美孚力图系列抗磨液压油 美孚

信息编号:18403 浏览:70次
茂名市茂南润士通润滑油有限公司 商铺
中国 广东 茂名市茂南区 茂名市沙院路19号大院
86 0668 3239819
刘景城  请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多


型号 美孚力图系列抗磨液压油 品牌 美孚
特性 抗磨液压油 比重 0.86
闪点 235(℃) 40℃运动粘度 46(cSt)
粘度指数 105 倾点 -18(℃)
针入度 *(mm)

nuto h series
premium quality anti-wear hydraulic oils
product description
nuto h series oils are premium quality anti-wear hydraulic oils intended for industrial and mobile service
applications where anti-wear lubricants are required. they are formulated with high quality base oils and a select
additive system that results in products that provide many desirable features to improve and prolong equipment
life. nuto h series oils are designed to provide good performance in a range of hydraulic components used in
systems subjected to moderate to severe operating conditions. these products meet the performance
requirements of a wide range of hydraulic system and component oem"s.
features and benefits
the nuto h series hydraulic oils help reduce the potential for wear and corrosion, particularly where water or
moisture is present. their effective oxidation resistance and chemical stability support good oil life in moderate
to severe applications. their high level of anti-wear properties prevents wear in vane, gear and piston pumps
used in hydraulic service. their good demulsibility characteristics permit the oils to work well in systems
contaminated with small amounts of water yet readily separate large amounts of water.
the nuto h series oils offer the following features:
• good anti-wear performance reducing pump wear and leading to long pump life
• fast air release, good foam control and good water separability
• corrosion protection that reduces the negative effects of moisture on system components
• filterability to prevent filter blockage even in the presence of water
• effective oxidation and chemical stability characteristics allows good oil and filter life
• systems employing gear, vane, radial and axial piston pumps where anti-wear hydraulic oils are
• hydraulic applications where contamination or leakage are unavoidable
• where small amounts of water are unavoidable and this water could damage components
• systems containing gears and bearings where mild anti-wear characteristics are required
• applications where thin oil-film corrosion protection is an asset such as systems where small amounts of
water exist
specifications and approvals
meets or exceeds the following industry nuto h 32 nuto h 46 nuto h 68 nuto h 100 nuto h 150
denison hf-0 x x x
vickers i-286-s x x x
1 of 2
meets or exceeds the following industry nuto h 32 nuto h 46 nuto h 68 nuto h 100 nuto h 150
vickers m-2950-s x x x
din 51524 hlp (2006) x x x x
iso 11158 type hm (1997) x x x x x
cincinnati machine p-68 x
cincinnati machine p-70 x
cincinnati machine p-69 x
has the following builder approvals nuto h 32 nuto h 46 nuto h 68 nuto h 100 nuto h 150
denison hf-0 x x x
cincinnati machine p-68 x
cincinnati machine p-69 x
cincinnati machine p-70 x
typical properties
nuto h series nuto h 32 nuto h 46 nuto h 68 nuto h 100 nuto h 150
iso viscosity grade 32 46 68 100 150
viscosity, astm d 445,
cst @ 40ºc 32 46 68 100 150
cst @ 100ºc 5.4 6.7 8.5 11.1 14.6
viscosity index, astm d 2270 104 104 107 95 95
copper strip corrosion, astm d 130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
rust characteristics, astm d 665b pass pass pass pass pass
pour point, ºc, astm d 97 -24 -24 -18 -15 -18
flash point, ºc, astm d 92 212 226 234 242 258
density 15ºc, astm d 1298, kg/l 0.872 0.876 0.882 0.884 0.887
demulsibility time (minutes) to 3ml emulsion;
@ 54ºc 15 15 20 - -
@ 82ºc - - - 10 5
health and safety
based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used
for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the material safety data sheet (msds) are
followed. msds"s are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the internet. this product
should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. if disposing of used product, take care to protect
the environment.
the mobil logotype, the pegasus design and nuto h are trademarks of exxon mobil corporation, or one of its

所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 液压油(传动油)
美孚力图系列抗磨液压油 美孚的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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