油式模温机 厦门模具控温机

更新时间:2013-04-13 10:10:28 信息编号:2378161 发布者IP: 浏览:94次
厦门巨亿工贸有限公司 商铺
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产品介绍产品特点:1、可根据需要任意选择以水或热媒油当传热介质。water/oil dual purpose mmachine can use either water or oil heating medium.2、选购配备的pid智慧型自动演算的温度控制器,能准确显示和控制模具温度于所需要的温度±1℃内。optional pid temperature controllers are used for accurate control of temperature within ±1℃3、两段式加热结构设计,可视所需之温度增减电力,并配合特殊之发热构造,可省时省电。two step heating selector gives rapid temperature increase control when required thus saning time & power i.e. start up in mornings。4、设想周到的各种电子保护装置,如无熔丝开关,缺水或缺油,温度异常及泵浦过负荷等自动警示系统,回路能自动切断,确保安全。safety device containing an audible alarm will break the circuit automatically when the pump is overloaded,temperature overheats or there is a shortage of oil or water.5、油温Zui高可达199度。the hotest temperature is 199℃.性能参数产品特点:1、可根据需要任意选择以水或热媒油当传热介质。water/oil dual purpose mmachine can use either water or oil heating medium.2、选购配备的pid智慧型自动演算的温度控制器,能准确显示和控制模具温度于所需要的温度±1℃内。optional pid temperature controllers are used for accurate control of temperature within ±1℃3、两段式加热结构设计,可视所需之温度增减电力,并配合特殊之发热构造,可省时省电。two step heating selector gives rapid temperature increase control when required thus saning time & power i.e. start up in mornings。4、设想周到的各种电子保护装置,如无熔丝开关,缺水或缺油,温度异常及泵浦过负荷等自动警示系统,回路能自动切断,确保安全。safety device containing an audible alarm will break the circuit automatically when the pump is overloaded,temperature overheats or there is a shortage of oil or water.5、油温Zui高可达199度。the hotest temperature is 199℃.使用及维护产品特点:1、可根据需要任意选择以水或热媒油当传热介质。water/oil dual purpose mmachine can use either water or oil heating medium.2、选购配备的pid智慧型自动演算的温度控制器,能准确显示和控制模具温度于所需要的温度±1℃内。optional pid temperature controllers are used for accurate control of temperature within ±1℃3、两段式加热结构设计,可视所需之温度增减电力,并配合特殊之发热构造,可省时省电。two step heating selector gives rapid temperature increase control when required thus saning time & power i.e. start up in mornings。4、设想周到的各种电子保护装置,如无熔丝开关,缺水或缺油,温度异常及泵浦过负荷等自动警示系统,回路能自动切断,确保安全。safety device containing an audible alarm will break the circuit automatically when the pump is overloaded,temperature overheats or there is a shortage of oil or water.5、油温Zui高可达199度。the hotest temperature is 199℃.其他说明 应用范围:1.塑胶,橡胶工业 plastic,rubber industry2.制鞋业 system shoe industry3.电镀工业 electroplate the industry4.电子制造业 electronics manufacturing industry5.化工制造业 chemical engineering manufacturing industry6.机械加工业 the machine process the industry交易说明含增值税票,出货前结清货款,厦门地区免费送货上门,其他地区发货运不含运费,到站客户自提。
所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 塑料机械
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主要经营:机械手臂 ; 油式模温机;水式模温机 ; 冷热模具控温机;水冷式冷水机
厦门巨亿工贸有限公司创立于2004年,主营塑料机械设备和生产加工塑料制品。 厦门巨亿工贸有限公司主营塑料机械设备和生产加工塑料制品。多年来公司本着“诚信为本、客户第一”的经营理念,追求永续经营、 ...
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