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河北远东泵业制造有限公司 商铺
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●SN三螺杆泵特点:SN three screw pump features:
1.转子液压平衡,振动小,噪音低。1. The rotor of the hydraulic balance, little vibration, low noise.
2.输出稳定,无脉动。2. The output is stable, no pulsation.
3.高效率。3. High efficiency.
4.具有很强的自吸能力。4. Has a strong self-priming capacity.
5.零部件采用通用性强的系列化设计,具有多种安装方式。5. Parts versatility of seriation design, with a variety of installation.
6.结构紧凑,体积小,重量轻,可在较高转速下工作。6. Compact structure, small volume, light weight, can work under high rotation speed.

●SN三螺杆泵输送介质种类:Low SN three screw pump transmission medium type:
 a. 润滑性液体:如机械油,滑油,重油,渣油A. lubricate liquid, such as machine oil, lubricating oil, heavy oil, residual oil
 b. 低润滑性液体:如轻柴油,重柴油,含蜡稀油B. lower lubricity liquid, such as light diesel oil, heavy diesel oil, wax containing thin oil
 c. 粘性液体:如各种合成橡胶液和人造胶液,乳化液C. viscous liquid, such as various kinds of synthetic rubber and synthetic rubber, emulsion

●SN三螺杆泵应用:Low SN three screw pump application:
 •在供热设备中用做燃油,燃油供应和输送泵。In heating equipment used as fuel, fuel supply and transfer pump.
 •在机械工业中用做液压,润滑和摇控马达泵。In the mechanical industry used as hydraulic, lubrication pump and the remote control motors.
 •在化学石油化工和食品工业中用做装载,输送和供液泵。In the chemical, petrochemical and food industries used as loading, transportation and feed liquid pump.
 •在船舶上用做输送、增压、燃油喷射和润滑油泵以及船用液压装置泵。On the ship, used for conveying, pressurization, fuel injection, and lubricating oil pump and Marine hydraulic gear pump.
三螺杆泵(SN三螺杆泵,sm三螺杆泵,spf三螺杆泵)选型时,要尽可能详尽地了解泵的使用条件,除运行参数,如流量、压力须要弄清楚之外,输送的介质的特性如介质的腐蚀性,含气量含固溶物的比率及固体颗粒的大小以及介质的工作温度、粘度、比重对泵内过流元件的腐蚀性等和泵装置的吸入条件,安装条件均要了解。Three-screw pump (SN three screw pump, three screw pump, sm SPF three screw pump selection, should understand the using condition of pump as much detail as possible, in addition to the operating parameters, such as flow rate, pressure need to figure out, transmission characteristics, such as corrosive medium, the medium of air content of solid solution and the ratio of the size of the solid particles as well as the working temperature, medium viscosity, specific gravity within the pump flow components of corrosive and pump suction conditions, such as the installation conditions are to understand.
用户可以填写附在本样本后的泵数据表,由厂家负责选型,也可以根据样本按以下步骤自行选型。User can fill in the attached to this sample after pump data sheets, the manufacturer shall be responsible for the selection, can also according to the sample, follow these steps to selection.
第一, 确定泵的转速:(SN 系列螺杆泵的极限转速为<6000r.p.m)Determine the speed of the pump: (SN series screw pump limit speed for < 6000 r. p.)
1.螺杆泵转速的选择以输送介质的粘度和泵的规格确定转速范围,一般输送高粘度介质时,螺杆泵应选低转速;若粘度低 ,相应选择高转速。The rotational speed of screw pump selection for medium viscosity and determine speed range of the specifications of the pump, transmission of high viscosity media in general, the screw pump should choose low speed;If the low viscosity, high speed accordingly.
对于大规格的螺杆泵(主杆外径∮60mm 以上)For the large size of screw pump (more than 30 main stem diameter of 60 mm)

介质粘度γ>20°E 时,转速以970rpm 或720rpm 的螺杆泵。Medium viscosity gamma > 20 ° E, screw pump speed to 970 RPM and 720 RPM.
若γ>80°E 如粘胶液,转速可选n=200~500rpm的螺杆泵If gamma > 80 ° E, such as viscose, of optional n = 200 ~ 500 RPM of the screw pump
对于小规格的螺杆泵(主杆外径∮60mm 以下):For small specifications of the screw pump (below 30 main stem diameter of 60 mm) :
γ>20°E 时,n 选1450rpm 或970rpm的螺杆泵. Gamma > 20 ° E, n selected 1450 RPM and 970 RPM of screw pump.
γ>80°E 时,n 选300~600rpm的螺杆泵。Gamma > 80 ° E, n selected 300 ~ 600 RPM of the screw pump.

2.由于螺杆泵的转速愈高摩擦功率愈高,螺杆泵的磨损越大,寿命越短,如果输送介质的润滑性较差,或含有微量杂质,应选较低转速,使泵保持较长的使用寿命。推荐n<1450rpm。Friction due to the higher the rotational speed of screw pump power, the higher the wear and tear of screw pump, the greater the shorter life, if the medium of lubricity is poorer, or trace impurities, should choose a lower speed, to keep pump with long service life.The recommended n < 1450 RPM.
第二, 结构形式的选择The choice of the form of structure
结构的选择可根据螺杆泵的运行环境和安装环境,选择合适的安装形式并遵循以下的原则:On the choice of structure based on the operating conditions of a screw pump and the installation environment, choosing the appropriate type of installation and follow the following principles:
1. 输送润滑性油类,且温度T<80℃时,选择内置轴承结构的螺杆泵。1. Conveyor lubrication oil, and temperature T < 80 ℃, choose built-in bearing structure of the screw pump.
2. 输送润滑性较差,或温度T>80℃时,选择外置轴承结构的螺杆泵。2. The conveyor lubrication is poorer, or temperature T > 80 ℃, select external bearing structure of the screw pump.
3. 输送流动性差,粘度高的介质或对所输送介质进行加热或保温时,选双层加热泵体结构的螺杆泵。3. Conveyor illiquid, high viscosity of the medium or the transport medium for heating or thermal insulation, choose double screw pump heat pump body structure.
4. 输送高温介质时,应选择耐高温的材料制成的泵或局部冷却的螺杆泵。4. High temperature medium, high temperature resistant materials should be selected for the pump or cooling screw pump.

5. 关于螺杆泵的吸入能力可查阅样本。5. About the screw pump suction capacity can refer to the samples.
第三, 螺杆泵材料组合的选择 见上表Third, the choice of the screw pump material combination See the table above
第四, 螺杆泵的吸上能力Fourth, the screw pump suction on ability
通过降低转速或加热降低介质黏度的方法,可达到高的吸上性能,见NPSHR 表By reducing the speed or heating medium viscosity reduction methods, can achieve high on absorption performance, see the NPSHR table
第五,配套电机的选配Fifth, motor selection
螺杆泵的型号选定后,根据样本数据,可查到泵的轴功率N,该轴功率再加上一定的功率储备后,作为选配电机的依据,一般电机功率Nm 不小于泵轴功率N 乘以功率储备系数K 所得的值即:Nm≥K•N。K 值Screw pump model is selected, according to the sample data, the pump shaft power can be N, the shaft power plus the power of a certain reserve, as a basis for the matching machine, general motors power Nm not less than the pump shaft power N times the power reserve coefficient K of the proceeds of the value, namely: the Nm acuity k. N.K value

输送沥青泵 NYP7-RU-T2-W11沥青混合料专用泵 长春第二热电有限公司
燃油喷射泵 SMH80R42E6.7W23三螺杆泵 晖春发电有限责任公司
船用低压燃油泵 SMH80R42E6.7W23三螺杆泵 鸡西热电有限责任公司
输送汽油泵 SMH80R42E6.7机械密封 佳木斯第二发电厂
高粘度乳液泵 NYP220B-RU-T1-W11高粘度液体齿轮泵 台河第一电厂
燃料油供料泵 SMH80R46E6.7W23螺杆泵 江苏徐塘发电有限公司
造船厂主机润滑泵 SNF940R46U12.1W2三螺杆泵 安徽省淮北发电厂
输送柴油泵 SNH120R46U12.1W23机械密封 安徽淮南洛能发电公司
沥青加压输送泵 NYP3.6-RU-T1-W11高粘度抽料泵 安阳华祥电力有限公司
输送乳油泵 SNH1300L46U12.1W2三螺杆泵 许昌龙岗发电有限公司
输送原油泵 YCB10圆弧齿轮泵 华银电力株洲发电厂
沥青溶剂泵 SNH2200R42U12.1W2三螺杆泵 华银株洲发电公司
输送炭黑油泵 SNH2200R46E6.7W21三螺杆泵 金竹山电厂
输送脂肪酸泵 SNH280R54E6.7W21泵头 华银金竹山火力发电
炭黑油输送泵 KCB55齿轮泵 湘潭发电有限责任公司
输送树胶溶液泵 G40-1V-W110单螺杆泵 湖南省耒阳发电厂
输送燃料油泵 SNH40R38U12.1W21三螺杆泵 灞桥热电有限责任公司
输送液压油泵 SNH40R38U12.1W21三螺杆泵 灞桥热电厂
输送炼油泵 2CG5硬齿面渣油泵 陕西渭河发电厂
输送粘合剂泵 SNH440R46E6.7W21三螺杆泵 陕西延安发电厂
倒油泵 W2.1ZK11M1W73双螺杆泵 陕西韩城发电厂
输送胶乳泵 SNH660L51U12.1W2三螺杆泵 永昌发电厂
锅炉点火油泵 SNH80R46E6.7W21三螺杆泵 甘肃甘谷发电厂
输送胶水泵 NYP110-RU-T1-W11高粘度泵 甘肃八0三发电厂
热火装置点火油泵 SNH80R46E6.7W21三螺杆泵 甘肃连城发电厂
桐油输送泵 SNH80R46E6.7W21三螺杆泵 甘肃兰西热电有限公司
输送润滑油泵 SNH80R46E6.7W21三螺杆泵 广西桂冠电力股份公司
输送重油泵 SNH80R46E6.7W21三螺杆泵 桂冠大化水力发电总厂
渣油装车泵 SNH940R46E6.7W21泵头 广西岩滩水电厂
输送石油泵 SNS210R46U12.1W2立式三螺杆泵 陈村水力发电厂

所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 螺杆泵
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