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3191453445.jpg迅启蓄电池品牌型号大全概括了全系列电动叉车,迅启蓄电池480Ah报价约为30000元左右,属于3吨电动叉车使用,80V电压,可配套合力叉车、杭州叉车、TEU梯佑叉车、TCM叉车等大吨位叉车适用,蓄电池关系着生活的方方面面,目前没有哪个国能够研发出代替蓄电池的新型产品。 以叉车铅蓄电池为例,其实际使用寿命只有2年左右,远不及其10年左右的设计使用寿命。据统计,我国每年报废的各类蓄电池达1亿多只,且年增长率达30%。一个中小城市报废的蓄电池数量达万只以上,大中型城市报废的蓄电池数量达几十甚至上百万只。因报废后的电池未能及时得到妥善处理,被任意倒置、遗弃,产生的大量硫酸、废铅污染了大片土壤和水源,直接危害人体的健康,这不仅耗费了大量的资源和资金,也对生态环境构成了难以弥补的损害。迅启蓄电池国内配套企业有杭叉、江淮重工、合力、柳工等叉车,产品主要以牵引型电池为主导,涉及范围包括:饮料食品行业、易燃设备、仓储、搬运、游艇、工矿、码头、库房等需求到以动力作为驱动的车辆。


二OO三年通过成功引进德国哈迪公司、英国氯化物公司具有水平的牵引蓄电池生产设备和制造技术,奠定了在国内同行业的优势。我国是电池使用、需求大国。为此,国务院协同国环境保护总局、国发展与改革委员会、建设部、科技部、商务部于2003年10月9日联合发布《废旧电池污染防治技术政策》,“政策明确阐述对于报废的铅酸电池应该如何处理防止污染”,“鼓励开展废电池资源再生的科学技术研究,开发的废电池资源再生工艺,做到了此项技术的开发并应用,且市场反馈火爆,需求大增。Xunqi battery 480Ah price is about 30000 yuan, to 3 tons of electric forklift, 80V voltage, supporting the Heli forklift, Hangzhou forklift, TEU forklift, TCM forklift hytsu forklift battery for large tonnage, relates to all aspects of life, at present, no country can develop new products to replace the battery. Take forklift truck lead-acid battery as an example, the actual service life is only about 2 years, and it is far from the design life of 10 years or so. According to statistics, China's scrap batteries each year amounted to more than 100 million, and the annual growth rate of 30%.

A small and medium-sized cities scrap battery number of more than 10000, large and medium-sized cities scrap batteries amounted to dozens or even millions. Because the scrap battery failed to get proper treatment in time, be inverted, abandoned, produce a lot of waste sulfuric acid, lead a large area of contaminated soil and water, directly endanger the health of human body, which not only cost a lot of resources and funds, it is difficult to compensate also constitute damage to the ecological environment. Xunqi battery supporting domestic enterprises have Hangcha, JAC heavy force, Liugong forklift, etc., with main products of traction type batteries for leading coverage include: Food & beverage industry, equipment, storage, handling, flammable yachts, mining, wharf, warehouse and other needs to move as power driven vehicles, using the is the pipe plate production, imported organ type ring seal, combined with the gas chamber design and with the flower basket type vent plug, effectively prevents the acid liquid leakage; after discharging recharge is strong, has a good charging efficiency; extremely tight assembly group, low resistance, large current discharge for long time design; lean liquid, gas recombination efficiency is higher. Forklift battery self-locking function reference cone terminals, transparent float type liquid plug hole by many years of experience of master hand welding connection, quality control of raw materials, high purity lead; connecting the battery cover and pole adopts lead tin alloy special, in the lug plate; the cathode adopts tubular plate (used in traction type); injection active substance; a stronger connection; high levels of positive and negative pole material, effectively prevent the loss and lack of antimony. Anhui Xunqi Battery Co. Ltd is a manufacturing company specializing in the production of lead-acid battery, the national "keep enterprise", "star enterprise", "high-tech enterprises in Anhui province", professional design, production and operation of nearly thirty years of practice, the company has R & D institutions strong technical strength and first-class, is the the largest and most complete variety of forklift battery production base. Xun Kai brand won the "Anhui famous trademark", "high-tech products in Anhui province", "Anhui free inspection products", "Anhui famous brand products"". Two, OO three years through the successful introduction of the German Hardy Co, the British chloride company with advanced international levels of traction battery production equipment and manufacturing technology, has laid the leading edge in the same industry in the country. China is a big country for battery use and demand. To this end, the State Council coordination of the State Environmental Protection Administration, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of construction, Ministry of science and technology, the Ministry of Commerce on October 9, 2003 jointly issued the "waste battery pollution control technology policy", "policy clearly stated for lead-acid battery scrap should be how to deal with pollution prevention", "science and technology research to encourage waste batteries recycling. The development of efficient resource recycling technology of waste batteries, Wan Shaode did the development and application of this technology, and the feedback of the market hot, high demand.


相关产品:迅启蓄电池 , 迅启叉车电瓶 , 迅启电池
所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 蓄电池
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广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司是一家专业致力于牵引电源(电动叉车蓄电池)、储能电源(太阳能蓄电池)、应急电源(UPS蓄电池)、动力电源(高尔夫球车电池)、启动电源(汽车蓄电池)等领域蓄电池系统方案提供商, ...
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