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pressure vacuum degree measuring instrument for measuring the soda beverage canned, co2 pressure, vacuum degree


note: the product has won the national new product certificate and patent certificate.


canned vacuum, sparkling wine drink, pressure measuring instrument to adapt to the department:


1, self-inspection of food manufacturers, the quality of the product.


2, the food hygiene supervision and inspection, scientific research and teaching.


3, customs, industry and commerce, prices, technical supervision, business department, import and export commodity inspection, quality inspection, etc


a, pressure vacuum tester main structure:

1、本仪器配有两个表头(显示器/2个表头,一个用做测负压一个用做正压测量)均为2.5级精度,y60 0-0.6mpa 用于测量汽酒、汽水、啤酒、饮料co2压力。yz60-0.1-0-0.15mpa用于测量罐头真空度及罐头胀罐(胖听)正压范围,用户可根据需要互换使用(严禁错用显示器)。

1, the instrument is equipped with two headers (display / 2 header, one for measuring the negative pressure is used for pressure measurement) are 2.5 accuracy, y60 0-0.6 mpa for measuring the sparkling wine, soda, beer, beverage co2 pressure. yz60-0.1-0-0.15 mpa canned canned for measuring the vacuum degree and bilge tank (swell) positive pressure range, the user can according to need to be used interchangeably (do not misuse the display).


2, connecting rod can be used according to the need to connect with (two sections, section)


3, trimming nut: used to adjust the plunger stroke, to determine the depth of the pierce.


4, thimble, is canned hxj8ml - 1 type vacuum degree, an important part of a sparkling wine beverage pressure measuring instrument, connected to the header used seal and the special treatment of the display (note the unblocked or prevent inner hole rust corrosion).


second, the vacuum pressure tester measuring range:


1, the canned food limited: 0.1-0-0.1 mpa


2, pressure of sparkling wine, soda, beer, beverage limited: 0-0.6 mpa


3, measuring height: 5 mm - 320 mm


4, the maximum measured diameter: 160 mm


three, vacuum pressure tester works:


the double function, manual, pierce.


pinhole outside the diameter of the sealant: 15-20 mm


sealing of measurable metal bottle caps, cans, etc


accuracy: 2.5 on the richter scale are unlikely


note: measuring co2 is look-up table data are obtained

pressure vacuum degree tester for measuring soft drinks, co2, degree of vacuum pressure

note: this product has been awarded the certificate of national new product certificate and patent.

note: this product has had been awarded the certificate of national new product certificate and patent.

degree of vacuum, carbonated beverage, pressure measuring instrument to department:

the degree of vacuum, carbonated beverage, pressure measuring instrument to department:

self checking products 1, food manufacturers quality.

the self checking products 1, food manufacturers quality.

2, food hygiene supervision and inspection, scientific research, teaching.

2, the food hygiene supervision and inspection, scientific research, would.

3, industry and commerce, price, customs, and technical supervision department, business, import and export commodity inspection, quality inspection etc.

the main structure, pressure and vacuum degree tester:

1, the instrument is equipped with two meter (/2 meter display, a negative pressure be measured with a positive pressure measurement) were 2.5 precision, 0 y60 0.6mpa was used to measure the sparkling wine, soft drinks, beer, beverage co2 pressure. yz60-0.1 0 0.15mpa is used to measure the degree of vacuum and can swell (swell) positive pressure range, the user can according to need to exchange use (no misuse display).

1, the instrument is equipped with two meter (/ 2 meter display, a negative pressure be measured with a positive pressure measurement) were 2.5 precision, 0 y60 0.6 mpa was 2 measure the sparkling wine, soft drinks, beer, beverage co2 pressure. yz60-0.1 0 and 0.15 mpa is 2 measure the degree of vacuum and can swell (swell) positive pressure range, the user can "according to the need to exchange the use (no misuse the display).

2, the connecting rod can be connected using (divided into two sections, section)

2, the connecting rod can be connected using (means into two sections, section)

3, the trimming nut: used to adjust the stroke of the plunger, to determine the penetration depth.

3, the trimming the nut: 2 adjust the stroke of the plunger, to determine the penetration of the depth.

4, the thimble: is an important part of hxj8ml-1 degree of vacuum, sparkling beverage pressure measuring instrument and meter, the sealing connection and after special treatment composition display (keep smooth or prevent hole rust).

4, the thimble, is an important part of hxj8ml 1 degree of vacuum, sparkling beverage pressure measuring instrument and meter, and the sealing connection and after special treatment composition display (keep smooth or prevent hole rust).

two, pressure and vacuum degree tester measuring range:

1, the canned food limited: -0.100.15mpa

1, the canned food limited: - 0.100.15 mpa

2, to the sparkling wine, soft drinks, beer, beverage: 00.6mpa pressure limit

2, to the sparkling wine, soft drinks, beer, beverage, 00.6 mpa pressure limit

3, height: 5mm320mm

3, height: 5 mm320mm

4, the measured maximum diameter: 160mm

4, the measured maximum diameter: 160 mm

three, work pressure vacuum degree tester:

three, the work pressure vacuum degree tester:

dual function, manual intermittent, penetrating.

dual function, manual intermittent, penetrating.

outside of the sealant pinhole diameter: 15-20mm

outside of the sealant pinhole diameter: 15-20 mm

measurable metal cap, sealing cans etc.

measurable metal cap, sealing as cans etc.

accuracy: 2.5

accuracy: 2.5

note: the co2 measurement is check the data

note: the co2 measurement is check the data


联系方式:010-57462905 010-57462906
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