocyanidins uv

045 black sesame extract 黑芝麻提取物 25%, 50%, 90%, 99% sesamin hplc

046 black tea extract 红茶提取物 15%,~60% polyphenols uv-vis

047 black tea extract theaflavins 红茶提取物 茶黄素 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 80% theaflavins hplc

048 bladderwrack seaweed kelp extract 墨角藻提取物 2% proteic iodine hplc, 10:1

049 blueberry fruit extract 蓝莓提取物, 蓝靛果提取物5%, 10%, 15%, 25% anthocyanidins uv

050 boewellia sorrata extract 乳香树提取物25%, 65% boewellie acids hplc

051 boneset herb extract 佩兰提取物 10:1, 20:1

052 broccoli extract 西兰花提取物 2% sulforaphans hplc, 0.3% glucosinolate hplc

053 buckthorn bark extract 沙棘籽提取物 10%, 20% flavnoids, 4:1, 5:1

054 bupleurum root extract 柴胡提取物 5% bupleurum saikosaponins uv-vis, 5:1

055 burdock root extract 牛蒡根提取物 40% inulin hplc, 4:1, 10:1

056 burdock seed extract 牛蒡籽提取物 40% arctiin & arctigenin, 4:1, 10:1

057 butcher’s broom extract 假叶树提取物10% , 20% ruscogenins hplc

058 butterbur extract, petasites japonicus extract 蜂斗菜提取物 10% petasites ses hplc, 5:1

059c cactus hoodia gordonii extract,hoodia gordonii cactus extract 非洲仙人掌 20:1

060 caralluma fimbriata extract(syn: caralluma adscendens) 印度仙人掌 20:1, functional formula: caralluma fimbriata with egcg from green tea extract

061 calendula extract 金盏菊提取物 5:1, 10:1

062 carrot juice powder 胡萝卜汁粉 1% beta-carotene hplc, 20:1

063 cascara sagrada extract 欧鼠李皮提取物 4:1

064 cassia nomame extract 水皂角提取物 8~60% dimer flavan uv, 8%-20% flavonols uv, 8%-20% polyphenols (as cetechins) uv

065 cassia tora / juemingzi extract 决明子提取物 10:1

066 cat nut herb extract 荆介提取物 4:1, 10:1

067 cat’s claw extract 猫爪草提取物 3%, 5% alkaloids hplc,3.5% harpagide uv or hplc,3% caudoside uv

068 caulis spatholobi extract 鸡血藤提取物 20:1

069 celandine extract 白屈菜提取物 2% chelldonine hplc, 4:1, 10:1

070chamomile extract 洋甘菊提取物1.2%,90%,98% apigenin hplc, 4:1

071 chasteberry berry extract,vittex berry extract 蔓荆籽提取物 5% vitexin hplc,5% agnuside hplc,0.5% aucubin hplc,4:1, 10:1, 15:1

072 chickweed extract 繁缕提取物 10:1, 20:1

073 chicory root extract,inlulin 菊苣提取物 10%-95% inulin hplc

074 china jellygrass extract 凉粉草/仙草提取物 10:1

075 chinaberry-tree bark extract 苦楝皮提取物 . 15:1

076chinaberry-tree fruit extract 苦楝籽提取物 20:1

077 chitosan 壳聚糖 蟹壳素90%

078 chondroitin sulfate (bovine)硫酸软骨素90% chondroitin sulfate hplc

079 chrysanthemum extract 菊花提取物 10:1

080 chrysin extract 白杨黄素 99% chrysin

081 cinnamon bark extract 桂皮/肉桂提取物 5% cinnamaldehyde hplc,20% flavanoids uv,10%, 30% polyphenols uv

4:1, 20:1 water soluble

082 cistanche deserticola extract 肉苁蓉提取物 16%, 30% polyphenols uv

2:1, 5:1, 10:1

083 citrus aurantinum extract 枳实提取物 4~90% synepherin hplc

95% neohesperidin hplc

084 citrus extract limonin 柑橘提取物, 柠檬苦素 98% limonin hplc

085 cloves extract 丁香提取物 4:1

086 cnidium seed p.e 蛇床籽提取物 10%-50% osthole hplc

087 codonopsis root extract 党参提取物 4:1

088 coleus forskohlii extract 弗司可林 20%~98% forskohlin

089 coptis root/golden thread extract 黄连提取物 5%, 10%, 15%berberine hplc, 10:1

090 cordyceps extract,cordyceps sinensis mycelia extract cs-4 冬虫夏草提取物 10%-40% polysaccharides uv, 7% cordyceps acid hplc, 0.3% cordycepin (adenosine) hplc

091 coriolus mushroom extract,yunzhi extract 云芝提取物 10%, 20%, 40% polysaccharides uv-vis, 10:1

092 cornsilk extract 玉米须提取物 4:1, 10:1

093 corus officinals extract 山茱萸提取物 4:1

094 corydalis yanhusuo extract 延胡索提取物 80% tetrahydropalmatine hplc, 4:1, 25:1

095 cranberry (n. america) extract 蔓越桔提取物

,酸果蔓提取物 4:1, 10:1, 25:1 5~25% anthocyanidins uv,concentrate 90% solids (90mx)

096 cranesbill extract 老鹤草提取物 4:1

097 curcuma extract ,turmeric root extract 姜黄提取物,郁金提取物 45%, 80%, 95% curcumin uv,30~95% curcuminoids hplc

098 cuscutae seed (dora) extract 菟丝子提取物 10:1

099d dahurian rhodoendron leaf extract杜鹃叶提取物,满山红叶提取物 25~70% proanthocyanidins uv-vis

100 dandelion extract 蒲公英提取物 3%, 4%, 10% flavonoids uv, 4:1

10%, 20% inulin

102 devil"s claw extract 鬼爪草提取物 3% hapagoside hplc

5% harpagoside uv

103 dryopteris extract 贯众提取物 4:1

104e echinacea purpurea herb extract 紫锥菊提取物 4%, 8% phenolic compounds uv, 4:1,2%-4% cichoric acid hplc,4% phenolic acid hplc

105 elecampane flower extract 旋复花提取物 4:1

106 elecampane root extract,inula racemosa extract,inula helenium extract 旋复花根提取物,土木香提取物 0.2% alkaloids hplc, 4:1

107 engelhardia leaf extract黄杞叶提取物 20%,80% astilbin hplc

108 epimedium herb extract

,horny goat weed extract 淫羊藿提取物 5%~60% icariin hplc,10%~60% icariins hplc

109 eucommia bark extract 杜仲皮提取物 20:1

110 eucommia ulmoides leaf extract,chlorogenic acid 杜仲叶提取物

绿原酸 5%-99% chlorogenic acid hplc

111 evodia extract 吴茱萸提取物 5% evodiamine hplc, 20:1

112 eyebright herb extract 小米草提取物 4:1, 10% flavonoids uv

113f fennel seed extract 小茴香提取物 4:1, 10:1

114 fenugreek extract葫芦巴提取物 40% hydroxyl-ile hplc, 4:1

115 feverfew herb extract 小白菊提取物 0.2%, 0.8%, 1% parthenolides hplc

116 figwort root extract 玄参提取物3% harpagoside (harpagide) hplc

117 flaxseed hull extract 亚麻籽皮提取物,亚麻木酚素 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (sdg) or flax lignans as sdg, hplc

118 fo-ti root extract,ho shou wu extract 何首乌提取物 2% phosphatide hplc,10% anthra hplc,4:1, 12:1

119 fortune eupatorium herb extract 佩兰提取物 10:1

120 fragrant landpick extract 玉竹提取物 50% polysaccharides uv

121g galanthamine hydrobromide 加兰他敏 99% galanthamine hplc

122 gambir plant extract 钩藤提取物 10% rhynchophylline hplc

123 garcinia cambogia fruit extract藤黄果提取物 50%, 60% hydroxycitric acid (hca) hplc

124 gardeniae fructus extract 栀子提取物 98%, 99% geniposide hplc

125 garlic extract 大蒜提取物 0.2%, 0.8%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 5% allicin hplc,10:1, 20:1, 100:1 (soluble/partially soluble)

126 garlic powder (granules) 大蒜粉(制粒) 0.2%, 0.8%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% allicin hplc,(soluble/ partially soluble)

127 garlic powder (fluffy white, low density) 大蒜粉(蓬松,白色,低密度) 0.8%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% allicin hplc (soluble)

128 garlic oil大蒜油 0.8%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% allicin hplc, 20:1, 100:1


129 aged black garlic series 老黑蒜系列 odorless aaged black garlic whole bulb,odorless aged black garlic extract powder,odorless aged black garlic extract liquid brix 16°,32°,65°

130 galla chinensis extract,tannic acid/ellagic acid,gallic acid ,pyrogallic acid 五倍子提取物, 单宁酸/鞣酸, 没食子酸,焦性没食子酸 80%,95%,98% tannic acid /ellagic acid hplc,99% gallic acid hplc,99% pyrogallic acid hplc

131 gastrodia rhizoma extract 天麻提取物 20:1

132 gentian root extract 龙胆根提取物 5% gentiopicroside hplc,

5% gentianin hplc, 4:1

133 ginseng root extract人参提取物 7% ginsenosides hplc, 80% ginsenosides uv

134 ginger root extract 生姜提取物 5% gingerols hplc, 10:1

135 ginkgo biloba leaf extract 银杏叶提取物 24% total ginkgo flavonol glycosides &. 6% total terpene lactones, &.< 5ppm ginkolic acid hplc

136 ginseng (panax ) extract 高丽参提取物 10~80% ginsenosides uv (korea)

137 ginseng panax root powder(white) 白参粉 korean white

138 ginseng root ( american ) extract花旗参提取物 80% ginsenosides uv-vis

139 ginseng(american) powder 西洋参粉 american

140 ginseng, panax root powder(red) 红参粉 korean red

141 golden rod extract 一支黄花提取物 5% flavonoids hplc

142 golden seal root extract 北美黄连提取物 5~10% alkaloids hplc

143 gotu kola herb extract 积雪草提取物 10%-40% asiaticoside hplc

10%-80% total triterpenes glycosides hplc

144 grape bunch stem extract 葡萄藤提取物 6% flavanoids uv

145 grape seed extract 葡萄籽提取物 95% proantocyanidins uv-vis

90% polyphenols uv

146 grape skin extract 葡萄皮提取物 5% resveratrol, 20~30% polyphenols uv-vis,30%, 60%, 80% proanthocynidins uv

147 glucomannan konjac glucomannan konjac gum 魔芋葡甘露聚糖,魔芋胶95% glucomannan gb methods

148 grapefruit extract 葡萄柚果提取物 5:1, 10:1, 25:1, 50:1

149 grapefruit seed extract 葡萄柚籽提取物4:1,7:1,20:1, 30:1,1.3% limonin hplc

150 green coffee bean extract.绿咖啡豆提取物 10%.20%,50%,99% chologenic acid hplc

151 green tea catechins绿茶提取物 20~80% catechins /10~50% egcg hplc

153 green tea egcg 儿茶素 70~95% egcg hplc

155 green tea natural theanine 茶氨酸 10%~98% natural l-theanine hplc

156 green tea extract 绿茶提取物15%-99% polyphenols uv,10%-90% catechins hplc,10%-65% egcg hplc

158 guava fruit juice concentrate extract 番石榴果提取物 4:1, 8:1, 20:1

159 guava leaf extract 番石榴叶提取物 4:1, 12:1

160 gymnema extract 武靴藤提取物 4:1, 25% gymnemic acids uv

161 gynostemma extract 绞股蓝提取物 20~90% gypenosides uv

162h hawthorn berry extract 山楂果提取物 2% vitexins hplc, 4%, 8%, 50%, 90% flavonoids uv,4:1, 7:1

163 hawthorn leaf & flower extract 山楂叶花提取物 1.8%, 2% vitexins hplc, 4:1, 10:1

164 hawthorn leaf extract 山楂叶提取物 2% vitexins hplc,2% hyperosides hplc,3% vitexins + hyperosides hplc

165 hedyotis diffusa extract白花蛇舌草提取物 12:1

166 herba lycopi extract bugleweed extract泽兰提取物,地瓜儿苗提取物 10:1

167 hericium erinaceus extract monkeyhead mushroom extract

yamabusbitake extract 猴头菇提取物 15% polysaccharides uv

168hibiscus flower extract 木芙蓉花提取物,玫瑰茄提取物 1-5% anthocyanidins uv, 4:1

169 honey suckle flower extract chlorogenic acid 金银花提取物

绿原酸5% -99% chlorogenic acid hplc, 7:1

170 honey suckle stem extract 忍冬藤提取物 10:1

171 hesperidin(vitamin p) 橙皮甙/陈皮甙/桔皮甙/二氢黄酮甙/vp 95%, 98% hesperidin hplc (hd &.ld)

n004 hesperidin complex,citrus bioflavonoids complex,lemon bioflavonoids complex,grapefruit bioflavonoids complex 橙皮甙复方,甘枸生物类黄酮复方,柠檬生物类黄酮复方,葡萄柚生物类黄酮复方, hesperidin+vc and other bioflavonoids (water soluble,antioxidants)

172 hops flower extract 啤酒花提取物 0.35% flavonoids as rutosid hplc

173 horse chest nut extract 娑罗子提取物 20% aesbin uv-vis

174 horseradish extract辣根提取物 10:1 with strong flavor.

175horsetail extract 问荆提取物 2~7% silica atomic absorption

176houttuynia extract 鱼腥草提取物 10:1

177 huperzia serrata extract 石杉碱 1%, 5%, 99% huperzine a hplc

178 hydrangea root extract 常山提取物 4:1

179i illicium verm extract,star anise extract,shikimic acid 八角提取物,大茴香提取物,莽草酸 98% shikimic acid hplc

180 indian chrysanthemum flower ext.,wild chrysanthemum flower ext. 野菊花提取物 5:1, 10:1

181 inlulin from chicory root extract 菊糖 inlulin 95% uv

182 instant black tea 速溶红茶粉 polyphenols 15%-20%

183 instant green tea 速溶绿茶粉 polyphenols 20%-50%

184 irvingia gabonensis seed extract,african mango extract,wild mango extract野芒果籽提取物 5:1, 10:1, 20:1

185 isatis indigotica fort extract 板蓝根提取物 60% indirum hplc, 10:1

186j jasmine tea extract 花茶提取物 40% polyphenols uv

187 juniper berries extract 杜松籽提取物 2:1, 4:1, 5:1, 8:1

188k kava kava root extract 卡瓦根提取物 30% kavalactones hplc

189 kelp extract 海带提取物

,昆布提取物 15%,30% polysaccharides uv

2% iodine hplc

190 kiwi extract 弥猴桃提取物 10% natural vc hplc

191 kola nut extract 可乐果提取物 8%-20% hplc

192 kudzu root extract 葛根提取物 40%-60% isoflavanoids hplc

40%-80% isoflavonoids uv

193l laminaria japonica. extract褐藻糖膠 40% fucoidan uv

194 lemon balm extract,melissa herb extract 柠檬香蜂草提取物,蜜蜂花提取物 2%-5% rosmarinic acid hplc, 5:1

195lichen usnea extract,usnea barbata extract,usnic acid (sodium)松萝提取物,松萝酸(钠)98% usnic acid (sodium) hplc

196 licorice root extract 甘草提取物 10~26% glycyrrhizic acid hplc ( natural extract)

197 ligusticum extract 篙本提取物 10:1

198 ligustrum extract 女贞子提取物 20% oleanolic acid (ole – acid), 10:1

199 lobelia intiata herb extract 半边莲提取物 0.6% lobeline hplc, 4:1

200 longan aril fruit extract 龙眼提取物 4:1

201 loquat leaf extract ursolic acid 芘芭叶提取物,熊果酸 15% polyphenol & 0.4% chlorogenic acid, 25~98% ursolic acid hplc

202lotus leaf extract 荷叶提取物 10% alkoloid hplc,20:1

203 lotus plumula nelumbini extract 莲籽心提取物 0.6% liensinine hplc

204 lovage extract 川芎提取物 4:1, 6:1

205 luo han guo extract

,momordica grosvenori extract 罗汉果提取物 80% mogrosides uv, 25% 30%, 45% mogroside ⅴ hplc concentrated juice 60° brix, 12:1,

206 lutein ,xanthophyll,zeaxanthin,marigold extract 叶黄素,万寿菊提取物

玉米黄质 3%,5%, 20%,80% lutein (xanthophyll) uv; 5%, 20%, 50% zeaxanthin hplc

207 lychee seed extract,semen litchi extract 荔枝核提取物 10%-30% polyphenols uv

208 lycium berry extract,wolfberry extract,goji extract 枸杞提取物 15%, 40%, 50% polysaccharides uv

209 lycopene,tomato extract 番茄红素,西红柿提取物1%, 3%, 5%, 6% , 20%, 90% lycopene hplc (powder), 10:1, 20:1

210 lycoris radiata herb extract 石蒜提取物 98% galanthamine hplc

所属分类:中国医药保养网 / 植物原药材
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