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制各类机械或生产过程。用户编制的控制程序表达了生产过程的工艺要求,并事先存入plc的用户程序存储器中。运行时按存储程序的内容逐条执行,以完成工艺流程要求的操作。plc的cpu内有指示程序步存储地址的程序计数器,在程序运行过程中,执行一步该计数器自动加1,程序从起始步(步序号为零)起依次执行到Zui终步(通常为end指令),然后再返回起始步循环运算。plc每完成一次循环操作所需的时间称为一个扫描周期。不同型号的plc,循环扫描周期在1微秒到几十微秒之间。程序计数器这样的循环操作,这是dcs所没有的。这也是使plc的冗余不如dcs的原因。dcs是在运算放大器的基础上得以发展的。把所有的函数和过程变量之间的关系都做成功能块(有的dcs系统称为膨化块)。dcs和plc的表现的主要差别是在开关量的逻辑解算和模拟量的运算上,即使后来两者相互有些渗透,但是还是有区别。80年代以后,plc除逻辑运算外,控制回路用的算法功能已经大大加强,但 plc用梯形图编程,模拟量的运算在编程时不太直观,编程比较麻烦。但在解算逻辑方面,表现出快速的优点,在微秒量级,解算1k逻辑程序不到1毫秒。它把所有的输入都当成开关量来处理,16位(也有32位的)为一个模拟量。而dcs把所有输入都当成模拟量,1位就是开关量。解算一个逻辑是在几百微秒至几毫秒量级。对于plc解算一个pid运算在几十毫秒,这与dcs的运算时间不相上下。 reliance lorain automax 57401-1 drive digital i/o mod

reliance lorain automax 57405 drive analog i/o module

reliance lorain automax 57406 drive controller module

modicon as-hdta-200 5 slot subrack (backplane)

reliance lorain automax 57408-1 power module interface

allen bradley flex i-o 1794-if-41 isolated analogue input 96369072

allen bradley flex i-o 1794df41 isolated analogue output 9626580

allen bradley flex i-o 1794ob32p 24 vdc source protected 95760801 1794-ob32p

abb bailey ntpl01 abb automation circuit board pcb

allen bradley flex i-o 1794ib32 24 vdc sink input 95760701 1794-ib32

abb bailey nta102  infi 90 analog input termination unit 

abb bailey ntrl02 termination board

allen bradley flex i-o 1794it8 cold junction compensator tc rtd input 8 channel 

abb bailey ntcs02 control module terminal unit 3amp 24vdc

allen bradley flex i-o 1794it8  tc rtd input 8 channel part number  96164274

abb bailey ntls01 network 90 logic sta term unit +24vdc 0.9a

allen bradley flex i-o 1794irt8  tc rtd input 8 channel part number  96422074

siemens op393-111 plc operator control panel 6es5393-0ua15

siemens op 393-11 6es5-393-0ua11 plc operator panel

novus universal process controller n1100 8110000120 temperature control

abb bailey ntcl01 network 90 comm loop termination unit

abb bailey ntdo01 network 90 power output termination unit +24vdc 0.25a

bently nevada 2789-168

nippon denso cu 2060 496320 0170 instrument barcode batch scan dataterminal

siemens simovert transistor pulse-inverter drive d415  

toledo load cell simulator 

abb 800k003-2 control kit, temperature for process gas chromatograph new

reliance automate output card 0-52712-13 0527123 5271213

bailey stt02 terminal programer communicator 9v dc 100ma 

bently nevada 330908-09-51-02-05

toshiba ex10 mai-31 analog input module 

bently nevada 330908-09-95-02-05 nsv probe

crompton 264-atv-b-2-ip-vs-gn  scaled vertical display dc 24v 4-20ma nib

siemens pg 615 international 6es5 615-0ua 11 programmer simatic s5 

toshiba ex10 mdi-32  bi directional input module nib

toshiba ex10 mdi-31 16pt dc/ac input module nib

modicon as-p120-000 ac power converter / power supply

modicon  aeg as bdau 202 analogue output module

modicon  as-bdap 216 digital output module

omron heater element fault detector k2cu-f10a-egs load monitoring relay

allen bradley guardmaster safety relay msr14t mintaur guard master 

allen bradley flex i-o 1794-de4  analogue output on 1794-tb3 terminal base 

allen bradley flex i-o 1794-ieb analogue input module 

allen bradley flex io control net 1794-acnr15 redundant media adapter

allen bradley flex io control net 1756-enbt a communications bridge

schmersal  safety relay srb 301lc/b 

allen bradley flex io control net 1756-l61 b controllogix 5561 processor 13837

schmersal safety relay module aes 1135 nhp res1135 

allen bradley flex io control net 1756-cnbr e communications bridge pn49668

toshiba ex10 mlk11 tosline-30 datalink card 187.5kbps nib

toshiba ex10min 61 input module ex100/t2  nib

toshiba ex10 mpi 21 input module pulse  nib

hbm c16ac3/30t pendulum load cell emax 30t emin 0kg elim 45t vmin 3kg cn 2mvv

bently nevada 330180-90-05 /330180-70-05 /330180-50-05

klockner moeller ebe 272.2-2 analogue input module

toshiba ex10  eu b4 four slot rack nib

kingfisher ai-1 analog - 8-channel i/o module

kingfisher ai-4 analog - 8-channel i/o module

 kingfisher pc-1 rtu plc processor module with integrated power supply

 kingfisher ba-40 4 slot back plane rtu plc

siemens m1 gsm modem module s24859-c4000-a1-1 sms modem

modicon  as-bdap 216n 2x8 24 vdc output current source

modicon  as-bdap 218 16pt digital output module

mistubishi melsec  plc a1sx80 dc input module 

mitsubishi melsec ax11

mistubishi melsec a62p psu

modicon as-bdep 218 discrete input module 115v

action controls plc analogue input processor ps ain4 13472 cpu3 15045 ps3 16323 

modicon as-bdep 216 discrete input module 16x24vdc

mitsubishi melsec aj71uc24 data link 

allen bradley 1794-l34 flex logix 5434 processor with ethernet module

apc a2d-428 16 channel  analogue to digital converter 

apc d2a-430 16 channel digital to analogue converter 

modicon 990nad 21130 modbus plus drop cable 6m

modicon as bnul prewiring unit

mitsubishi freqrol vsd inverter drive fr-z024-0.4k-ul   0.4kw

abb bailey ntmf01 termination module net90 .25amp 24vdc

abb bailey ntcu01 interface termination unit plant loop to computer

abb bailey ntai03 pc board term module net 90

industrial foot pedal switch

modicon  tsx momentum 172jnn 21032

abb bailey ntcs04 termination module net 90 infi 90

abb bailey ntd101 pc board termination plc

modicon as-hdta-201 5 slot secondary subrack(backplane)

multipin cable loom wiring suit reliance automax plc 612411- 612410- 612408- 60r

modicon as-8535-000 high / low density connector

ned mega20a machine vision robot safety camera image processor

pneumatic control box allen bradley micrologix plc valve manifolds rittal enclos

babcock engineering 33/car/6 boiler interlock card 9919 iss f

babcock engineering 2.4.fe flame monitor pcb 9928 issue k

prologic pl std 7000 x4272-10740 7701 ram pcb

autonics tos-b4rk4c thermocouple k 400c 100-240 vac analog temperature control

foxboro at009ckn / at009cf-j detector current pwa

autonics t3s-b4rk4c thermocouple k 399c 100-240 vac proportional temp control

autonics at8n analog timer 100-240vac/24-240vdc 6 mode, multi range

foxboro model 10-955-7 micro detector


相关产品:FBM223 , 福克斯波罗FBM223
所属分类:中国电工电气网 / PLC
FBM223的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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