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温岭市韩程泵业有限公司 商铺
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品牌 韩程 型号 PHC-750A
材质 铸铁 驱动方式 自动
用途 增压泵 泵轴位置 卧式
叶轮结构 封闭式叶轮 叶轮数目 单级
叶轮吸入方式 单吸式 原理 自吸泵
性能 卫生 扬程 45(m)
转速 2860(r/m) 功率 750(w)
流量 40(m3/h)


普通离心泵,若吸入液面在叶轮之下,启动时应预先灌水,很不方便。为了在泵内存 水, 吸入管进口需要装底阀,泵工作时,底阀造成很大的水力损失。所谓自吸泵,就是在启动前不需灌水(安装后第一次启动仍然需灌水),经过短时间运转,靠泵本身的作用,即可以把水吸上来,投入正常工作。自吸泵按作用原理分为以下几类: 1.气液混合式(包括内混式和外混式); 2.水环轮式; 3.射流式(包括液体射流和气体射流)。气液混合式自吸泵的工作过程:由于自吸泵泵体的特殊结构,水泵停转后,泵体内存有一定量的水,泵再次启动后由于叶轮旋转作用,吸入管路的空气和水充分混合,并被排到气水分离室,气水分离室上部的气体溢出,下部的水返回叶轮,重新和吸入管路的剩余空气混合,直到把泵及吸入管内的气体全部排出,完成自吸,并正常抽水。水环轮式自吸泵是将水环轮和水泵叶轮组合在一个壳体内,借助水环轮将气体排出,实现自吸。当泵正常工作后,可通过阀截断水环轮和水泵叶轮的通道,并且放掉水环轮内的液体。射流式自吸泵,由离心泵和射流泵(或喷射器)组合而成,依靠喷射装置,在喷嘴处造成真空实现抽吸。

the working principle of self-suction pump:
normal centrifugal pump impeller if inhaled liquid surface, start in advance, should be inconvenient. in order to water pump suction pipe, memory, import needs bottom valve pump working, bottom valve caused great losses. so-called self-suction pump, is in start without irrigation (before the first start after installation to infuse water), still for a short time after operation, the effect on pump itself, which can be put into water, the normal work. according to the principle of self-suction pump function can be divided into several categories: 1.the gas-liquid hybrid (including mixed type within and outside the mixed type), 2 water wheel, 3 jetting (including liquid jet and the gas jet). gas-liquid hybrid self-suction pump working process: because of the pump suction pump stalled after the special structure, the pump body, being a certain amount of water pump impeller rotation due to start again, inhaled air and water pipe, and is fully mixing gas water separation chamber to water, air separation chamber of the upper spillover of water, gas, and the return of impeller residual air suction pipe, the pump suction pipe and until all the gas discharge, complete, and normal self-suction pump. water wheel self-suction pump water ring round is in a combination of pump impeller and using water loop, wheel, gas discharge self-priming. when the pump is normal work, but through the valve and pump water loop truncate the channel impeller, and put off the liquid water ring round. jetting self-suction pump, the centrifugal pump and jet pump injector (or on), spray nozzle, vacuum suction caused realization.


scope of application: self-suction pump:
1, suitable for urban environmental protection, construction, fire control, chemical, pharmaceutical, printing, dyeing, brewing, electric power, electroplating, papermaking, and equipment cooling, etc.
2, rocking sprinkler, can pour water into the air and become small drips to spray, farms, nurseries, is a good tool for orchard, garden.
3, suitable yuqingshui, seawater and with acid, alkalinity of chemical liquid medium size and general paste viscosity < 100 per cent (medium, including solid volume reaches 30% below).
4, and any type and specification of filter used for pressure filter, size of filter press machine are the most ideal.

  该泵均采用轴向回液的泵体结构。泵体由吸入室、储液室、涡卷室、回液孔、气液分离室等组成,泵正常起动后,叶轮将吸入室所存的液体及吸入管路中的空气一起吸入,并在叶轮内得以完全混合,在离心力的作用,液体夹带着气体向涡卷室外缘流动,在叶轮的外缘上形成有一定厚度的白色泡沫带及高速旋转液环。气液混合体通过扩散管进入气液分离室。此时,由于流速突然降低,较轻的气体从混合气液中被分离出来,气体通过泵体吐口继续上升排出。脱气后的液体回到储液室,并由回流孔再次进入叶轮,与叶轮内部从吸入管路中吸入的气体再次混合,在高速旋转的叶轮作用下,又流向叶轮外缘......。随着这个过程周而复始的进行下去,吸入管路中的空气不断减少,直到吸尽气体,完成自吸过程,泵便投入正常作业。   在一些泵的轴承体底部还设有冷却室。当轴承发热引起轴承体温升超过70度时,可在冷却室处通过任意一只冷却液管接头,注入冷却液循环冷却。泵内部防止液体由高压区向低压区泄漏的密封机构是前后密封环,前密封环装在泵体上,后密封环装在轴承体上,当泵经长期运转密封环磨损到一定程度,并影响到泵的效率和自吸性能时,应给予更换。

self-suction pump working principle and structural description:
this pump adopts the axial liquid pump body structure. by the pump body, reservoir, vortex volume chamber, liquid, gas and liquid separation chamber, etc, the pump impeller normal starting, the room will suck the air suction pipe and together, and in the impeller inhaled to completely mixed in only centrificating, liquid entrainment from the gas flow vortex roll in outdoor margin of impeller formed on the thickness of certain white foam and high-speed liquid ring. gas-liquid mixture through tube into the gas-liquid separation diffusion. at this time, due to the sudden reduced velocity, lighter gases from the mixture of liquid, gas was separated by casting pump body continues to rise. after the degassing liquid storage room, and back again by the backflow into the hole, and the impeller impeller from inhalation of gas pipeline, inhaled again in high speed rotating impeller, and under the direction of impeller tillu... . with the process of the cycle, the air suction pipe, and devoured gas, finish until self-priming pumps and investment, the normal operation. in some of the pump body bottom bearing with cooling room. when bearing heating temperature rise caused more than 70 degrees bearings, cooling room place in any one cooling fluid pipe joints, cooling fluid circulation cooling. by high internal prevent liquid pump seal leakage from the low pressure area is around before sealing ring, in the pump body, after sealing in bearing on the body, when the pump running through long-term ring wear to a certain degree, and affect the efficiency of pumps and self-priming performance, should give change.

所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 自吸泵
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主要经营:直流加油泵 ; 隔膜泵 ; 磁力泵 ; 直流潜水泵 ; 油水分离器 ; 屏蔽泵 ; 全自动冷热水自吸泵
温岭韩程泵业有限公司成立于1995年.本厂主要生产韩程PHC全自动冷热水自吸泵、屏蔽循环泵、增压泵等家用水泵,主要用于锅炉、壁挂炉、蒸气发生器、地暖循环设备等。公司产品远销东南亚,欧美,中东市场,深受 ...
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