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河南省铭泰化工有限公司 商铺
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司名称: 河南省铭泰化工有限公司
英文名称: PAC【Polyanionic cellulose】

贸易信息: 价格:16000 元/吨

产品参数: CAS NO:80-628-56

产品品牌: 铭泰
聚阴离子纤维素(PAC)分子结构图聚阴离子纤维素(Poly anioniccellulose)简称PAC,是由天然纤维素经化学改性而制得的水溶性纤维素衍生物,是一种重要的水溶性纤维素醚,通常应用其钠盐。   聚阴离子纤维素有很好的耐热稳定性和耐盐性,抗菌性强。该产品配制的泥浆流体具有良好的降失水性、抑制性、较高的耐温性。广泛应用于石油钻井,特别是盐水井和海洋石油钻井。   聚阴离子纤维素用途很广,可应用于羧甲基纤维素(CMC)能用的所有行业,提供更稳定的应用性能。例如:1.可作为纺织工业中替代淀粉的轻纱上浆剂;2.造纸中加入纸浆,可提高纸的纵向强度和平滑度,提高纸的耐油性和吸墨性;3.日化工业中用于配制肥皂和合成洗涤剂;4.橡胶工业中用作胶乳稳定剂;5.此外,在涂料、食品、化妆品、陶瓷粉料、皮革等精细化工加工中,作为调厚剂、乳液稳定剂、结晶生成防止剂、增稠剂、粘结剂等。   《聚阴离子纤维素市场调研报告》对聚阴离子纤维素生产工艺,生产现状,应用领域,消费结构,消费现状,进出口,市场价格,项目投资等多方面多角度阐述,并在此基础上对未来市场需求和市场前景定性和定量的分析和预测。   物理性状:白色至淡黄色粉末或颗粒,无味无毒,吸湿性强,易溶于冷水和热水中。   化学性能:   1.高取代度:取代值0.85-1.4.   2.耐热稳定性:水溶液在80℃以下性能稳定,当温度高达接近150℃仍可显示一定粘度并可维持约48h.   3.耐酸碱抗盐:PH值在3-11范围内性能稳定,可应用于各类极性恶劣环境。   4.良好的相溶性:与其它纤维素、水溶性胶、软化剂、树脂等均可相溶;当PAC的取代度超过1.2时,逐渐显示油溶性。   5.良好的溶解性:用简单的搅拌设备即可较快溶解于冷水和热水中;热水溶解速度更快;速溶型PAC在数分钟之内即可充分溶解,大大提高使用的方便性和生产效率。   6.良好的稳定性:PAC水溶液具有光稳定性,保质期更长;抗细菌霉变性能强,不发酵。   7.极低的使用量:因PAC本身的高取代度和高稳定性,所以在相同使用环境下,其用量仅相当于羧甲基纤维素(CMC)的30%-60%,在一定程度上降低了企业的使用成本。具有较高的性价比优势;同时节省了原材料消耗,具有较高的经济效益和社会效益。   8.聚阴离子纤维素(PAC)的主要原料是精制棉,本身无药理作用,于生理无害,生产工艺绿色环保。   9.聚阴离子纤维素可以用于深井高温的井下作业。 Poly anion cellulose (PAC) molecular structure Poly anioniccellulose gather anion cellulose (as PAC, is from) by chemical modification of natural cellulose and preparation of water-soluble cellulose ethers derivatives, is a kind of important water-soluble cellulose ether, usually applied to its sodium salt. Poly anion cellulose has good heat stability and salt resistance sex, antibacterial sex strong. This product is made of mud flow has good drop lost water, inhibitory, high tensile strength.no staining residue. Widely used in petroleum drilling, especially salt Wells and offshore oil drilling. Poly anion cellulose purpose is very wide, can be applied to carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) can provide all the industry, more stable application performance. For example: 1. Can be used as the substitution starch in the textile industry tunic sizing agent; 2. Add pulp and papermaking can improve the longitudinal strength and paper smoothness, improve paper high conductiveity and ink absorbency; 3. Cosmetic industry used to make soap and synthetic detergents; 4. Rubber industry as latex stabilizers; 5. In addition, in the paint, food, cosmetics, ceramic powder, leather and other fine chemical processing, as attune thick agent, emulsion stabilizers, crystal formation prevent agents, thickening agents, binder, etc. "Gather anion cellulose market research report by poly anion cellulose production technology, production status, application field, the structure of consumption, consumption status, import and export, market price, project investment from many aspects elaborated, and based on market demand and market prospect future the quantitative and qualitative analysis and prediction. Physical properties: white to light yellow powder or particles, tasteless non-toxic, hygroscopicity strong, soluble in cold water and hot water. Chemical properties: 1. With high-substitute degree: replace value 0.85 1.4. 2. - in aqueous solution heat stability: stable performance and 80 ℃ below when temperatures as high as close to 150 ℃ still can show certain viscosity and maintain about 48h. 3. Acidproof alkali salt resistant: PH in 3-11 range stable performance and can be applied to all kinds of polarity environments. 4. Good XiangRongXing: and other cellulose ethers, water-soluble glue, softener, resin, etc. Can be phase dissolve; When PAC when the substitution degree, more than 1.2 oil-soluble gradually revealed. 5. Good solubility: use simple mixing equipment can be dissolved in cold and hot water rapid; Hot water dissolution rate faster; Instant type in a few minutes can PAC, greatly improving dissolves adequately use the conveniences and production efficiency. 6. Good stability: PAC aqueous light stability, the expiration period is longer; Resistance to bacterial mildew performance is strong, not fermentation. 7. Very low usage: for PAC itself with high-substitute degree and high stability, so in the same use environment, its dosage is only carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) 30% - 60%, and, to some extent, reduce the enterprise use cost. Has the high price advantage; Meanwhile saves materials consumption, with high economic efficiency and the social efficiency. 8. Gather anion cellulose (PAC) of main raw material is refined cotton, itself no pharmacological actions, in physiological and harmless, production process green environmental protection. 9. Gather anion cellulose can be used in the temperature of the deep underground work.


本公司设备先进,技术力量雄厚,主要产品有聚丙烯酰胺、聚丙烯酸钾、羧甲基纤维素钠、两性离子聚合物、乙烯基单体多元共聚物、广谱护壁剂,腐殖酸钾,抗高温抗盐增粘降失水剂,水解聚丙烯腈钾盐 ,铁铬木质素磺酸盐 ,植物胶,801随钻堵漏剂 ,单向压力封闭剂,阳离子聚丙烯酰胺,丙烯酰胺丙烯酸钠共聚物 ,低荧光防塌剂,磺化酚醛树脂、磺化沥青粉、磺化褐煤、无荧光防塌剂、防塌润滑剂、解卡剂,各种增粘剂,降粘剂,乳化剂,润滑剂,页岩仰制剂等各类化学剂,广泛应用于油田、采矿、造纸、纺织、污水处理等行业,年产值达3500万元,产品远销天津、江苏、安徽、陕西、内蒙古、新疆等地。



Henan MingTai chemical Co., LTD. Is located in northeast zhongyuan oilfield, and located in shandong province and henan provinces junction, north near the original novel wu3 song dozen tiger place - yanggu county, south near the Yellow River, is that year, liu DengDaJun south degrees north and south of the arteries and transfixion sideses jingjiu railway construction chat with high-speed traders convenient to have brought for traffic. Now has a staff of 180 people, including technical personnel 7, management personnel 11, set outside agency 5, fixed assets total investment 28,000, 000 yuan.

The company equipment is advanced, technical force is abundant, the main products are PAM, polyacrylic acid potassium, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, zwitterion polymers, vinyl monomer multivariate copolymer, broad-spectrum slurry-supported agent, humic acid potassium, high temperature resisting salt resistant viscosify drop water loss, hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile potassium, iron chromium lignin sulfonates, plants, 801 glue the plugging agents with drilling, theunidirectional pressure agent, cationic polyacrylamide, acrylamide acrylic acid sodium copolymer, low fluorescence prevent collapse agent, phenolic resin, preparing sulphonated sulphonated lignite, asphalt powder, preparing sulphonated without fluorescence prevent collapse collapse agent, prevent sticking-releasing agent, lubricant, various viscous agent, drop adhesive, emulsifier, lubricant, shale of various chemical agents such as tilting preparations, widely used in oil field, mining, paper making, textile, sewage treatment and other industries, the annual production reaches 35 million yuan, products are exported to tianjin, jiangsu, anhui, shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, xinjiang, etc.

Quality is life, nearly 20 years, the company always adhere to the "credibility for the purpose, to the quality strives for the development" business philosophy, always put quality first, well-paid graduate students as a high-tech technology research personnel, actively organize attend various technical exchanges, and strive to improve the technical level and product quality, continuously strengthening internal management, adhere to the principle of goods directly to each user to ensure supply of qualified products. And each big oilfield long-term keeps good relationship of supply and demand.

The good faith for this, to the prestige for the purpose, the company aims to sincere cooperation
所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 其他添加剂
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主要经营:聚丙烯酰胺,聚丙烯酸钾,羧甲基纤维素钠,两性离子聚合物,乙烯基单体多元共聚物,广谱护壁剂,腐殖酸钾,抗高温抗盐增粘降失水剂,水解聚丙烯腈钾盐 ,铁铬木质素磺酸盐 ,植物胶,801随钻堵漏剂 ,单向压力
河南省铭泰化工有限公司地处豫东北中原油田,位于山东与河南两省交界处,北临《水浒传》武松打虎之处―阳谷县,南临黄河,是当年刘邓大军南下度黄河之要道,贯通南北的京九铁路与在建的聊商高速为交通带来了便利。现 ...
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