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衡水明兴工程橡胶制品有限公司 商铺
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Rectangle sloping bridge rubber bearing is the first intermediate plate rectangular bearings to wedge plate, the wedge plate slope respectively: A-1.5%, B-2.0%, C-2.5%, D-3.0%, E-3.5%. and the support plate. The slope wedge slope shape spherical bearings and rubber bearings to overcome the general slope when using the force bearing are easy to void defects, improve the use security. Moreover, it is used for slope more than 10% prefabricated bridges with the general performance of the bearing plate, and has the advantages of simple structure, convenient installation, in the bottom of the bridge do not need to set the advantage of slope wedge, saving investment and so on.


Laminated rubber bearing and bearing pad stone installation, first check the rubber bearing pad stone strength (should comply with the design requirements, the top elevation of (+) 2mm and top four angle elevation 1mm), axis (5mm) and section size (+ 5mm), in the flat slope with a beam supported at both ends of the pad the stone level should be in the same plane, the relative error is less than 3mm, to avoid bearing skew, uneven stress and void phenomenon; check the appearance quality of second rubber bearing pad stone shall drain rib, voids, honeycomb and any crack phenomenon. Third install rubber bearing money, check the bearing appearance quality, length, width, thickness and product qualification certificate, do not meet the requirements, shall not use.


Fourth, install rubber bearings, first support pad stone clean up, must ensure that the stone pad formation. The design is marked on the seat in the center of the bearing pad stone and rubber producers, rubber bearings accurately placed on bearing pad stones, and bearing pad stone line. For the elevation of the plate support and the center line of the bearing center and the main beam (within 2mm), the abutment deviation of the abutment (10mm) and the elevation of the four angles of the support. Clear the rubber bearings around the debris, the beam board installation, basically finished.


The slope of rubber bearing structural features in the use of sloping rubber bearings, to use when the beam Tizong slope I>1%, general rubber bearing installation, must be at the end of the beam is consistent with the slope of the wedge plate and the bridge between the bearing (or wedge concrete pad), to keep the bearing flat. But the construction method of complex, labour and material consuming. For the design and construction of facilities, we developed a slope shaped rubber bearings, it is in the ordinary rectangular wedge structure, circular plate and circular plate type spherical bearings or PTFE slide on the bearing surface of the bridge with the addition of the slope is consistent, the wedge body with the bearing is integrally formed by a molded vulcanized the.


Bridge support plays a vital role in the structure of the bridge, it will be applied to the whole load of the upper structure of the bridge pier to transfer, but also to ensure the horizontal force acting on the bridge structure according to the design requirements of reasonable distribution to the pier, the actual bridge structure calculation and design of the force schema. For the engineering design, if the design parameters in the bearing when the design is not reasonable, and the selection of the types of support structure is not reasonable, will give the bridge structure in the use of additional great stress and deformation, can not meet the needs of structural stress and deformation, but also directly affect the safety and service life of bridge structure. The appearance of any kind of new rubber bearing has to be tested by a lot of experiments. After obtaining the exact data, the relevant design parameters should be determined to guide the designers to correctly select the appropriate products.


With the extensive application of plate rubber bearings on bridges, the importance of their products has been paid more and more attention. Therefore, we have carried on the science and technology analysis to the bearing selection, the arrangement, the design computation and so on. The purpose is to let the user obtain the better product. In this spirit let users rest assured, we regularly do support slope compression test and rubber hardness test, on the basis of the test according to the basic theory of rubber material and rubber bearing behavior, the establishment of FEA model, and the bearing in axial load conditions for stress analysis, combined with the support of compressive deformation test of internal data support and stress distribution show that the FEA model is basically correct, the results show that stress is uneven distribution in the inner support at the same time, we can also see the circular rubber slope shape rubber bearing protective layer can reduce the bearing internal shear stress.

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所属分类:中国橡胶塑料网 / 工业用橡胶制品
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衡水明兴工程橡胶有限公司是一家集橡胶支座,橡胶止水带,伸缩缝等工程橡胶制品为主的专业生产企业。公司多年来一直致力于工程橡胶制品及防水材料,生产的产品主要有:板式橡胶支座、盆式橡胶支座、桥梁支座、止水带 ...
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