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河北华诺机械铸造有限公司 商铺
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     专业承揽斜体车床床身的加工,还有铸造。  我们模具+铸造+加工+装配+一条龙服务,不让您多花一分冤枉钱。
     广交天下国内外朋友,欢迎新老用户前来光临指导!电话:    .刘先生。

公  司  简  介
 大炉工段由技术人员同老工艺师经过长期科学实践制定完善了对各种牌号铸件,进行炉后配料及炉前铁水孕育和合金化处理的严格成熟工艺,对准确达到各种牌号铸件的分析奠定了坚实的基础,铸造厂区可提供单重80吨,各种牌号铸件,年铸造能力达到10000吨以上,重型机加工车间大平面机加工尺寸可达16×5×2.5(长×宽×高)米,大件机加工设备有:b2116、b2025、b2020a/1龙门刨床5台,xl2020、x2125、x3038龙门铣床6台, z3040、z3080摇臂钻床4台,5m  8m端面铣床2台,及车、铣、磨、镗等普通设备45余台套。
传承中华 千金一诺是我公司的寓意所在,愿与您在诚实守信互惠互利的 基础上携手共进共同发展!
企  业  文  化
 enterprise culture
 细节决定成败   品质铸就未来
 以完美品质开拓市场  以诚信经营赢得客户


company jane interface
carnot machinery casting co., ltd. hebei china brand patent products are: 1. china's independent brand flat measuring tool, large cast iron platform, test platform, combined platform for assembling, etc.2. jiaohe & reg;is for my company production of various high quality cast iron and all kinds of plane milling machine tool machine registered trademark, is our hometown of potow jiaohe casting the sublimation of quality products.jiaohe & reg;high quality products, china & reg;mechanical casting become famous town of the casting quality product endorsement.3. patent product patent no. 20110434975.7 i have a company car suspension test platform of patented technology for the domestic and foreign big auto industry application tailored, convenient and practical benefits.also has independent import and export right, products are exported to overseas dozens of countries, more than 20 domestic provinces and cities autonomous region.4. because the above advantages we help clients customized machine, gantry mould + casting + machining, assembly = one-stop services, benefit the customer.5. distribution of customer production of various machine tools, qiangqiang cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results.
our company has passed iso9001 certification is a medium-sized local heavy machinery manufacturing enterprises, with more than 20 years of production experience by fine instrument of botou city workers gauge factory restructuring.covers an area of 14000 square meters, construction area of 14000 square meters, the perennial on-the-job employees 200 people, including various types of professional and technical personnel 150 people, senior titles 6 people, intermediate title 12 people, machining, heat treatment workshop, especially has great capacity of casting foundry and machining workshop, large machining capability advantages, in the same industry leading position in the region.modelling of casting workshop area of 3000 square meters, equipped with 20 t, 40 t crown two each, each a 10 t, 15 t cupola, 4 * 7 * 3 m (width * length * height) two drying kiln, 13 x 4 x 4 m (width * length * height) annealing kiln, a universal relay experiment of 100 t, 50 t vibration aging instrument, there are standard perfect physics and chemical office and material testing machine, and quick test equipment and methods before furnace, adjust the molten iron grade meet the material requirements for rapid content of various elements provides a reliable guarantee.
big furnace section by technical personnel with the old craftsmen through long-term scientific practice make perfect for various brands of castings, ingredients after furnace and furnace hot metal before inoculation and alloying of mature technology, strictly for accurate to the analysis of the various brands of castings laid a solid foundation, the casting factory can provide single weighs 80 tons, all kinds of casting, casting capacity of 10000 tons of heavy machining large plane machining dimension can be up to 16 * 5 * 2.5 (length x width x) m tall, big machining equipment has: b2116, b2025, 5, 1 double housing planer b2020a/xl2020, x2125, x3038 gantry milling machine 6 units, z3040, z3080 radial drilling machine 4 units, 5 m 8 m end milling machine 2 sets, and the car, milling, grinding, boring and other general equipment more than 45 sets.
since established our company in the production of non-standard products and tablet measuring tool manufacturing process and many large enterprises across the country for business cooperation, our company advanced inspection methods, casting test equipments, holding provincial and municipal recognition plate measuring production license, the company manufacturing 3 * 6, 3 x 8 meters large flat-panel marketing throughout the country, manufacturing quality to win the user's high praise, under the guidance of relevant state design institute, i company assist in beijing institute of tsinghua university and the national major auto industry built laboratory equipment.over the years, we at reasonable prices, quality products, timely after-sale service for my company's reputation in the field of manufacturing, the national brothers factory also work given strong support to us, make my company the economic benefits of machinery industry in a leading in cangzhou area
inheriting the commit is the moral of our company, willing to work with you in honest and trustworthy to work together on the basis of mutual benefit common development.
corporate culture
the enterprise culture
detail decides success or failure quality molded the future
in order to open up market with perfect quality credit management to win customers
company purpose: scientific and technological innovation, forge ahead, the pursuit of excellence and revitalization.
corporate culture: people-oriented, discipline, unity and harmony, create brilliant.
enterprise spirit: success is an attitude, to win;success is a kind of method to learn;
success is an opportunity to catch;success is a kind of action, to do;
enterprise target: to build on the basis of management, to customers as the center, with science and technology first
powered, to improve the quality and credibility of enterprises.
business philosophy: honor credibility, heavy credit, quality, cast brands.
hebei hua's yesterday we shared memories,
hebei province, china, today we are hand in hand,
hebei china, because there are you more brilliant tomorrow!

china's henry contact: eva airways had scheduled another round-trip charter


所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 立式车床
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公司简介河北华诺机械铸造有限公司品牌专利产品有:1.华诺®自主品牌的平直量具类,大型铸铁平台、检验平台、组合装配平台等。2.交河®是为我公司生产的各种优质铸件及各类刨铣 ...
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