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江苏春晨电缆有限公司 商铺
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Have you ever met, after wiring cameras installed, a power supply, there is no monitoring image! Troubleshooting software settings no problem, the camera itself is no problem, the switch is no problem, you have to consider the power supply and the line.

The line in , sometimes you have people not necessarily useful engineering! You have to use the most reliable tool: multimeter.

Today we're going to talk about how the multimeter detects the breakpoints of wires and cables. Although the probability of broken line in the new project is very small, but when maintaining the old monitoring project, the probability of encounter is very great.

Now the universal use of digital multimeter, we have done before, multimeter usage, here is not a basic introduction.

The breakpoint of the line is difficult to check: the line break point is only inside the line, and the external insulation bag is wrapped, so that the exact location of the disconnection is difficult to determine.

How to judge the break point of wire and cable with Multimeter?

Some people say it's OK to measure the resistance directly. It can be, a measurement, a barrier! It needs to constantly cut the cable to gradually eliminate, do not bother to say, when you check, the line has broken eighteen segments!

The correct method of testing cable break point, induction method and capacitance method.

Induction method:

1, the conductor core will be suspended, and will not lead to short circuit and electric shock accident; at the same time to ensure that the cable as far as possible from the grounding body (such as ground, e, etc.) far away;

2, select the perfect insulation core in the cable, connect the 220VAC phase line (FireWire), not the ground wire;

3, if you use induction pencil, then induction contact finger contact pencil, and can clear the charged body insulation test pen is normal. If you use a digital multimeter, the multimeter in 20 or 200mV file, in the red pen on a thin plastic insulating sleeve, hold the black pen; insulation test, and reading in the clear charged body; then move the charged body far, and compare the difference between the two readings; reading, usually in the charged body should have higher readings, such as 0.4mV, and away from the charged body is low, such as 0.15mV; remember this feature, you can test.

4, close to the test cable along the cable, when the lights dimmed induction pen, or multimeter reading decreased when the change is at the breakpoint.

5, test completed, attention discharge.

Capacitance method:

1, suspend all the insulated core conductors and armour layers at the ends of the cable;

2, respectively, at both ends of measuring insulation intact and broken core core insulation core of steel strip (or third core insulation intact core) capacitance value, and record the value; at this time, corresponding to the intact insulating core measured at both ends of the capacitor should be very close; the same fault core capacitor values should be slightly greater than in the same the position of intact insulating core capacitance value, only one or more breakpoints breakpoint, but is very close; if the same fault core capacitor values less than in the same position intact insulating core capacitance value, then there are at least two breakpoints;

3, according to the capacitance value of the broken core insulation core and the intact insulation core, the length of the two ends is calculated, and the length and the actual length may be different, and the next step is to re calibrate.

4, if the calculated length and is greater than the actual length, a length value is negative, if the length is less than the actual value is positive; then using capacitor fault core insulation core values, the difference of distribution, the share of the long short long correction, correction is short, the actual location of the breakpoint.

相关产品:JBQ电机引接线标准 , 电机引接线
所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 电气设备用电缆
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