绝缘胶 汉高乐泰Ablestik 2035SC红胶 摄像头模组绝缘胶

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东莞市石碣林茂电子材料销售部 商铺
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product description
ablebond 2035sc provides the following product
technology proprietary hybrid chemistry
appearance red
cure heat cure
product benefits • non-conductive
• single component
• fast cure
• low cure temperature
• low stress
application die attach
ph 3.7
filler type silica
ablebond 2035sc nonconductive die attach adhesive has
been formulated for use in high throughput die attach
applications. this material is designed to minimize stress and
resulting warpage between dissimilar surfaces.
typical properties of uncured material
thixotropic index (0.5/5 rpm) 4.2
viscosity, brookfield cp51, 25 °c, mpa·s (cp):
speed 5 rpm 11,000
work life @ 25°c, hours 24
shelf life @ -40°c (from date of manufacture), year 1
typical curing performance
cure schedule
90 seconds @ 110°c
alternative cure schedule
60 seconds @ 120°c or 10 seconds @ 150°c
the above cure profiles are guideline recommendations. cure
conditions (time and temperature) may vary based on customers'
experience and their application requirements, as well as customer
curing equipment, oven loading and actual oven temperatures.
typical properties of cured material
physical properties:
coefficient of thermal expansion :
below tg, ppm/°c 54
above tg, ppm/°c 128
glass transition temperature (tg) by tma, °c 120
thermal conductivity, w/mk 0.35
tensile modulus, dmta :
@ -65 °c n/mm² 3,700
(psi) (540,000)
@ 25 °c n/mm² 2,500
(psi) (360,000)
@ 150 °c n/mm² 70
(psi) (11,000)
@ 250 °c n/mm² 68
(psi) (10,000)
extractable ionic content, ppm:
chloride (cl-) <30
sodium (na+) <50
potassium (k+) <20
water extract conductivity, μmhos/cm 75
weight loss @ 300ºc, % 2.51
typical performance of cured material
die shear strength:
2 x 2 mm die, kg-f,
die on substrate: @25°c
au die on au pbga 11
si die on ag leadframe 13
si die on pd leadframe 12
si die on pbga-fr4 12
die shear strength vs temperature, kg-f:
3 x 3 mm si die, kg-f,
substrate @25°c @150°c @200°c
pbga-fr4 25 7.0 4.0
chip warpage vs chip size:
0.38 mm thick si die on diff substrates @ 25°c, μm
chip size: warpage:
12.7 x 12.7 mm 34
general information
for safe handling information on this product, consult the
material safety data sheet, (msds).
1. allow container to reach room temperature before use.
2. after removing from the freezer, set the syringes to stand
vertically while thawing.
3. do not open the container before contents reach 25°c
temperature. any moisture that collects on the thawed
container should be removed prior to opening the
tds ablebond 2035sc, july-2010
4. do not re-freeze. once thawed to -40°c, the adhesive
should not be re-frozen.
directions for use
1. thawed adhesive should be immediately placed on
dispense equipment for use.
2. if the adhesive is transferred to a final dispensing
reservoir, care must be exercised to avoid entrapment of
contaminants and/or air into the adhesive.
3. adhesive must be completely used within the product's
recommended work life.
not for product specifications
the technical data contained herein are intended as reference
only. please contact your local quality department for
assistance and recommendations on specifications for this
store product in the unopened container in a dry location.
storage information may be indicated on the product container
optimal storage: -40 °c. storage below minus (-)40 °c or
greater than minus (-)40 °c can adversely affect product
material removed from containers may be contaminated during
use. do not return product to the original container. henkel
corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which
has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than
those previously indicated. if additional information is required,
please contact your local technical service center or
customer service representative.
(°c x 1.8) + 32 = °f
kv/mm x 25.4 = v/mil
mm / 25.4 = inches
n x 0.225 = lb
n/mm x 5.71 = lb/in
n/mm² x 145 = psi
mpa x 145 = psi
n·m x 8.851 = lb·in
n·m x 0.738 = lb·ft
n·mm x 0.1


所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 耐低温胶
绝缘胶 汉高乐泰Ablestik 2035SC红胶 摄像头模组绝缘胶的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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