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广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司 商铺
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三、 TCM蓄电池的维护及维修
1、 保证蓄电池在舒适的环境中运行
2、 定期进行表面清扫和外观检查

3、 及时调整浮充电压
4、 定时均充
蓄电池长期与市电相连,在供电质量高,很少发生停电的环境中,蓄电池会长期处于浮充状态,,时间长了就会造成电池化学能与电能相互转化的活性降低,加速老化而缩短使用寿命。因此,一般每隔6个月要对蓄电池进行均充一次。TCMTCM how much is the battery for forklift trucks? Different brands of supporting price positioning is not the same, different types of forklift, there is a big gap between the TCM forklift battery capacity price, generally require a forklift model to Guangzhou Bei lens to quickly provide accurate quotation, TCM is a relatively well-known Japanese forklift enterprises, as the main force of material handling equipment, TCM forklift to enter the domestic earlier. A lot of warehousing and logistics, mining, moving companies, factory premises are used, generally TCM forklift battery where there are sold? Sales in forklift maintenance, forklift 4S shop, Guangzhou Bei Langsi professional forklift battery for many years, the main supply of domestic forklift repair shop, forklift rental, forklift accessories shop customers, adequate inventory. The lead calcium alloy design allows the battery to have an extremely long service life, and can maintain the high energy of the battery even after long-term storage! Overcharge will greatly compress the life of forklift batteries.
TCM forklift battery life and maintenance decision is the following, do not be water, over charge and discharge, in order to complete the 1000-1500 times from deep circulation ability; TCM electric forklift battery adopted special lead calcium alloy with excellent corrosion resistance, a special partition can keep the electrolyte, strong compression positive plate active material, to prevent the loss, pure lead type plate with advanced technology, in has the outstanding advantages of forklift, high safety, double-sided coated cream thick plate, ensure the battery life and durability and is suitable for high rate discharge, the new super microporous (anti perforated) low resistance glass fiber cotton baffles reduce internal resistance of the battery, with more than ordinary batteries high 2 ~ 3 times the surface area of the electrodes, greatly reducing the internal resistance, mainly divided into two categories: lead-acid battery series tractor 158 VBS wide and 198 PZS wide, with the international advanced level The insulating sheath terylene tube, row to frame encapsulation plate, effectively prevent pipe explosion, piercing partition and battery slot bottom powder, easy to cause a short circuit phenomenon, thus providing the reliability of products, manufacturing process a number of quality control inspection, the advantages of lead-acid battery is caused by overcharge and overdischarge of the battery can be a slight injury, through a small current charging battery recovery performance, namely battery with self recovery capability, does not need a battery management control circuit complex. Lack of lead-acid battery in large volume and heavy weight, which severely restricts the vehicle mileage and speed, and the battery during charging and discharging with hydrogen emissions. Especially in the late due to a large number of electrolytic charging distilled water and release large amounts of hydrogen, it will pollute the environment of underground coal mine, and the battery in lead and acid It will also seriously pollute the soil and water, and endanger the living environment of the human beings, in view of the problems of hydrogen evolution and electrolyte leakage in lead-acid batteries.
TCM forklift battery reached the age after the initial purchase or quality problems of deformation, softening and shedding of positive active material, electrode surface or lead sulfate crystallization of cashmere, internal short circuit caused by corrosion of positive plate.
The main reasons for the results are the following:
1, battery manufacturers when the factory, the battery failed to test, resulting in unstable performance of the battery.
2, the city power outage, power battery can not be timely, depth of discharge, the call can not be timely charging, timely charging saturation on battery.
3, unreasonable installation, not easy to maintain, can not timely maintenance of batteries in accordance with the cycle, resulting in battery maintenance is not in place.
4, maintenance standards are not unified, artificial subjective factors, take it for granted that.
5, the battery room environment is bad, high temperature, humidity, the performance of the battery is greatly damaged.
Three, TCM battery maintenance
In order to improve the performance of battery and prolong the service life of battery, it is necessary to maintain the battery properly.
1. Ensure that the battery runs in a comfortable environment
Of all the environmental factors, the temperature has the greatest influence on the charge and discharge performance of the battery, and the electrochemical reaction at the electrode / electrolyte interface is related to the ambient temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster the chemical reaction inside the battery, the internal reaction of the battery into the "dead loop", the result can not control, affecting the battery capacity. In addition, with temperature compensation characteristics of valve controlled sealed lead-acid battery, when the environment temperature is 25 DEG C capacity of %, more than 25 DEG C, C every 10 increase the capacity of the battery will be reduced by half, while at 25 DEG C, with the temperature decreasing, the capacity will be gradually reduced. So the battery has a high demand for the surrounding environment.
2 regular surface cleaning and visual inspection
Due to the adverse environment of the battery, the dust accumulation of the storage battery surface is unavoidable. When a certain extent is reached, the circuit will be formed between the positive and negative poles of the battery, resulting in self discharge. At the same time, dust will plug the exhaust hole of the battery, resulting in chemical reactions of the battery, resulting in gas emissions can not be discharged, the temperature can not be distributed. Therefore. To clean the surface of the battery regularly.
While cleaning the surface of the battery, it is necessary to check the mechanical damage of the battery, especially when the power failure is resumed or the battery is reinstalled.
Check the battery cover and pole whether there is no leakage or seepage acid produced, the causes of this phenomenon are not seal or long time charging voltage is too high, resulting in copper sulfate and the corrosion reaction.
Check whether there is swelling deformation and acid mist escaping. Cell shape generally occur bulging or concave phenomenon, the reason is the reaction gas surplus of more gas circulation within the cell channel is complex, if can not meet the requirements of composite, composite as always will produce surplus gas

相关产品:TCM蓄电池 , TCM叉车电池 , TCM叉车蓄电池 , TCM叉车电池
所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 蓄电池
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广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司是一家专业致力于牵引电源(电动叉车蓄电池)、储能电源(太阳能蓄电池)、应急电源(UPS蓄电池)、动力电源(高尔夫球车电池)、启动电源(汽车蓄电池)等领域蓄电池系统方案提供商, ...
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