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长沙捷凯生物制品有限公司 商铺
中国 湖南 长沙市 人民东路111号长房东郡13栋3门1106室
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主要成分 Kavlactones 提取来源 卡瓦根
外观 浅黄至浅棕黄色 检测方法 HPLC
含量 30(%) 应用剂型 胶囊、片剂、汀剂
临床应用 抗忧郁 包装 25KG/桶
保存期 24(月)
product name
kava kava root extract
latin name
piper methysticum forst
plant part used
active ingredient
kavalactones (mainly including: kavain, dihydrokavain, desmethoxyyangonin...
30% kavalactones hplc
test method
case no
main function
anti-depression, relieves insomnia and promotes sleep

brief introduction
--- kava, awa, ava, yaqona, sakau
kavain (kawain)
chemical name:2r)-4-methoxy-2-[(e)-2-phenylethenyl]-2,3-dihydropyran-6-one
molecular formula:c14h14o3
mol. wt.:230.26
molecular structure:

kava kaka, or kava, (piper methysticum) (piper latin for "pepper", methysticum greek for "intoxicating") is an ancient crop of the south pacific. the word kava is used to refer both to the plant and the beverage produced from its roots. kava has been used by indigenous people as an intoxicating traditional beverage since ancient times. various preparations of kava have been marketed since the 1980s, especially in europe and north america to manage mild anxiety, tension, and restlessness. some reports also indicate that kava preparations may have analgesic, spasmolytic, neuroprotective, and antimitotic activities.

its active ingredients are called kavalactones. to date, 18 kavalactones have been identified, among these, six major kavalactones constitute approximately 95% of the lipid extract derived from the dried roots and rhizomes; these are kavain, dihydrokavain, methysticin, dihydromethysticin, yangonin, and desmethoxyyangonin.

safety concerns have been raised over liver toxicity largely due to the use of stems and leaves by supplement makers, as opposed to solely the root of the plant as dictated by
traditional uses.

the kava kava root extract used in dietary supplements is derived from the roots (not including the stems and leaves) of the plant piper methysticum.


• relieves mild to moderate depression
• relieves insomnia and promotes sleep
• mental support
• analgesic and spasmolytic effects (reduces overall sensation of pain)
• neuroprotective
• antimitotic
• anticancer effects


effects of kavalactones include mild sedation, a slight numbing of the gums and mouth, and vivid dreams. kava has been reported to improve cognitive performance and promote a cheerful mood. muscle relaxant, anaesthetic, anticonvulsive and anxiolytic effects are thought to result from direct interactions of kavalactones with voltage-gated ion channels. research currently suggests that kavalactones potentiate gabaa activity but do not alter levels of dopamine and serotonin in the cns. heavy, long-term kava use does not cause any reduction of ability in saccade and cognitive tests but is associated with elevated liver enzymes.

desmethoxyyangonin, one of the six major kavalactones, is a reversible mao-b inhibitor (ki 280 nm) and is able to increase dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens. this finding might correspond to the slightly euphoric action of kava.[10]

kavain, in both enantiomeric forms, inhibits the reuptake of noradrenalin at the transporter (nat), but not of serotonin (sert). an elevated extracellular na level in the brain may account for the reported enhancement of attention and focus.


kava kava root extract (solely root, no stem and leaves) is safe.
the kava extracts with stems and leaves are of liver damage.
chronic and heavy use of kava for a period of three months or more has occasionally been reported to cause a scaly, yellow skin rash and an eye irritation that disappears after discontinuation of the herb.


• the typical dose is 200-500mg per day (usually in 2-3 doses throughout the day).
• consult physicians for different condition specifics.

gni’s kava kava root extract features and benefits:

kava kava root extract is one of gni"s important products, with many advantages as list in the following, produced as our patent-pending process and know-how technology from piper methysticum roots only.
• produced with pure water only
• high purity: over 30%
• no solvent - residual free
• pesticide-free
• natural yellow or light yellow-brown in appearance
• high anti-bacteria, and longer shelf life

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