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衡水明兴工程橡胶制品有限公司 商铺
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Circular plate rubber bearing is a bearing plate, and rectangular plate rubber bearing characteristics are basically the same, but the plane shape is round, with the same shear deformation, overcome the rectangular rubber bearing in some stress concentration phenomenon, deformation and rotation can be completed via the elastic deformation of the complex bearing rubber layer the upper structure. In the plate rubber bearing with special complex method of sticking a layer of Teflon plate (F4), the free sliding between the stainless steel plate and F4 plate beam bottom, complete displacement of upper structure, it has a rectangular rubber bearing function, because of its flat circle in the installation can not consider the direction. In the use of curved bridge, skew bridge, curved bridge, its advantage is more obvious.


Structure and properties of GYZ series of circular plate rubber bearings


Circular plate rubber bearing is composed of multilayer rubber sheets and thin plate vulcanization, bonding, it has enough vertical stiffness, can force reliable transfer to the pier top structure, good flexibility, in order to adapt to the rotation of the beam end; and a larger deformation, the horizontal displacement of the full structure. On the surface of the round plate rubber bearing, a layer of 1.5mm-3mm polytetrafluoroethylene round plate rubber bearing is adhered to form a polytetrafluoroethylene sliding plate rubber bearing. In addition to its vertical stiffness and elastic deformation under vertical load and can adapt to the rotation of the outer end of the beam, because of low friction coefficient of PTFE plate, the beam end in inward PTFE sliding surface, the horizontal displacement is not restricted; especially suitable for medium and small load, large displacement of the bridge.


Installation and construction method of circular plate rubber bearing


The cast-in-place beam installation ordinary bridge plate rubber support in the construction process more convenient, as follows: keep the pier pad stone tops clean. If the gap between the supports and stones is too large, the cement mortar can be adjusted. On the support pad stone, the center shall be designed according to the design icon, and the center of the rubber bearing shall be in conformity with the center line of the support pad when installing, so as to ensure that the bearing is in correct position. When the same beam needs two or four supports, in order to facilitate leveling, a layer of cement mortar can be laid between the support stone and the support so that the support can automatically level up under the pressure of the bridge body. In the pouring of beam before placing a slightly larger than the bearing plane of the bearing plate on the support plate, welded anchor bar and beam body connection, and part of the supporting steel plate girder as a template for casting, according to the above method, can make the bearing beam and the bottom steel plate and pad stone tops all. Stick.


Prefabricated bridge rubber bearing installation: key pre installed bridge rubber bearing pad stone is to ensure that the top surface of the beam bottom in parallel and smooth, and the support of the upper and lower surfaces all close, there shall be no bias, void and uneven supporting force. Construction procedures are as follows: handle support stone, so that the support pad stone elevation. The bottom surface of the precast beam and the support shall be kept level and smooth. When there is a slurry and tilt, it should be pre - compacted with cement mortar, leveling.


The correct location of the round plate rubber bearing allows the support and support stone to be accurately placed in accordance with the design requirements. When the frame beam falls, the longitudinal axis of the T beam should coincide with the central line of the bearing; the longitudinal axis of the plate beam and the box girder are parallel to the center line of the support. For the first frame in the fall beam accurately, cross slab beam or box girder, cross the center position can be marked two supports at the end of the beam, the lead line and mark the position the center line of two bearings in the end elevation on the beam, beam falling when the phase coincides with the position of the center line on the pier. The subsequent spans may be carried out on the basis of the first cross beam. When the frame beam is falling, it is necessary to be stable, to prevent partial deflection or initial shear deformation.


The installation of T type bridge, if the rubber bearing ratio of beam bar bottom width should be in between the bearing and the bottom beam reinforcement added support than reinforced concrete pad or thick plate transition layer, to support local compression, and the formation of stress concentration. Reinforced concrete block or thick steel plate should be bonded with epoxy resin mortar and beam reinforcement. After falling beam, in general, the support top surface and the beam surface remain horizontal. Prestressed simply supported beam, its bearing top surface may later incline; non - prestressed beam, its bearing top surface may slightly forward, but the angle of inclination may not exceed 5".


The circular plate rubber bearing not only has good technical performance, but also has the advantages of simple structure, low cost, no maintenance, easy replacement, buffer isolation, low building height, etc.. As a result, it is popular and widely used in bridge circles.

相关产品:橡胶支座 , 橡胶支座规格 , 橡胶支座报价
所属分类:中国橡胶塑料网 / 工业用橡胶制品
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