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泉州市昌胜电子设备有限公司 商铺
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5.刹车断电:高电平刹车(+12v 有效)

 1. voltage rating: 48v

 2.power rating: 1000w

 3. low-voltage protection: 41.5±0.5v

 4. undercurrent protection:33±1a

 5.braking power:high level brake((+12v valid)



1. 电机模式自识别系统:自动识别电机的换向角度、霍尔相位和电机输出相位,只要控制器的电源线不接错,就能自动识别电机的输入及输出模式,可以省去无刷电机接线的麻烦,大大降低了控制器的使用要求。  

1. motor model self-identification system: automatic identification of motor reversing angle、hall phase and motor output phase。 as long as the controller's power supply cord doesn't pick up wrong, it can automatic identify the input and output mode of motor, which can save the trouble of brushless motors wiring , and greatly reduce the use requirements of the controller.

2. 柔性eabs系统:具有反充电/汽车eabs刹车功能,引入了汽车级的eabs防抱死技术,达到了eabs刹车静音、柔和的效果,完全不损伤电机,减少机械制动力和机械刹车的压力,降低刹车噪音,大大增加了整车制动的安全性;并且刹车、减速或下坡滑行时将eabs产生的能量反馈给电池,起到反充电的效果,从而对电池进行维护,延长电池寿命,增加续行里程,用户可根据自己的骑行习惯自行调整eabs的刹车深度。 

2.flexibility ease system:has the reverse charging/car eabs brake function, introducing the car eabs antilock brake technology level to eabs brake mute, downy effect, and there is completely no damage to the motor. it also can  reduce the mechanical system dynamic and mechanical braking pressure, reduce the brake noise which greatly increased the safety of the whole braking system; and will give feedback of engry produced by the ease

when  braking, slowing, or the slide downhilling, which have the effect of the reverage charge. the result is  the maintenance of the battery, and extend battery life, so that will increase thecontinuation line mileage. the users can adjust the eabs brake depth according to their habit of riding.

 3. 电机锁系统:用户在关掉电门锁的情况下,控制器能将电机自动锁死,控制器几乎没有电力消耗,对电机没有特殊要求,在电池欠压或其它异常情况下对电动车正常推行无任何影响。  

3.motor lock system: when users turn off the electric door lock, the motor controller can automatically locked.the  controller almost doesn't cosume power and  has no other special requirements for motor, having no effect to the nomal push of the electric vehicle when it is  in the battery voltage or other unusual circumstances .

4. 自检保护功能:控制器能对刹把、转把、eabs系统、巡航、霍尔、电机等外部接口进行实时的自检,一旦发现故障能实施保护,当故障排除时能自动恢复,对控制器本身也具有自检及保护功能,并且能监控电机电枢电流的变化,对功率器件实现动态保护及恢复,以延长控制器的使用寿命。 

4.self-check protection function:the controller can give real time self- check to brake handle, turn, eabs system, cruise, hall, and motor external interface. once discover fault can implement protection, and  when troubleshooting can automatically recovery. the contoller itself also has self-check and protection function, and can control motor armature current change, power devices realize the dynamic protection and recovery, in order to prolong the service life of the controller.
 5. 反充电功能:刹车、减速或下坡滑行时将eabs产生的能量反馈给电池,起到反充电的效果,从而对电池进行维护,延长电池寿命,增加续行里程。 
5.the reverse charge function:the engry produced by the ease system can give feedback to the battery when braking, slowing, or the downhilling slide,so that have the effect of the reverse charge, and give maintenance to the battery  to prolong the life service of the battery to increase the continution line milage

6. 堵转保护功能:自动判断电机在过流时是处于完全堵转状态还是在运行状态或电机短路状态,如过流时是处于运行状态,控制器将限流值设定在固定值,以保持整车的驱动能力;如电机处于纯堵转状态,则控制器2秒后将限流值控制在10a以下,起到保护电机和电池,节省电能;如电机处于短路状态,控制器则使输出电流控制在2a以下,以确保控制器及电池的安全。  

6. stall protection function: to be automatic judge whether motor in the flow is in a fully stall state or running state or motor in short circuit state, such as when the flow is is running, the controller will the current limit value is set in a fixed value, to keep the vehicle driving ability; such as motor in pure stall condition, the controller 2 seconds after the current limit value control in 10 a the following, have protection motor and battery, save electricity; such as motor in a short circuit state, controller makes output current control in 2 a following, to ensure the safety of the controller and the battery


7. dynamic protection function of power tube: when the controller is in dynamic operation, real-time monitoring power tube work, once appear, the damage situation of power tube, controller will immediately implement protection, in order to prevent damage of the chain reaction because other power tube, appear cart strenuous phenomenon

8. 防飞车功能:解决了无刷电动车控制器由于转把或线路故障引起的飞车现象,提高了系统的安全性。  
8.the coasters function: solve coasters phenomenon caused by the line fault or turn brushless vehicle controller because  from coasters phenomenon, improve the security of the system

9. 1+1助力功能:用户可自行调整采用自向助力或反向助力,实现了在骑行中辅以动力,让骑行者感觉更轻松。

9. 1 + 1 power function: the user can adjust the self to power or reverse power, realize the ride with power in in, let rider feel more relaxed






1.will controller motor line, hall line, and turn line, learning line, electric line pressing connected

2.turn on the power, turn the turn, motor will slowly rotating

3.if the motor reversal, disconnect learning the line again link to learn line, motor can be positive rotation

4.the motor is turning, disconnect identification line, turn the turn, motor normal operation, the recognition of success.

如果量大,价格可再商量。详情咨询电话:    qq:963796486


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