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河南省铭泰化工有限公司 商铺
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浮选剂   浮选时使用各种药剂来调节入选矿物和浮选介质的物理化学性质,从而扩大金矿物或含金矿物与脉石间亲琉水性的差异,使之更好地分选,达到提高金回收率的目的。常用的浮选剂分三大类:捕收剂,起泡剂,调整剂。   1.捕收剂   自然界中除煤、石墨、硫磺、滑石和辉钼矿等矿物颗粒表面疏水、具有天然的可浮性外,大多数矿物均是亲水的,金矿物也是如此。加一种药剂能改变矿物颗粒的亲水性而产生疏水性使之可浮,这种药剂通常称之为捕收剂。捕收剂通常是极性捕收剂和非极性捕收剂。极性捕收剂由能与矿物颗粒表面发生作用的极性基团和起疏水作用的非极性基团两部分组成。当这类捕收剂吸附于矿粒表面时,其分子或离子呈定向排列,极性基团朝向矿物颗粒表面,非极性基团朝外形成疏水膜,从而使矿位具有可浮性与铜、铅、锌、铁等硫化矿物伴生的金,在浮选时常用有机硫代化合物作浦收剂.例如,烷基(乙、丙、丁、戊基等)二硫代碳酸钠(钾),又称黄原酸盐,俗称黄药。如NaS2C·OCH2·CH3,在含金多金属矿石的浮选时,多采用乙基黄药和丁基黄药。烷基二硫代磷酸或其盐类,如(RO)2PSSH,式中R为烷基,俗称黑药.   烷基二硫代氨基甲酸盐和黄原酸盐的酯类衍生物等也是硫化矿物常用的捕收剂。也是浮选含金多金属硫化矿的常用描收剂,常与黄药类同时使用.   非离子型极性捕收剂的分子不解离,如含硫酯类,非极性捕收剂为烃油(中性油),如煤油、柴油等。   2.起泡剂   具有亲水基团和疏水基团的表面活性分子,定向吸附于水一空气界面,降低水溶液的表面张力,使充入水中的空气易于弥散成气泡和稳定气泡。起泡剂和捕收剂联合在一起吸附于矿物颗粒表面,使矿粒上浮。常用的起泡剂有:松树油,俗称二号油、酚酸混合脂肪醇,异构己醇或辛醉、醚醉类以及各种酯类等.   3.调整剂   调整剂可分为五类:(1) pH值调整剂。用它来调节矿浆的酸碱度,用以控制矿物表面特性、矿浆化学组成以及其他各种药剂的作用条件,从而改善浮选效果。在氰化过程中也同样要调节矿浆pH值的。常用的有石灰、碳酸钠、氢氧化钠和硫酸等。在选金时,Zui常用的调节剂是石灰和硫酸。(2)活化剂。能增强矿物同捕收剂的作用能力,使难浮矿物受到活化而浮起。使用硫化钠活化含金的铅铜氧化矿,然后用黄药等捕收剂浮选。(3)抑制剂.提高矿物的亲水性和阻止矿物同捕收剂作用,使其可浮性受到抑制。如在优先浮选过程中使用石灰抑制黄铁矿,用硫酸锌抑制闪锌矿,用水玻璃抑制硅酸盐脉石矿物等、利用淀粉、拷胶(单宁)等有机物作抑制剂达到多金属分离浮选的目的。(4)絮凝剂。使矿物细颗粒聚集成大颗粒,以加快其在水中的沉降速度;利用选择性絮凝进行絮凝一脱泥及絮凝一浮选。常用的絮凝剂有聚丙烯酰胺和淀粉等。(5)分散剂。阻止细矿粒聚集,处于单体状态,其作用与絮凝剂恰恰相反,常用的有水玻璃、磷酸盐等。   浮选剂的种类和用量随矿石性质和浮选条件及流程特点而各异,可用试验单位提供药方(或称药剂制度),在生产实践过程中也可根据上述各种条件的变化而加以改变。   四、浮选设备   浮选设备主要是浮选机以及为实现浮选工艺的其他设备。矿浆经过搅拌充气,在各种浮选剂的作用下矿粒与气泡粘附,气泡上升、形成矿化泡沫层,被刮板刮出或溢出,这一系列浮选过程均是在浮选机中完成的。浮选机多由多槽串联而成。按搅拌和充气的方式不同浮选机可分为5种:   (1)机械搅拌式.有离心叶轮,也有的是星形转子和棒形转子等类型.搅拌器在浮选槽内高速旋转,驱使矿浆流动,在叶轮腔内产生负压而吸入空气。   (2)充气机械搅拌式。除机械搅拌外,再补充向浮选糟内充入低压空气。   (3)充气式.靠压入空气进行搅拌并产生气泡,如浮选柱和泡沫分离装置等。   (4)气体析出式。用降低压力法或先加压后降至常压的万法,使矿浆中溶解的空气析出,形成微泡.   (5)压力溶气式。利用高压将充入的空气预溶于水,然后在常压下在浮选槽内析出,形成大量微泡。   目前,在我国金选矿厂Zui常用的浮选机是国产的机械搅拌式浮选机。   浮选剂具有亲水基团和疏水基团的表面活性分子,定向吸附于水一空气界面,降低水溶液的表面张力,使充入水中的空气易于弥散成气泡和稳定气泡。   浮选剂浮选时使用各种药剂来调节入选矿物和浮选介质的物理化学性质,从而扩大金矿物或含金矿物与脉石间亲琉水性的差异,使之更好地分选,达到提高金回收率的目的。   浮选剂的种类和用量随矿石性质和浮选条件及流程特点而各异,可用试验单位提供药方(或称药剂制度),在生产实践过程中也可根据上述各种条件的变化而加以改变。
Flotation flotation using various agents to adjust the selected minerals and flotation medium physical and chemical properties, thereby expanding the gold or gold minerals and gangue affinity between two sulfur water difference, so that better separation, to achieve the purpose of enhancing recovery rate of gold. Common flotation agent is divided into three major categories: collector, frother, adjusting agent. 1collector in nature except coal, graphite, sulphur, talc and molybdenite mineral particle surface hydrophobic, with natural flotability, most minerals are hydrophilic, gold is so. Add a medicament can change the mineral particles of hydrophilic and hydrophobic to float, the agent is usually referred to as collector. Collectors usually polar collectors and non polar collectors. Polar collectors by the energy and mineral particles surface effect of polar groups and hydrophobic non polar group is composed of two parts. When the collecting agent adsorption on mineral particle surface, its molecules or ions was aligned, polar groups toward the surface of ore particles, nonpolar groups heading forming hydrophobic membrane, thereby allowing the mine with flotability with copper, lead, zinc, iron and other sulfide minerals associated with gold, in flotation commonly used organic thiosulfate compounds for PU collector. For example, alkyl ( B, C, D, amyl etc.) two sodium carbonate ( k ), also known as yellow acid salt, commonly known as xanthate. Such as the NaS2C OCH2CH3, in gold ore floatation, uses the ethyl xanthate and butyl xanthate. Alkyl two phosphoric acid or its salts, such as2PSSH ( RO ), type R alkyl, commonly known as black powder. Alkyl two dithiocarbamate salt and yellow raw acid ester derivatives such as sulfide mineral common collectors. Also the gold polymetallic sulphide ore flotation collecting agent commonly used description, often with xanthate used simultaneously. Nonionic polar collectors molecule without dissociation, such as sulphur ester, non-polar hydrocarbon oil collector for ( neutral oil ), such as kerosene, diesel oil. 2foaming agent with hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups of the surfactant molecules, directional adsorption in water air interface, reduces the surface tension of water solution, the water is filled in the air bubbles and dispersion stability of bubbles. Frother and collector in combination with adsorbed on mineral surface, make the particle surface. Common foaming agent are: pine oil, commonly known as the two oil, phenolic acid mixed fatty alcohol, heterogeneous hexanol or Xin Zui, ether drunk and various esters.3modifier modifier can be divided into five categories: (1) pH adjusting agent. Use it to regulation of pulp pH value, used to control the mineral surface properties of pulp, chemical composition and various other pharmaceutical action condition, thereby improving the flotation effects. In cyanide process also need to adjust the pH value of slurry. Commonly used with lime, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid. In gold, the most commonly used is a regulator of limestone and sulfuric acid. (2) activating agent. Can enhance the mineral with the role of the collector, the floating minerals are active and floating. The use of sodium sulfide activated gold lead copper oxide ores, and then use the xanthate, flotation. (3) inhibitors. Improve the hydrophilicity of mineral and prevents the mineral with the collector, which can make the floating inhibited. As in the flotation process using lime for suppression of pyrite, sphalerite zinc sulfate inhibition, inhibition of silicate gangue minerals such as water glass, using starch, gum ( single copy Ning ) and other organic matter as inhibitors for metal separation flotation purpose. (4) flocculant. The mineral agglomeration of fine particles into larger particles in the water, in order to accelerate its settling velocity; use of selective flocculation flocculation desliming and a flocculation floatation. Common flocculant polyacrylamide and starch. (5) dispersing agent. Prevent the fine particles aggregation, in a single state, its role and flocculant on the contrary, commonly used with water glass, phosphate. Flotation agent types and dosage with the ore properties and flotation conditions and process characteristics are available, experimental units to provide prescription ( or medicament system ), in the production process of practice is the condition change and change. Four, flotation equipment flotation equipment is mainly flotation machine and other equipment for flotation process. Ore pulp after agitating aeration flotation agent, in a variety of the mineral particles and the adhesion of bubbles, bubbles rise, the formation of mineralized froth layer, scraper scraping or overflow, this a series of the flotation process are completed in flotation machine. Flotation machine is composed of a plurality of slots which are connected in series. According to different ways of mixing and aerating flotation machine can be divided into 5 types: (1) mechanical stirring. A centrifugal impeller, also some of star rotor and rod shaped rotor type agitator in the flotation tank. In high-speed rotation, drives slurry flow in impeller cavity, generating a negative pressure suction air. (2) agitating aeration. In addition to mechanical stirring, adding to the flotation was filled with low pressure air. (3) inflatable. By pressed air agitation and bubbles, such as flotation column and foam separation device. (4) gas precipitation type. Using pressure reducing method or the first pressurized to pressure method, so that the pulp dissolved air precipitation, formation of microbubbles. (5) the pressure dissolved air type. High pressure filling the air into the water soluble, then under normal pressure in a flotation cell separation, formation of a large number of microbubbles. At present, in our country the most commonly used Jin Xuan refinery flotation machine is a homemade mechanical agitation flotation machine. Flotation agent having hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups of the surfactant molecules, directional adsorption in water air interface, reduces the surface tension of water solution, the water is filled in the air bubbles and dispersion stability of bubbles. Flotation flotation using various agents to adjust the selected minerals and flotation medium physical and chemical properties, thereby expanding the gold or gold minerals and gangue affinity between two sulfur water difference, so that better separation, to achieve the purpose of enhancing recovery rate of gold. Flotation agent types and dosage with the ore properties and flotation conditions and process characteristics are available, experimental units to provide prescription ( or medicament system ), in the production process of practice is the condition change and change.


本公司设备先进,技术力量雄厚,主要产品有聚丙烯酰胺、聚丙烯酸钾、羧甲基纤维素钠、两性离子聚合物、乙烯基单体多元共聚物、广谱护壁剂,腐殖酸钾,抗高温抗盐增粘降失水剂,水解聚丙烯腈钾盐 ,铁铬木质素磺酸盐 ,植物胶,801随钻堵漏剂 ,单向压力封闭剂,阳离子聚丙烯酰胺,丙烯酰胺丙烯酸钠共聚物 ,低荧光防塌剂,磺化酚醛树脂、磺化沥青粉、磺化褐煤、无荧光防塌剂、防塌润滑剂、解卡剂,各种增粘剂,降粘剂,乳化剂,润滑剂,页岩仰制剂等各类化学剂,广泛应用于油田、采矿、造纸、纺织、污水处理等行业,年产值达3500万元,产品远销天津、江苏、安徽、陕西、内蒙古、新疆等地。



Henan MingTai chemical Co., LTD. Is located in northeast zhongyuan oilfield, and located in shandong province and henan provinces junction, north near the original novel wu3 song dozen tiger place - yanggu county, south near the Yellow River, is that year, liu DengDaJun south degrees north and south of the arteries and transfixion sideses jingjiu railway construction chat with high-speed traders convenient to have brought for traffic. Now has a staff of 180 people, including technical personnel 7, management personnel 11, set outside agency 5, fixed assets total investment 28,000, 000 yuan.

The company equipment is advanced, technical force is abundant, the main products are PAM, polyacrylic acid potassium, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, zwitterion polymers, vinyl monomer multivariate copolymer, broad-spectrum slurry-supported agent, humic acid potassium, high temperature resisting salt resistant viscosify drop water loss, hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile potassium, iron chromium lignin sulfonates, plants, 801 glue the plugging agents with drilling, theunidirectional pressure agent, cationic polyacrylamide, acrylamide acrylic acid sodium copolymer, low fluorescence prevent collapse agent, phenolic resin, preparing sulphonated sulphonated lignite, asphalt powder, preparing sulphonated without fluorescence prevent collapse collapse agent, prevent sticking-releasing agent, lubricant, various viscous agent, drop adhesive, emulsifier, lubricant, shale of various chemical agents such as tilting preparations, widely used in oil field, mining, paper making, textile, sewage treatment and other industries, the annual production reaches 35 million yuan, products are exported to tianjin, jiangsu, anhui, shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, xinjiang, etc.

Quality is life, nearly 20 years, the company always adhere to the "credibility for the purpose, to the quality strives for the development" business philosophy, always put quality first, well-paid graduate students as a high-tech technology research personnel, actively organize attend various technical exchanges, and strive to improve the technical level and product quality, continuously strengthening internal management, adhere to the principle of goods directly to each user to ensure supply of qualified products. And each big oilfield long-term keeps good relationship of supply and demand.

The good faith for this, to the prestige for the purpose, the company aims to sincere cooperation
所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 选矿药剂及冶炼助剂
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主要经营:聚丙烯酰胺,聚丙烯酸钾,羧甲基纤维素钠,两性离子聚合物,乙烯基单体多元共聚物,广谱护壁剂,腐殖酸钾,抗高温抗盐增粘降失水剂,水解聚丙烯腈钾盐 ,铁铬木质素磺酸盐 ,植物胶,801随钻堵漏剂 ,单向压力
河南省铭泰化工有限公司地处豫东北中原油田,位于山东与河南两省交界处,北临《水浒传》武松打虎之处―阳谷县,南临黄河,是当年刘邓大军南下度黄河之要道,贯通南北的京九铁路与在建的聊商高速为交通带来了便利。现 ...
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