原装进口波尔多上梅多克宝旺庄干红葡萄酒Chateau Beaumont

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温州市韵品贸易有限公司 商铺
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品牌 Beaumont 产品类别 葡萄酒
葡萄酒类型 干红葡萄酒 卫生许可证 SP3303041010001143
净重 750(ml) 保质期 15(年)
原料与配料 葡萄汁 酒精含量 12.5(%)
葡萄汁含量 100(%) 含糖量 小于4(g)
生产厂家 波尔多左岸的上梅多克(Haut-Medoc)产区 原产地 波尔多左岸的上梅多克(Haut-Medoc)产区
特产 储藏方法 避光常温卧放或倒放
生产日期 见瓶身

chateau beaumont
chateau beaumont cussac(博美堡)位于波尔多左岸的上梅多克(haut-medoc)产区,是一间产量稳定,质量很高的中级酒庄(cru bourgeois superieur)。

chateau beaumont cussac从1842年起被大家认识,30年后建立了它极具文艺复兴风格的城堡。各知名人士不断地将保望庄提升到中级酒庄的Zui前端。etienne priou先生的到来,为博美堡带来了质的飞越,并确定了它在上梅多克产区的价值地位。自2001年起,该酒庄每年都能在葡萄酒大赛中获奖。
级别:优质中级酒庄(cru bourgeois superieur)
葡萄品种:52%赤霞珠(cabernet sauvignon)
4%品丽珠(cabernet franc)
3%味儿多(petit verdot)
副牌酒:chateau d"arvigny


in 1986, château beaumont started its 12th life with the arrival of the groupe gmf, which joined together with the japanese group suntory to create the société grands

millésimes de france, also the owner of château beychevelle, a saint-julien cru classé, the bordeaux wine-trading company barrière frères and the imperial estate of hétszölö in

tokai (hungary).
from 1925 to 1986, the estate passed successively from the della grazia company of milan to lieutenant colonel ignacio andrade, to the former venezuelan senator dionisio

ramon bolivar carvajal and then to bernard soulas, who entirely redeveloped the vineyard and restored the château.
from 1830 to 1847, the maison de beaumont belonged to the marquis d’aligre, one of france’s richest men, who tripled the surface area of the vineyard. in 1849, the estate

passed into the hands of the bonnin brothers who had château beaumont built in the mansart renaissance style in 1854.

in 1860, the comte de gennes, the great uncle of pierre-gilles de gennes, nobel prize for physics in 1991, bought the property. he sold it in 1872 to jean-victor herran,

minister for the honduras. the parisian industrialist joseph germain succeeded him in 1890 and raised the wines of château beaumont to the status of one of the leaders of the

crus bourgeois supérieurs of the médoc. he was responsible for the construction of the vat-house in 1894.the history

the wines of château beaumont are characterized by their supple; feminine structure, which is often silky. the tannins are generally mellow and rarely aggressive. all this

contributes to making the wine full of charm and finesse.

it can be tasted young, except for certain vintages which absolutely must be allowed to rest for a few years in the cellar.
it highlights the dominance of cabernet sauvignon on this land which is reputed to be among the best for growing this varietal... it is typical of the excellent garonne gravel

ridges which make up the land of the estate and thus the treasure of beaumont.

2004 vintage

although rainfall was insufficient in spring, july and august experienced normal rain, and september
was very dry. the temperatures were within the seasonal average, except in september, when they
were above 30°c during a five-day period. october proved to be damp and mild.

bud-burst occurred during the first ten days of april. flowering took place during the second week of
june in good conditions. half-veraison was noted around 17th august, which meant grape picking at
the beginning of october.

green harvests were carried out on the cabernet franc, the petit verdot and on the young merlot.
leaf-thinning was done for all the merlot and the cabernet franc.

unusually, all the grapes were picked entirely in october : from 1st to 20th. the merlot were picked
from friday 1st to thursday 7th october in clement weather conditions. after a four-day break, the
other grape-varieties were picked. yields were high and degrees of alcohol high overall, which means
that we have a vintage with interesting potential.the merlot are balanced with normal acidity (2.7 to
3.3) and high degrees of alcohol (12.8° to 13.6°). the cabernet franc are superb, giving high yields in
spite of the green harvests. the cabernet sauvignon were picked around 12°, quite honourable for
this grape-variety.

the blending is as follows :

château beaumont 46% cabernet sauvignon
48% merlot
4% cabernet franc
2% petit verdot

second wines 66% cabernet sauvignon
34% merlot
château d’arvigny, tours de beaumont

beaumont wines 2004 are very intense in colour, with a nose of ripe fruit, black fruit. subtle vanilla
aromas complete this complex palette.generous in the mouth, with suave tannins to bear witness to
the perfect maturity of this classic vintage.

所属分类:中国食品饮料网 / 葡萄酒
原装进口波尔多上梅多克宝旺庄干红葡萄酒Chateau Beaumont的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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