Beautiful life tampon

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西安五洲医学理科技有限公司 商铺
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Brand Name: Beautyshow
Type: Female vaginal clean type
Spec : 1.5g /pc
Color: Dark Brown
Brief Introduction
Beautiful life tampon is made of natural ingredients and it has the efficiency of adjusting blood and breath, promoting the excretion, shaping yin and yang, and beautifying your face due to it can act on directly the external genital, vagina and womb.Treatment for vaginalitis, cervical erosion, disorder of the leucorrhea and gynecological diseases
Saffron, Borneol, Common cnidium fruit, Natural Indigo, Sophora flavescens,Rose rouges.
Using Methods(External Use)
1. Washing hands before using.,tear at the aluminum plastic bag and take out it
2. Untie cotton thread and pull it straight.
3. Put fingertip on thumb then put on the end of cotton thread; nip it with forefinger and thumb.
4. Relax when putting, open labia softly with one hand when slowly ex-hale, the tampon is slowly pushed into vagina by forefinger with fingertip.
5. Push tampon when forefinger is entered completely enters into vagina. If the position of the tampon is correct, you will not feel the tampon inside vagina, after tampon is in the position, the end of cotton thread shall be left outside of vagina hole, the Tampon shall be taken out after 48 hours from inside vagina for replace.
6. After 48 hours, certain amount of toxin shall be adsorbed by Beautiful life Tampon slightly pull cotton thread and pellet shall be taken out.
7. Clean vagina thoroughly, after 24 hours the second tampon shall be put inside vagina.
This product cannot alternative medicine, can’t be exaggerated propaganda.
1.    .Repair dead cells and promote secretion of slimming, clean &moisture.
2.    .Improve the vaginal environment and it is the essential products after using the type of cleaning Beautiful life products.
4. Prevent vaginal dryness and restore normal body function, improve the quality of sex life.
1)-1 grain in 1 aluminum foil bag; Or as buyer's requirements.
2)-Customized labelling and packaging service available by negotiation.
(1) For external use only, don’t eat.
(2) Pregnant woman and breast-feed woman are prohibited.
(3) Menstrual cycle woman is prohibited. It can be used only four days after end of menstrual cycle.
(4) Avoid sexual intercourse during use of it , if sexual intercourse is necessary, please take out the pellet and clear  out vagina throughout.
(5) It cannot be reused to protect crossed infection when it is taken out halfway.
(6) If someone feels dryness during using Beautiful life tampon of care and protection shall be used together with it.
(7) After sexual intercourse, don’t use it until 3 hours later.
(8) Contraception is suggested during using this Tampon
Storage    Keep it stored in a cool and dry place, and avoid from direct sun light.
Shelf Life  2 years
OEM & ODM services   Available by negotiation.
所属分类:中国医药保养网 / 性保健品
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主要经营:beauty product,beautiful life tampon,herbal tampon,gyneacology gel,clean point tampon,female health
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