
信息编号:41457 浏览:143次
鹰潭市东方钟表元件有限公司 商铺
86 0701 5811125
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founded in 1984, yingtan dongfang watch and clock parts co., ltd. specializes in the manufacturing of various kinds of precision horologe, photoelectric, communications, electric appliance, automobile, meter, instrument, medical device, aviation and spaceflight components as well as the technical design and development of various precision components. in 2004, we established dongfang watch and clock parts (xiamen) co., ltd. to provide better and more comprehensive services for our customers.
  mr. jin jiangyou, managing director of our company, advocates the business philosophy of “striving ahead for the best”. we engage in the development and manufacturing of not only mini precision components, but also the components of precision machinery, hearing aids, aviation and spaceflight equipment. we are committed to offering our customers high-precision and top-grade products and have received high credits from our customers in china, southeast asia and hong kong, etc.
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  we cherish the management philosophy of “human-oriented management, cooperation for value creation” and the quality policy of “quality for survival, science and technology for development”. based on our rich technical experience, latest management philosophy, stringent quality policy and highly capable management team, we got iso9001 certified in 2000, introduced 5s management mechanism and won the trust and recognition of our  customers old and new. with the increase of our business, we are determined to continuously improve the company with innovation and provide fast, efficient and quality products and services for our customers.
所属分类:中国汽车及配件网 / 车身及附件
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主要经营:钟表零件 ; 仪器仪表零件 ; 航天航空零件 ; 通讯电子零件 ; 光电接插件 ; 眼镜配件 ; 汽车零件
东方钟表元件有限公司成立于1984年,是一家专业从事各种精密钟表,光电,通讯,电器,汽车,仪表仪器,医疗器材,航天航空等各种零件制造以及各种精密零件的工艺编排与开发的公司.2004年在厦门成立了东方钟 ...
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