插销牢固度试验装置 FP-1 插销牢固度测试

更新时间:2013-02-19 11:24:29 信息编号:2041453 发布者IP: 浏览:112次
广州市荔湾区泓田橡塑五金机器厂 商铺
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插销牢固度试验装置FP-1 Apparatus to verify the fixation of pins in the body of the plug FP-1 产品概述:本装置符合GB2099.1-2008图30、IEC884-1图30、BS1363标准的要求,适用于对插头插销的牢固度进行检验。 工位:一位; 砝码:50N1个、20N2个、30N1个、4N1个; 插座夹具:配GB/BS/USA插座等6个。 Products Information Product details:Model FP-1. The plug is placed on a rigid steel plate provided with holes suitable for the pins of the plug. The distances between the centres of the holes shall be the same as the distances between the centres of the circle circumscribed around the cross-sectional area of each pin in the standard sheet of the plug. Each hole shall have a diameter equal to that of the circle circumscribed around the cross-sectional area of the pin plus (6 ± 0,5) mm. The plug is positioned on the steel plate in such a way that the centres of the circles circumscribing the pins coincide with the centres of the holes. A pull P equal to the maximum withdrawal force as given in table 16, is applied, without jerks, for 1 min on each pin in turn, in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the pin. The pull is applied within a heating cabinet at a temperature of (70 ± 2) °C, 1 h after the plug has been placed in the heating cabinet. After the test, the plug is allowed to cool down to ambient temperature and it shall be verified that no pin has been displaced in the body of the plug by more than 1 mm. No.of Test Station: 1 Weight: 50N*1,20N*2,30N*1,4N*1 Standard Socked: BS socked*1,USA socked*1 Conform to standard: IEC 60884-1 Fig30, VDE0620, BS1363
所属分类:中国五金工具网 / 门窗五金
插销牢固度试验装置 FP-1 插销牢固度测试的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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