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杭州新势力光电技术有限公司 商铺
Wilks油脂分析仪,TOG/TPH油脂分析仪,FOG/TOG油品分析仪,TOG/TPH Analyzer,InfraCal Model HATR-T2
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wilks油脂分析仪   infracal 4 character led      infracal 2 touch screen new 新势力光电供应wilks油脂分析仪, 是一种简便而准确的红外在线分析方法,用于检测:水中的油(tog, total oil and grease)、土壤中的石油烃(tph, total petroleum hydrocarbons)、废水中的油脂(fog, fats, oil and grease)。该系列tog/tph油脂分析仪和fog/tog油脂分析仪具 有如下特点:检测速度快(10-15分钟)、检测范围宽(0.1ppm-5000ppm 脂肪烃和芳香烃)、结构紧凑(165×165×127mm³, 2.2kg)、检测标准严格(astm d7066和epa 166),目前在全球范围超过3000套的使用量,已经成为油脂检测和监控的行业标准。依据检测灵敏度和提取溶剂的区别,如下型号可供选 择:infracal model hatr-t2、infracal model cvh、infracal model ch、infracal 2 model atr-sp、infracal 2 model trans-sp。 model infracal model hatr-t2 infracal model cvh infracal 2 model atr-sp infracal 2 mode trans-sp technology 3.4μm fixed filter infrared analyzer min detection water 8 ppm 2 ppm 0.3 ppm 0.1 ppm min detection soil 40 ppm 10 ppm 3 ppm 1 ppm solvent hexane, pentane, cyclohexane, vertrel mca perchloroethylene, s-316, freon-113 hexane, pentane, cyclohexane, vertrel mca perchloroethylene, s-316, freon-113 components measured hydrocarbons with boiling point higher than solvent all hydrocarbons hydrocarbons with boiling point higher than solvent all hydrocarbons method complies n.a. astm d7066, epa 413.2, epa 418.1 n.a. astm d7066, epa 413.2, epa 418.1 method compares epa 1664, iso 9377-2 epa 1664, iso 9377-2 epa 1664, iso 9377-2 epa 1664, iso 9377-2 volatile componets loses includes loses includes data acquisition printer from wilks printer from wilks internal data storage & export internal data storage & export calibrations single single multiple multiple display 4 character led 4 character led touch screen touch screen password protection no no yes yes battery pack external external internal internal others solvents lighter than water, sample collected form container top solvents heavier than water, requires separatory funnel or septa cap vial solvents lighter than water, sample collected form container top solvents heavier than water, requires separatory funnel or septa cap vial model p/n description min detection 8 ppm 405-1009 includes 100 mrcroliter sypringe, un-calibrated infracal model hatr-t2 405-1009-44 factory calibrated using 403-1044 403-1044 tog/tph calibration standard set 405-1009-72 factory calibrated using 403-1072 403-1072 fog/tog calibration standard set 403-1067 infralog serial printer 403-0013 carrying case 403-0003 external 12v battery pack 403-0002 12v automotive power adapter cable 403-0005 dust cover 403-1011 field sampling kit min detection 2 ppm 405-0003/12 includes set of 4-10mm cuvettes, un-calibrated infracal model cvh 405-0003/12-41 factory calibrated using 403-1041 403-1041 s-316 tog/tph calibration standard set 405-0003/12-40 factory calibrated using 403-1040 403-1040 s-316 fog/tog calibration standard set 405-0003/12-64 405-0003/12-78 factory calibrated using 403-1064 403-1064 tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) tog/tph calibration standard set 403-0012 set of 4-10mm quartz cuvette cells 403-1067 infralog serial printer 403-0013 carrying case 403-0003 external 12v battery pack 403-0002 12v automotive power adapter cable 403-0005 dust cover 403-1063 field sampling kit min detection 0.3 ppm 405-2034 includes set of 4-10mm cuvettes, un-calibrated infracal 2 model atr-sp 405-2034-81 factory calibrated using 403-1081 403-1081 hexane tog/tph calibration standard set (low range) 405-2034-44 factory calibrated using 403-1044 403-1044 hexane tog/tph calibration standard set (high range) 405-2034-8144 factory calibrated using 403-1081 and 403-1044 405-2034-72 factory calibrated using 403-1072 403-1072 hexane fog/tog calibration standard set 403-0013 carrying case 403-1011 field sampling kit min detection 0.1 ppm 405-2035 includes set of 4-10mm cuvettes, un-calibrated infracal 2 model trans-sp 405-2035-80 factory calibrated using 403-1080 403-1080 s-316 tog/tph calibration standard set (low range) 405-2035-41 factory calibrated using 403-1041 403-1041 s-316 tog/tph calibration standard set (high range) 405-2035-8041 factory calibrated using 403-1080 and 403-1041 405-2035-40 factory calibrated using 403-1040 403-1040 s-316 fog/tog calibration standard set 405-2035-79 factory calibrated using 403-1079 403-1079 tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) tog/tph calibration standard set (low range) 405-2035-78 factory calibrated using 403-1078 403-1078 tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) tog/tph calibration standard set (high range) 405-2035-7978 factory calibrated using 403-1079 and 403-1078 403-0012 set of 4-10mm quartz cuvette cells 403-0013 carrying case 403-1063 field sampling kit 403-1083 field sampling kit for sub-ppm www.newopto.com 相关商品 infraspec vfa-ir光谱仪 wilks生物燃料分析仪 infraran气体分析仪 infracal soot meter烟尘仪
相关产品:Wilks油脂分析仪 , TOG/TPH油脂分析仪 , FOG/TOG油品分析仪 , TOG/TPH , Analyzer , InfraCal , Model , HATR-T2
所属分类:中国仪表网 / 其他分析仪器
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