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林德叉车2吨蓄电池多数以完美型连接为主,24只/组, 采用耐腐蚀好的特种铅钙合金,同时采用特殊隔板能保住电解液,再同时用强力压紧正板活性物质,防止脱落,所以是一种寿命长、经济的电池; 由于电动叉车驾驶安全、节能环保效,在企业生产和储运的过程中,电动叉车的作用也日渐突出。各行各业对电动电动叉车的需求迅猛增长。电瓶电动叉车使用成本的很大一部分来自于电瓶,同一个电瓶,使用保养不同,使用的年限也不一样,相对运营成本来说也是一个不小的差距,电动叉车蓄电池寿命使用短是什么原因?   



林德叉车蓄电池作为林德配件重要组成部分,使用及维护决定他的设计寿命能否发回完全,林德叉车2吨电瓶容量必须达标,否则影响后期循环次数的发挥,当然也有其他原因存在影响,如下,电池初充电不足或初充电中断时间较长;电池长期充电不足(欠充电);放电后未能及时充电;经常过量充电或小电流深放电,电解液密度过高或者温度过高,铅将深入形成不易恢复;电池搁置时间较长,长期不使用而未定期充电;内部短路局部作用或电池表面水多造成漏电;  电池内部电解液液面低,使极板裸露部分化。Lind, how much is the 2 ton forklift battery 48V700Ah? Price of 30000 yuan in general, standard technical parameters: 832*631*784mm, E18P, E20P is a Lind forklift battery model, voltage and capacity, shell lens brand forklift battery supporting model 5PZS700, with Linde battery installation standards, reasonable price, excellent quality, service life of 4 years. The choice of Guangzhou Bay as Langsi Lind forklift battery supplier, the power can give you continual, warranty time for 2 years, regardless of brand whether to use, in accordance with the environment, a battery life of 1-5 years, so in the years 1-5 this time how to determine? Many enterprises are electric forklift battery up to 5 years, some even less than 1 years, the user data is worth reflection, after all, a set of traction type electric forklift battery price is not cheap, Xiaobian pick several arguments about vehicle transportation: because of short interval, frequent starting, electric forklift parking, the battery in the process of operation the power consumption is relatively large, and the vehicle charging system of charging current of battery to use relative to other vehicles. Long time high current charging battery will be in response to increased synthesis, cell gas evolution more, gas analysis too much will make the separation force between the active material and the grid landing, forming an active material and electric forklift battery electrolyte mixing, gas analysis at the same time, too much will make the gas pressure inside the battery. Such as, poor exhaust conditions, the battery internal moisture and acid gas in high gas pressure schleps splash out of the battery; and because other reasons can not be timely release of pressure, may have burst risk; because of its electric forklift vehicle body short, turning the corresponding small radius of electric forklift, battery on on the device, will occur in the internal battery electrolyte agitation effect due to centripetal force, local scour to the electrolyte can exhaust plug parts in the charging operation, false If the design or selection of the exhaust pin is not reasonable, the electrolyte overflow may occur. Because of the poor vibration resistance of the electric forklift, the device that requests the accumulator's exhaust plug on the battery is required to be firm. At the same time, because of the large vibration, are likely to form cell damage: battery internal cross wall welding parts or bus faults renders the internal spark, negative short circuit which can form the internal pressure of the battery cell excessive attack burst; at the same time, will be the formation of active material mechanical and electrolyte opacity.
Linde forklift 2 tons of battery most perfect type connection, 24 rats in each group. The resistance of special lead calcium alloy corrosion is good, while using a special partition can keep the electrolyte, and also with strong compression positive plate active material, prevent the loss, it is a long life, economy due to electric forklift driving safety battery; energy saving and environmental protection, high efficiency, in the process of production and storage and transportation, electric forklift has become increasingly prominent role. The demand for electric forklifts is growing rapidly in all walks of life. Battery electric forklift using a large part of the cost from the battery, a battery, use and maintenance, the use of life is not the same, relative operating costs is also not a small gap, the life of electric forklift battery short what is the reason?
First, the quality of the problem, such as reducing the amount of lead, battery each monomer battery balance is poor; poor balance will lead to the entire battery life of the rapid decay.
Two, the charger does not match, resulting in excessive charge and over discharge, which is the main reason leading to the battery plate. And the battery plate is the root cause of the life of the battery to be shorter.
Three, the use of improper maintenance such as "super two" discharge phase is the discharge current value, long-term exceeds the allowable discharge amount, called the "super two", which is one of the main causes of the battery plate, is very harmful to the battery life. The basic reason of the smaller battery capacity is that the battery plate is the basic reason for the shorter life of the battery. Battery polarity: the storage battery is used to store and convert energy less active substances, resulting in less battery capacity. There are several reasons for the plate forming:
Linde forklift battery is an important part of Linde accessories, use and maintenance decision of his life can be completely back to the design capacity of 2 tons, Linde forklift battery must be achieved, otherwise later cycles of the play, also exists, other reasons are as follows, the battery initial charge of initial charge is insufficient or interrupted for a long time; long enough charging (battery undercharging); after failing to discharge charge; often overcharge or small current deep discharge, the electrolyte density is too high or too high temperature, will lead down into the restoration is not easy; the battery use time is longer, not long-term use without regular charging; internal short circuit or local effects of cell surface water leakage caused by the internal electrolyte battery level is low; the exposed part of the plate.

相关产品:林德叉车蓄电池维修 , 林德叉车配件 , 林德叉车电瓶品牌
所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 蓄电池
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广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司是一家专业致力于牵引电源(电动叉车蓄电池)、储能电源(太阳能蓄电池)、应急电源(UPS蓄电池)、动力电源(高尔夫球车电池)、启动电源(汽车蓄电池)等领域蓄电池系统方案提供商, ...
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