
野芒果籽提取物, 非洲芒果籽提取物, 水溶性纤维, 血清蛋白

信息编号:422218 浏览:517次
长沙捷凯生物制品有限公司 商铺
中国 湖南 长沙市 人民东路111号长房东郡13栋3门1106室
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主要成分 水溶性纤维, 血清蛋白, 黄酮 提取来源 非洲野芒果子果仁
外观 棕黄色粉末 检测方法 HPLC
含量 50(%) 应用剂型 胶囊、片剂、冲剂
临床应用 减肥 包装 25KG/桶
保存期 24(月)

synonyms---irvingia gabonensis, wild mango, african mango, bush mango,irvingia gabonensis(aubry-lecomte ex o"rorke) baill., irvingia malayana oliv. ex a. w. benn.,ogbono,etima,odika, ordika nuts

chemical name:dietary fibre (as inlulin)
cas no.: 9005-80-5

molecular formula:c6nh10n+2o5n+1

mol. wt.:polymer; depends on n

molecular structure:

irvingiais a genus of african and southeast asian trees in the family irvingiaceae, sometimes known by the common names wild mango, african mango, or bush mango. they bear edible mango-like fruits. the fruit is a large drupe, with fibrous flesh, and are especially valued for their dietary-fibre-, fat- and protein-rich nuts, known as ogbono, etima, odika, or dika nuts.

the subtly aromatic nuts are typically dried in the sun for preservation, and are sold whole or in powder form. they may be ground to a paste known variously as dika bread or gabon chocolate. their high content of mucilage enables them to be used as thickening agents for dishes such as ogbono soup. the nuts may also be pressed for vegetable oil.

the soluble fibre of the seed of irvingia gabonensis like other forms of water-soluble dietary fibres, are "bulk-forming" laxatives. irvingia gabonensis seeds delay stomach emptying resulting inappetite suppressant, and leading to a more gradual absorption of dietary sugar resulting in reducing the elevation of blood sugar levels that is typical after a meal. irviginia gabonensis seed extract is used for reducing abdominal fat as a new plant source of anti-obesity ingredients, and also used for helping anti-diabetic.

like other soluble fibers, irvingia gabonensis seed fibre can bind to bile acids in the gut and carry them out of the body in the faeces, which requires the body to convert more cholesterol into bile acids. this can result in the lowering of blood cholesterol as well as other blood lipids. controlled double-blind studies have shown that supplementation with several grams per day of soluble fibre significantly reduced total blood cholesterol, ldl cholesterol, and triglycerides and in some cases raised hdl cholesterol, these being comparable with effects noticed with irvingia gabonensis.

considering the wide use of irvingia gabonensis in the preparation of various dishes in cameroon, its use should be further encouraged for the purposes of control of dietary lipids as well as for weight reduction.

the irvingia gabonensis seed extract used in dietary supplements is derived from the seeds of the plant wild mango (irvingia gabonensis).


•promote weight loss by suppressing appetite


•lowering ldl and blood cholesterol

•help the immune system

•treat diarrhea


referring to the above information.


irvingia gabonensis seed extract is safe, no side effects have been reported to date, but relying on this type of treatment alone, and avoiding conventional medical care, may have serious health conse


•the typical dose is 300-1050mg per day (usually in 2-3 doses throughout the day).
•consult physicians for different condition specifics.

gni’s irvingia gabonensis seed features and benefits:

irvingia gabonensis seed extractis one of gni"s most competitive products, with many advantages as list in the following, produced as our patent-pending process and know-how technology from irvingia gabonensis seeds.

•produced with pure water only

•high purity: over 30:1

•no solvent - residual free


•brownish-yellow in appearance

•high solubility in water

•high anti-bacteria, and longer shelf life

product specifications:

50% dietary fibre hplc

10% flavanoids

7% albumin (serum protein)

5:1, 10:1, 20:1, 30:1

所属分类:中国农业网 / 植物提取物
野芒果籽提取物, 非洲芒果籽提取物, 水溶性纤维, 血清蛋白的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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