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加工定制: 类型: 立式暗装风机盘管
型号: 1092015400,1622315400 品牌: YORK/约克
适用风机: 阿特拉斯油管

lu315w-560w screw air compressors parts list book 2007.10 1 2 3 lu315w-560w(s3 twin) part list ref. 1000 part number 2205431427 qty. 2 name o 型密封圈 o-ring fluoride remark ref. 1100 part number 22008501 qty. 2 name 垫圈 washer remark (lu315-500) 1005 2205152300 2 堵塞 g1 1/2 ;plug o 型密封圈 2 o-ring fluoride 48.7x3.55 2205431460 2 o 型密封圈 o-ring φ387x5.3 lu560 1010 2205431425 1105 1 冷却器壳体部件 cooler housing assembly 1015 2205190280 1 分离油罐 oil receiver 22008600 2205190771 1110 1 lu315-500 lu560 芯子部件 back cooler core 1020 1614952100 2 油精分离器 oil separator element 1021 2205194600 2 隔筒 shield 22008700 2205190772 1115 512x5.7 5 lu315-500 lu560 冷却水弯头 coupling 1025 0663210945 4 o 型密封圈 o-ring 1030 2205450507 4 密封垫 dn100 sealing washer 2205138980 2205138981 1120 6 lu315-500 lu560 密封垫 sealing washer 1035 2205191106 2 排气弯管 pipe 1040 220519100 1 排气集管 pipe 2205181500 2205181501 1125 1 lu315-500 lu560 分离器部件 separator 1045 2205190602 2 排气软管 air discharge flexible 1050 2205190604 1 拉杆 m12 draw rod 22008300 2205190773 1130 1 lu315-500 lu560 橡胶软管 rubber flexible 1055 2205191105 1 排气 u 管 pipe 1060 2205462100 1 压差发讯器 pressure difference sensor 2205450603 2205195816 1135 zs-ⅱ 1 lu315-500 lu560 橡胶软管 rubber flexible 1065 2205191107 1 排气直管 pipe 1070 2205190605 1 拉杆 m12 draw rod 2205450615 2205195815 1140 m14x310 lu315-500 lu560 出水软管 1 flexible of water outlet 1000mm 1075 22055190603 4 螺杆 threaded rod 1080 2205522850 1 Zui小压力阀组件 dn125 mini.pressure valve 2205195610 2205195613 2205195612 lu315-450 lu500 lu560 1085 2205171811 1 风扇组件 fan assembly 1085 2205121410 1 排风组件 ventilator assembly 1145 2205190900 1 温控阀 temperature control valve 1090 2205450508 8 密封垫 dn125 sealing washer 后冷器封头部件 1 backcooler end cover ass. 1150 2205431411 1 密封圈 o-ring fluoride 47.5x2.65 1095 22008200 1155 2205431426 1 密封圈 o-ring fluoride 53x3.55 4 lu315w-560w(s3 twin) part list ref. 1160 1 oil pipe 2205191204 2205138971 1165 2205195813 1 blow off piple 1170 1 oil cooler 2205190800 2205190803 2205190806 lu280-400 lu450 lu500-560 ylr36.9 ylr41.6 ylr50.5 2205190152 2205190153 2205190154 2205190155 2205190156 1175 2205438600 2 extreme straight through part number qty. name 油管 remark ref. 1245 part number 2205195810 qty. 1 name 排污管 blow off pipe remark lu315-450 u500-560 排污管 1250 1611672590 2 减荷阀 unloader 1255 1 主机组件 element 2205190151 lu315w-8 lu315w-10 lu315w-13 lu355-8 lu355-10 lu355-13 lu400-8 lu400-10 lu400-13 lu450-8 lu450-10 lu450-13 lu500-8 lu500-10 lu500-13 lu560-8 排污管 1 blow off pipe 油冷却器 直通终端接头 g3/4-22 2205190157 2205190158 2205190159 2205190160 2205190161 2205190162 2205190163 2205190164 1180 2205190102 1 油滤座盖 a oil filter base cover 1185 2205150900 4 油过滤器接头 oil filter base joint 1190 2205190104 1 油滤座盖 b oil filter base cover 1195 2205191203 1 进油管 oil infall pipe l=2150 (lu315-560) 2205190165 2205190166 1260 2205195817 1200 2205191202 1 进油管 oil infall pipe l=1600 (lu315-450) 1205 1 电器箱组件 sheet metal of electrical mkv mkv 西门子 plc 1261 2205438700 1 直通终端接头 extreme straight through r1/2-16 2205525990 2205525300 2205525301 2205525302 1210 2205190400 1 lu315-560 6/10kv lu315 380v 1265 1 电动机 electromotor 2205190118 2205190118 2205190105 2205190119 2205190109 2205190111 2205190100 2205190112 2205190103 2205190106 2205190110 2205190113 315kw 380v ip23 315kw 6kv ip23 315kw 10kv ip23 355kv 380v ip23 355kw 6kv ip23 355kw 10kv ip23 400kw 6kv ip23 400kw 10kv ip23 450kw 6kv ip23 450kw 10kv ip23 500kw 6kv ip23 500kw 10kv ip23 560kw 10kv ip23 560kw 6kv ip23 560kw 3kv ip23 mkv lu315-355 6/10kv lu315 380v 过滤器壳 filte, , r housing 1215 2205433807 空滤滤芯 air filter element 1220 2205141010 4 管箍 pipe clip 1225 2205190600 2 吸气波纹管 air inlet flexible pipe 1230 1089059024 2 电磁阀 solenoid valve 1235 2205433502 4 弯通快拧管接头 right-angle pipe fittinge 1500-8/61/4 φ8x1 2205190122 2205190143 2205190146 1240 2205420201 2 尼龙管 nylon tube 5 lu315w-560w(s3 twin) part list ref. 1270 1 frame 2205190780 2205190781 1275 2205439800 2 pressure gauge 1280 2205439900 2 pressure gauge coupling part number qty. name 底座 remark ref. 1330 part number 2205437900 qty. 2 name 弯通终端接头 extreme right-angle pipin remark g1/4-10 lu315-500 lu560 压力表 1335 641117 2 过滤体 crosses the filter bed r3/8 1340 2205437801 弯通终端接头 2 extreme right-angle pipin r3/8-10 压力表过渡接头 1345 2205122015 不锈钢管 2 stainless steel tube φ10x1 1285 2205404301 电磁阀 1 solenoid valve g1/2 16bar 1350 2205438501 直通终端接头 2 extreme straight through 3/8-10 1290 2205436400 接头 7 coupling njt1/2 1355 2205151000 压差发讯器座 1 support 1295 2205442901 y 型过滤器 1 y-filter dn15 1360 2205433503 弯通快拧管接头 5 pipe fitting 1500-6/4-1/8 1300 0564330403 三通 1 tee malleable cast iron gb3289.1 0-dn15 dn15 1365 2205151401 2 过滤器座 filter housing 1305 2205435300 铜球阀 3 brass ball valve 1370 2205406200 2 柴油机滤网 diesel engine net filter 1310 2205122011 紫铜管 1 copper coil pipe φ10x0.75 1375 2205438502 接头 2 joint 1315 2205437100 三通终端接头 1 connector r1/4-10 1376 2205175626 接头 2 nipple 1320 2205161900 内接头 2 nipple 1380 2205460800 压差发讯器 1 pressure difference sensor cs-iii0.1 1325 2205122010 紫铜管 1 copper coil pipe φ10x0.75 6 lu315w-560w(s3 twin) part list 7 lu315w-560w(s3 twin) part list 8 lu315w-560w(s3 twin) part list ref. 1385 part number 2205195600 qty. 1 name 橡胶软管 rubber flexible remark ref. 1460 part number 2205190622 qty. 1 name 接头 coupling remark 1390 2205437701 2 弯通终端接头 extreme right-angle pipin yl-w-28 1465 1 异径三通 reducing tee 2205454800 2205454801 lu315-500 lu560 接头 1 nipple of rubber flexible 1395 2205195500 1 橡胶软管 rubber flexible 1400 2 安全阀 safety valve 2205400409 2205400410 2205400411 a28x-16tdn40-1.0mpa a28x-16tdn40-1.2mpa 1470 2205180961 2205180962 1475 0560100504 1 lu315-500 lu560 弯头 elbow dn15 a28x-16tdn40-1.5mp a 1401 2205190101 1 油滤座 oil filter seat 1480 2205190720 主机垫板 2 core support transition 1405 2205433401 2 快拧管接头 pipe fitting 1410-6/41/8 1485 2205451600 减震垫 8 absorber 1410 2205191108 1 密封垫 sealing washer 1490 1621212700 1 不锈钢管 stainless steel tube φ10x1 1415 2205116600 2 探温管接头 nipple 1495 2205438400 直通终端接头 2 extreme straight through yl-z-g1/4-10 1416 2205118200 2 探温头胶垫 thermoscope unit washer 1500 2205191207 进油管 1 oil infall pipe lu500-560 1420 2205433501 2 弯通快拧接头 pipe fitting 1500-6/41/4 1505 2205431428 o 型密封圈(氟胶) 1 o-ring fluoride 62.9x3.55 1425 2205191104 1 排气弯管 pipe 1510 2205431900 4 油过滤器 oil filter 1430 2205191100 1 排气三通 pipe 1515 2205138973 密封垫 2 sealing washer lu500-560 1435 2205431414 2 密封圈 o-ring fluoride φ109x3.1 1520 2 接头 nipple 1440 2205422600 1 尼龙管 nylon tube φ6x1 0.4mm 2205138972 2205138970 lu500 lu560 1445 2205124100 1 压差发讯器座 support 1450 2205460900 1 压差发讯器 pressure difference sensor cs-iii0.13 1455 2205444200 1 水流量开关 flow switch 9 lu315w-560w(s3 twin) part list 10 lu315w-560w(s3 twin) part list ref. 1005 part number 1616706682 qty. 2 name 主机 remark ref. 2076 part number 0663210616 qty. 1 name o 型圈 o-ring remark service stage 接头 1010 1619603200 4 nipple 齿轮箱 2005 1621211800 1 gear casing 轴衬 2007 1621220200 1 bushing 轴衬 2009 1621220200 1 bushing 2 2012 1621212100 spacer 2 2013 1614910000 washer 6 2014 0211140900 cap screw 4 2025 0101162600 pin 2 2030 0663211165 o-ring 3 2032 0663210610 o-ring 30 2035 0147196388 bolt 1 2040 1621212200 drive shaft 1 2045 2050 0506010015 bearing 0211148000 2077 1621991500 1 衬圈 轴承箱 2085 1621130200 1 bearing housing o 型圈 2090 0663210974 1 o-ring 螺栓 2095 隔圈 2105 垫圈 2120 螺钉 2125 销 2135 o 型圈 2136 o 型圈 2140 螺栓 2160 主动轴 2165 轴承 2170 0147136503 8 bolt 键 0337000946 2 parallel key 排污管 2205195817 1 blow off pipe 直通终端接头 2205438700 1 extreme straight through 管 1621262000 1 pipe o 型圈 0663210782 1 o-ring 螺栓 0147133103 2 bolt 管接头 0580001466 2 pipe coupling 管 1621212700 1 pipe 六角头螺栓 0147132503 2 hexagon head screw 盖 2175 1621262100 1 cover 联轴器 3010 1 coupling 1621144400 lu315-355-400-450 10 螺钉 cap screw 2055 0506010016 1 轴承 bearing 2060 1621130300 1 轴封盖 cover 1 2061 1621483500 轴封 1621220400 seal o 型圈 键 3015 o-ring 螺栓 0337000954 1 parallel key 联轴器 3020 bolt 轴衬 1621220300 1621144300 1 coupling lu500-560 lu315-355-400-450 lu500-560 2065 0663210724 1 2070 0147136403 4 2075 1621741600 1 bushing 11 lu315w-560w(s3 twin) part list ref. 4005 part number qty. 1 name 齿轮 remark ref. 4010 part number qty. 2 name 齿轮 gear wheel remark gear wheel 1621241700 1621240900 1621239800 1621242500 1621241500 1621240500 1621243500 1621242300 1621241100 1621244000 1621243200 1621242100 1621244400 1621243800 1621242800 1621516500 lu315-8bar lu315-10bar lu315-13bar lu355-8bar lu355-10bar lu355-13bar lu400-8bar lu400-10bar lu400-13bar lu450-8bar lu450-10bar lu450-13bar lu500-8bar lu500-10bar lu500-13bar lu560-8bar 1621241800 1621241000 1621239900 1621242600 1621241600 1621240600 1621243400 1621242400 1621241200 1621244100 1621243300 1621242200 1621244500 1621243900 1621242700 1621516600 lu315-8bar lu315-10bar lu315-13bar lu355-8bar lu355-10bar lu355-13bar lu400-8bar lu400-10bar lu400-13bar lu450-8bar lu450-10bar lu450-13bar lu500-8bar lu5001611672590 qty. 2 name 减荷阀组件 0301235800 qty. 12 name 垫圈 162129900 1 阀体 valve housing 1080 0147140303 12 螺栓 bolt 1010 1621222100 1 密封圈 1079584003 1 接头 nipple 1015 1621222200 1 轴套 1090 0661100026 1 密封垫 1621420800 1 活塞 0663210322 1 o 型圈 o-ring 1025 1621420900 1 活塞杆 piston rod 2015 0147148003 6 螺栓 bolt 1030 1621222500 1 密封圈 seal 2020 0301237800 6 垫圈 washer 1035 1621222600 1 密封圈 seal 2025 1079584003 1 nipple 接头 密封圈 1621222700 1 定位圈 bearing 2030 0661100026 1045 1621263500 1 管口 nozzle 2035 0574823431 1 软管组件 1621597300 1 阀体 0663211154 3 o 型圈 o-ring 1060 0661100031 1 密封圈 0211125103 4 螺栓 1621263100 1 壳体 housing 3250 1089059024 2 电磁阀 1070 0663210322 1 o 型圈 part number 1614898000 阀体 0301234400 qty. 4 name 垫圈 1614897600 1 螺塞 plug 1085 0663210289 1 o 型圈 o-ring 1015 0661100030 1 密封圈 0663211158 1 o 型圈 o-ring 1020 1614897800 1 弹簧 0663211166 3 o 型圈 o-ring 1025 1614897700 1 单向阀 0211196028 6 螺钉 1614897400 1 活塞 piston 1105 0686371601 2 螺塞 plug 1035 1614897300 1 阀 valve 1110 0661100025 2 密封垫 0663211167 1 o 型圈 2205191202 1 软管组件 1614897900 1 弹簧 spring 2070 2205431425 1 o 型圈 o-ring 1050 1614897200 1 盖 0147136303 2 螺栓 0663210618 1 o 型圈 o-ring 2080 0301234400 2 垫圈 0147136303 4 螺栓 2205191203 1 软管组件 1614897500 1 法兰 flang 2090 2205431425 1 o 型圈 o-ring 螺栓 bolt 垫圈 0663210657 0147136303 1 4 o 型圈 o-ring 螺栓 0147136303 0301234400 2205190900 温控阀 2205190901 1 flange 2 2205190902 1 spring 3 2205190903 2205190904 1 piston 5 2205462906 2205431422 2205190905 1 flange 法兰 cover o圈 13 2205462901 盖 温控元件 12 2205462902 垫片 活塞 11 2205462903 1 nut 螺钉 阀体 10 0266210600 螺母 弹簧 9 2205190906 1 bolt 接头 法兰 0211136203 qty. 8 name 螺钉 2205522850 Zui小压力阀 2205267700 0266211200 2205431459 2205431458 2 belt 6 2205190479 1 panel 7 2205190478 1 panel 8 2205190476 1 body 9 2205190472 1 2205190474 1 cylinder 11 0147148203 阀盖 cover 螺柱 螺母 密封圈 导向带 压板ⅱ 压板ⅰ 阀体 弹簧 缸体 螺栓 格来圈 1 o-ring 12 2205431457 氟橡胶 13 2205190471 1 活塞 2205190470 1 密封垫 0261109022 1 螺母16 2205190477 1 螺杆 threaded rod 17 2205190475 1 衬套

所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 风机盘管
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