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北京煦和祥科技发展有限公司 商铺
中国 北京市朝阳区 朝阳区大鲁店金鱼文化街8号
86 010 51286272/85303348/67466879
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1)      kola mining, murmansk area, russia.  nickel, copper. 

2)      kamchatka and amur regions, russia.  nickel, copper, cobalt. 

3)      kyrgyzstan.  8 exploration licenses for placer, hard rock gold, pgm and uranium totaling 2,932 sq.km  which  “include   significant areas in favourable tectono-stratigraphic settings”.  to date the company has mined and extracted approximately 450z. of gold from its deposits.  they are on very good terms with the newly elected political leadership of the country (at the referendum of june 27th this year).  they are ready either to sell or consider a joint venture with a serious equity investor. 

4)       mongolia.  4 mines. the owners are looking for around $12 mln. for an equity stake in the company. 

5)      kazahstan (aktash deposits).  gold – 15.3 t reserves, fe – 1.2 mln ton. ++   sale. 

6)      tajikistan.  tian shan gold belt.   gold, silver. 

7)      brasil.  6,000 ha of mining concessions, 122,615 ha of granted exploration concessions.  owner has done extensive work on the site.  information sent to one of my counterparties through a consulting firm, who has the mandate from owner. the owner is looking for $38m. reserves: proved - 300,000 oz, estimated - 534,732 oz.

8)      chile.  gold, silver, copper. 

9)      oregon, us.  gold mine.  $5 mln. equity co-investment. 

10)  alaska, us.  3.655 acres (14,8 square kilometres) of licences mining area.  gold, platinum, silver + titanium in large quantities.   euro 35 mln. equity need。

所属分类:中国项目合作网 / 矿业项目合作
寻求金银铜钴等贵金属及祖母绿矿合作的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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北京煦和祥科技发展有限公司成立于2001年。主要从事电器附件类产品,供暖,制冷,空调,水处理产品及相关安装咨询等。具体包括UK,SAK系列,TC,TB,TD接线端子,MJ1小母线架,笼式ST正接,侧接 ...
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