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河南省铭泰化工有限公司 商铺
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产品品牌: 铭泰 详细说明:  洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺【Anionic polyacrylamide】是一种更为专业的聚丙烯酰胺。其实只是内部的化学成分含量做了一下调整。 洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺,比一般的聚丙烯酰胺效果要好几倍,在洗煤压滤,或者在排出来的地下水来说效果十分明显,它的反应时间也就是5秒左右就可以看到沉淀的效果,所以说好多煤矿选择了洗煤专用絮凝剂的原因。   在采煤中被开采出来的煤炭通常全含有部分杂质,可以通过加入浮选剂提高煤与杂质的分离效率。精煤浮选出来,尾煤沉降。然后通过沉降、过滤或离心来回收尾煤中的精煤。聚丙烯酰胺应用在沉降过程中,从而促进固液分离。然后送到浓缩机中,清水由浓缩机的溢流回收并循环利用。粉状精煤经过过滤和离心回收。在过滤和离心过程中再次加入聚丙烯酰胺提高分离效率。为了用户这方面的需要我们生产出了洗煤专用絮凝剂,对不同的煤矿有了更好的效果,也大大减少了投药的用量。编辑本段洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺应用  洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺在煤炭行业的洗煤废水、选煤厂的煤泥水、燃煤电厂的地面冲洗废水等都是水与细煤粉的混合物, 其主要特点是浊度高, 固体物粒度细, 固体颗粒表面多带负电荷, 同性电荷间的斥力使这些微粒在水中保持分散状态, 受重力和布朗运动的影响; 由于煤泥水中固体颗粒界面之间的相互作用(如吸附、溶 聚丙烯酰胺解、化合等) , 使洗煤废水的性质相当复杂, 不仅具有悬浮液的性质, 还具有胶体的性质。 由于上述原因, 洗煤废水很难自然澄清, 而且这类废水经沉淀后上清液仍是带有大量煤泥等悬浮物的黑色液体, 其中含有选煤加工过程中的各种添加剂和重金属等有害物质。大量的洗煤废水未达标排放, 造成了水体污染、河道淤塞、煤泥流失, 给国家造成了极大的经济损失, 也使得煤炭行业水资源更为紧缺, 严重制约着煤炭生产的发展. 所以开发洗煤废水高效处理的新技术、新工艺有重要的意义。   洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺为使煤泥水在浓缩池中快速沉淀,保证合格洗水与压滤煤泥生产,使生产高效经济运行,必须选择合适的絮凝剂来加强煤泥水的处理。通过近几年的生产实践证明,聚丙烯酞胺对煤泥水处理效果较好,能加速煤泥的沉降,并有助于压滤生产。洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺技术指标  ※ 外观:白色颗粒   ※ 固含量:≥88%   ※ 分子量:600-1800万   ※ 荷密度:10-40(Mole %)洗煤专用聚丙烯酰絮凝原理  聚丙烯酰胺简称PAM,是一种线型高分子聚合物,无毒,无腐蚀性,易溶于水,其水溶液与煤泥水混合后,洗煤专用聚丙烯酞胺分子链上的活性基团与煤泥水中的细颗粒表面发生吸附,在颗粒之间起连接作用,使细颗粒形成较大絮团,加快了煤泥   沉淀速度。洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺水溶液的添加是其在煤泥水处理中的关键环节,采取合适的添加方式,将有助于提高絮凝效果。洗煤专用聚丙烯酰使用方法  洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺对于处理煤泥污水,必须要添加适当的量才能有效地发挥其絮凝作用。可以根据所选择的煤泥水处理工艺及煤泥水性质通过试验来确定。用量少将导致煤泥沉淀速度变慢,浓缩溢流极易超 乐邦洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺标,不能保证所要求的循环水指标,从而使洗煤产品指标难以稳定控制。   用量过多,虽然加快了煤泥的沉淀速度,但易造成浓缩底流浓度过高;一般浓缩底流浓度要求在500g/L,即可满足压滤生产;用量过多使浓缩底流浓度有时高达700g/L以上,并且底流中聚丙烯酞胺含量增加,这样对底流运输及压滤生产产生不利,在压滤卸煤饼时煤饼不易脱落,增加了操作人员劳动强度,降低了工效;同时也造成了药剂浪费,使生产成本增加。因此,适量使用聚丙烯酞胺,不仅能提高絮凝效果、有效处理煤泥水,而且对保证洗煤产品指标、提高工效、降低成本也起着重要作用。洗煤专用聚丙烯酰产品特点  1.快速形成大块絮状物,矾花大且紧密,污泥量少且絮凝沉降速度快;   2.溶解迅速、彻底,无不溶物(鱼眼);粉末状态产品溶解60分钟左右;   3.经济实用-用量小、效果好,脱水率高;运行费用低,低剂量可以产生有效作用并且脱水性能高,非常经济;   4.的过滤和脱水性提高了污泥的脱水效果;   5.可自动进给;处理简便。洗煤专用聚丙烯酰注意事项  1. 溶解水质:建议使用PH为中性的低硬度水。若使用溶解无机物或金属过多 的水,若使用地下水、河水、再生水容易降低产品性能。   2. 溶解时间:粉末产品Zui少搅拌溶解1小时(非离子建议溶解2小时以上)以 上才能发挥的性能,且还能减少产品用量。   3. 溶解浓度:阳离子絮凝剂的通常溶解浓度为2‰(1‰-3‰可行),阴离子及 非离子絮凝剂的通常溶解浓度为1‰(0.5‰-1.5‰可行)洗煤专用聚丙烯酰使用  1.被处理污水(污泥)中悬浮物的种类、大小、浓度、PH值以及搅拌条件等都会影响到高分子絮凝剂的处理效果。应根据不同的条件现场调试或做烧杯实验,取得使用条件和确定产品及投加量;   2.絮凝剂必须有效分散和谨慎溶解,避免因粉末表面迅速溶解而导致了粒子间相互附着,造成了粒子内部未能溶解的“鱼眼”。   3.颗粒粉末状产品具有吸湿性,在开启包装后的剩余药剂应重新密封保管。   4.产品通常存放在衬塑纸袋内,在干燥通风良好条件下,建议颗粒粉末产品一年内使用,Zui长有效期为两年。   5.已溶解的絮凝剂贮藏稳定性较差,应在溶解后24小时内使用,若经过2-3天粘度将下降而引起功能下降。   6.一系列的实验已证明了该产品的药理不活泼性,但是我们建议长期或重复大量地使用这些产品时应戴上护目镜、工作手套或使用其它安全装置,以免发生“皮肤接触”,每次操作处理后也应该清洗脸部和手部。洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺存储方法  [1]洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺正确存贮方法:[1]   采用25Kg衬塑编织袋或纸塑复合袋包装,也可根据用户要求包装。贮运时,注意防热、防潮,防止包装破损,干粉产品长期露置会吸潮结块。堆码层数不得超过20层。有效储存期为2年。 洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺洗煤专用聚丙烯酰絮凝,影响以及产品选择  1.可专门用做高粘度的水溶液状态。溶状液状态是有很好流动性的粘性的凝胶体系。   2.适用于工业给水,城市污水,化工废水,矿山和其他工业领域的水处理能加速沉淀物的沉降速度,并且因为合成的絮凝物容易过滤从而提高脱水效率。   3.能使水溶液中的活性基团相互反应,在泥浆和悬浮液中这些活性基团对悬浮胶体或非常细小的颗粒表面有很强的吸引力。   4.由对产品的电解可知,它们和固体颗粒之间的相互作用是基于构成氢化物从而导致颗粒表面脱稳,就象非离子聚合物或静电作用和电荷交换。阴离子(负电荷)和阳离子(正电荷)产品以同样的方式作用。   5.大量单个颗粒的不稳定和凝结导致大块絮团的形成,这些大块絮团很容易从悬浮液中分离出来。所以一种产品的效果是否Zui适合主要取决于作用于颗粒表面的势能。这种势能既取决于颗粒本身,也取决于水的离子性和PH值,电传导性,硬度,表面活性等特性这些外界环境条件。   6.为一种颗粒选取Zui适当的产品类型可以通过烧杯实验等比较容易地选取。对Zui初的固液混合的悬浮液,在指定的操作条件(比如温度,搅拌,其他促进物的投加量)下进行这些实验是很重要的。室内评价 1、怎样溶解有机高分子絮凝剂  絮凝剂溶液粘度很高,因此难以配成浓度高的溶液。絮凝剂溶液过一段时间后会发生降解。实验室里建议有机高分子絮凝剂可以在冷水中分散和溶解。用一磁力或叶片搅拌器对水进行中速搅拌,然后将絮凝剂粉加入。加入速度要控制,使粉末颗粒在水中充分分散,每一个颗粒都应被水润湿,以避免结团。如有结团就要增加溶解时间。一般溶解时间为1小时左右。高速剪切会使聚合物链降解,因此应避免使用高速搅拌器、粉碎机或离心泵。 2、沉降试验:高固相悬浮液  这种悬浮液里固相与液相的分界线很清楚,因此可以在量筒内观察固相高度随时间的变化速度,来测定沉降速度。   、离心试验  实验室离心试验只能作相对参考,在离心机的离心管内放入加了絮凝剂的悬浮液,絮凝剂有各种不同加药量。在1000g下离心2分钟。测定每一管内的沉降物量和上层清液的澄清度。 7、加药量  大多数情况下,达到良好的固/液分离所需的絮凝剂量是很少的。加药量的平均范围是:每立方米稀的无机物悬浮液,加0.5-3克,每立方米浓的无机物悬浮液,2-20克。   对无机物浆液进行过滤或离心:每吨干固体需用25-300克絮凝剂,对含有机物废水的澄清:10-200ppm助凝剂,加0.25-2ppm絮凝剂,加助凝剂后,有机污物的过滤或离心:每吨干固体加1-5千克,造纸机提高保留率:每吨成品纸加50-250克,提高溶液粘度:每升加4-10克。
Products: Minter details: [ polyacrylamide ] Anionic coal washing for polyacrylamide is a more professional polyacrylamide. In fact, just inside the contents of chemical components to do the adjustment. Coal washing for polyacrylamide coal washing for polyacrylamide, than the average polyacrylamide effect several times, in the coal washing filter, or in a row out of the water, the effect is very obvious, the response time is 5seconds or so you can see the precipitation effect, so a lot of coal mine chooses coal washing for the reason of flocculant. The coal mined coal is usually contains some impurities, can be achieved by adding flotation agent to improve coal and impurity separation efficiency. Coal flotation tailings settlement. Then by sedimentation, filtration or centrifugation to recovery of tail coal in coal. Application of Polyacrylamide in the settlement process, thereby facilitating the solid-liquid separation. And then sent to the thickener, water by the thickener overflow recovery and recycling. Powdered coal by filtration and centrifugation recovery. In filtration and centrifugation process again added polyacrylamide enhancing separation efficiency. For the user, this need us to produce coal washing special flocculant, for different coal mines with better results, but also greatly reduces the amount of dosage. Editor this paragraph coal washing for coal washing for polyacrylamide PAM in the coal industry, coal preparation plant of coal washing waste water coal slurry, coal power plant floor washing wastewater are a mixture of water and fine coal, its main feature is the high turbidity, solid fine particle size, particle surface is negatively charged, the same charge repulsion between these particles in dispersion state, subject to gravity and Brown movement; due to coal slurry of solid particles in the interfacial interactions between ( such as adsorption, dissolving polyacrylamide solution, compound etc.), so that the coal washing waste water nature quite complex, not only has the properties of suspensions, also has the property of colloid. Because of the above reasons, coal washing wastewater is very difficult natural clarification, and this kind of waste water after precipitation supernatant is still with a lot of slime suspensions black liquid, which contains the coal preparation process of various additives and heavy metals and other harmful substances. Large amounts of coal washing wastewater emissions without causing water pollution, river, drain blockage, slime, brought huge economy loss, also makes the coal industry water resources more scarce, seriously restricting the development of coal production. So the development of the high efficiency treatment of new technologies, new technology has important significance. Coal washing for polyacrylamide for coal slurry in a concentrated tank rapid precipitation, guarantee the quality of washing water and filter slime production, the production efficiency and economic operation, must choose a suitable flocculant to strengthen treatment of coal slurry. Through in last few years of production practice has proved, polyacrylamide on slime water treatment effect is good, can accelerate the settlement of coal slurry, and contribute to the filter production. Coal washing for polyacrylamide technical indicators in appearance: white particles in solid content: >88% molecular weight:600-1800million * charge density:10-40( Mole% ) coal washing for polyacrylamide flocculating principles polyacrylamide referred to as PAM, is one kind of linear polymers, non-toxic, non-corrosive, easily soluble in water, its water solution and coal slurry mixing, coal washing for polyacrylamide molecular chain of the active group and coal slurry in fine particle surface adsorption occurs in grains, links, so that the fine particles to form larger flocs, accelerate coal slime settling velocity. Coal washing for PAM aqueous solution is added in the slime water treatment in the key, take appropriate adding way, will help to improve the effect of flocculation. Coal washing for polypropylene acyl method of using coal washing for polyacrylamide for coal slime treatment sewage, must add appropriate amount in order to effectively play its flocculation. Can be based on the choice of the slime water treatment process and coal slurry properties experiment to determine. Major general lead slime settling amount of slow, concentrated overflow pole Yi Chao Le Bang coal washing for polyacrylamide, cannot ensure the requirements of circulating water index, so that the coal washing product indicators difficult to control. Excessive dosage, although accelerated slime settling velocity, but is easy to cause the thickening underflow concentration is too high; general concentrated underflow density requirements in the 500g / L, can meet the press production; excessive dosage concentrated underflow concentration sometimes high amounts to 700g / L above, and an underflow of polyacrylamide content increased, so the flow and transport filter production adversely, in the press release when the briquette briquette is not easy to fall off, increase the labor intensity of operators, reduce the work efficiency; at the same time also caused a medicament waste, increase in the production cost. Therefore, proper use of polyacrylamide, not only can improve the effect of flocculation of coal slurry water treatment, effective, and to ensure the coal washing products, improve work efficiency, reduce the cost index plays an important role in. Coal washing for polypropylene acyl features 1rapid formation of large flocs, alum and close, sludge and less flocculation settling speed;2dissolved rapidly, completely, all soluble ( fisheye ); powder product was dissolved about 60 minutes;3economic and practical - small dosage, good effect, high dewatering rate; operation low cost, low doses can produce effective and dehydration performance is high, very economical;4 excellent filtration and dewatering of sludge was enhanced dewatering;5capable of automatically feeding; simple. Coal washing for polypropylene acyl notes 1dissolved water quality : recommendations for the use of PH neutral low hardness water. If the use of dissolved inorganic or metallic too much water, if the use of groundwater, river water, reclaimed water is easy to reduce the product performance. The 2dissolution time: at least1 hours agitation dissolved powder product ( non ion suggested dissolved for more than 2 hours ) to to play the best performance, and can reduce the amount of products. 3: dissolved concentration of cationic flocculant is usually dissolved concentration was 2per thousand (1-3 per thousand viable), anionic and non-ionic flocculant is usually dissolved concentration was 1per thousand (0.5-1.5 per thousand viable) coal washing for polyacrylamide using1 treated sewage ( sludge ) in suspension type, size, concentration, the pH value and the mixing conditions will affect the polymer flocculant treatment effect. According to the different conditions at the scene debugging or beaker experiment, to obtain the best conditions and determine the best products and the dosage of flocculant;2must be dispersed effectively and caution dissolved, avoid the powder surface quickly dissolved due to the particles attached, causing particles inside failed to dissolve" fisheye". 3 particle powder products are hygroscopic, in the open packaging after the remaining agents should be sealed storage. 4products are usually stored in a plastic bag, in dry conditions, suggest that particle powder products within one year of use, the longest valid for two years. 5 dissolved flocculant storage stability is poorer, should be dissolved within 24 hours after use, if after2-3days viscosity caused by the decline in functional decline. A series of 6experiments have proved that the product of the pharmacologically inert, but we suggest that prolonged or repeated massive use of these products should be put on the goggles, gloves or other safety device, so as to avoid the" skin", each operation treatment should also wash the face and hands. Coal washing for polyacrylamide storage method [1] coal washing for polyacrylamide proper storage method: [1] using 25Kg lining plastic woven bag or kraft paper compound bag, can also be based on user requirements for packaging. During storage and transportation, the attention to heat, moisture, packaging to prevent breakage, dry powder products long-term exposed will absorb moisture caking. Stacking layers shall not be more than 20layer. The effective storage period of 2 years. Coal washing for polyacrylamide coal washing for polyacrylamide flocculation effect, as well as product selection1specifically for high viscosity in aqueous solution. Soluble type liquid state is very good flow of viscous gel system. 2 suitable for industrial water supply, city sewage, chemical waste water, mining and other industrial fields of water treatment can accelerate sediment settling velocity, and because the synthesis of flocs is easy to filter so as to improve the dewatering efficiency. 3 can make the water solution of active groups react with each other, in the mud and suspension of the active groups on a colloidal suspension or very small particle surface is very attractive. 4 by product Electrolytic knowable, they and solid interaction between particles is based on compose hydrid leading to particle destabilization, like non ionic polymer or electrostatic interactions and charge exchange. Anionic ( negatively charged ) and cationic ( positively charged ) product in the same way. 5large single particle instability and condensation leads to massive floc formation, these large flocs are easily separated from the suspension. So a product whether the effect is best suited to depend mainly on the effect on the particle surface energy. This potential energy depends on both the particle itself, but also depends on the water ions and pH, electrical conductivity, hardness, surface activity and other properties of these environmental conditions. 6 for a particle to select the most appropriate product types can be achieved by beaker experiment is relatively easy to select. On the initial mixed solid-liquid suspension, in the specified operating conditions ( such as temperature, stirring, other promoters dosage ) of these experiments is very important. Laboratory evaluation of1, how to dissolve the organic polymer flocculant flocculant solution viscosity is very high, so difficult to match high concentration solution. Flocculant solution over a period of time will occur after the degradation. The laboratory suggest organic polymer flocculant in cold water dispersion and dissolution. A magnetic or blade stirrer for water medium speed stirring, and then adding flocculant powder. Add speed to control, so that the powder particles in the water fully dispersed, each particle should be water wettability, in order to avoid agglomeration. If the cluster will increase the dissolution time. The general dissolution time is about 1 hours. High speed shear can make the polymer chain degradation, it should avoid the use of high-speed mixer, grinder or centrifugal pump. In 2, settlement test: high solid suspension in the suspension of solid phase and liquid phase boundary is clear, so it can be observed in the cylinder of solid height change with time speed, to determination of the sedimentation velocity. Centrifugal test, laboratory centrifuge test can only be relative to the reference, in a centrifuge centrifuge tube into adding flocculant suspensions, the flocculant with different dosage. In the 1000g centrifugation for 2 minutes. Determination of each tube precipitation and supernatant clarification. In 7, the dosage in most cases, to achieve a good solid / liquid separation of desired flocculation dosage is few. The dosage in the average range is: per cubic meter of dilute inorganic suspension, plus 0.5-3grams per cubic meter, concentrated inorganic suspension,2-20G. On the mineral slurry by filtration or centrifugation: dry solid with the 25-300grams of flocculant, organic waste water is clear:10-200ppm coagulant, flocculant with0.25-2ppm, with the help of agent, organic contaminant filtration or centrifugation: dry solid plus 1-5kg, paper machine improve retention rates: a ton of finished paper plus 50-250g, increase solution viscosity: add 4-10grams per liter.


本公司设备先进,技术力量雄厚,主要产品有聚丙烯酰胺、聚丙烯酸钾、羧甲基纤维素钠、两性离子聚合物、乙烯基单体多元共聚物、广谱护壁剂,腐殖酸钾,抗高温抗盐增粘降失水剂,水解聚丙烯腈钾盐 ,铁铬木质素磺酸盐 ,植物胶,801随钻堵漏剂 ,单向压力封闭剂,阳离子聚丙烯酰胺,丙烯酰胺丙烯酸钠共聚物 ,低荧光防塌剂,磺化酚醛树脂、磺化沥青粉、磺化褐煤、无荧光防塌剂、防塌润滑剂、解卡剂,各种增粘剂,降粘剂,乳化剂,润滑剂,页岩仰制剂等各类化学剂,广泛应用于油田、采矿、造纸、纺织、污水处理等行业,年产值达3500万元,产品远销天津、江苏、安徽、陕西、内蒙古、新疆等地。



Henan MingTai chemical Co., LTD. Is located in northeast zhongyuan oilfield, and located in shandong province and henan provinces junction, north near the original novel wu3 song dozen tiger place - yanggu county, south near the Yellow River, is that year, liu DengDaJun south degrees north and south of the arteries and transfixion sideses jingjiu railway construction chat with high-speed traders convenient to have brought for traffic. Now has a staff of 180 people, including technical personnel 7, management personnel 11, set outside agency 5, fixed assets total investment 28,000, 000 yuan.

The company equipment is advanced, technical force is abundant, the main products are PAM, polyacrylic acid potassium, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, zwitterion polymers, vinyl monomer multivariate copolymer, broad-spectrum slurry-supported agent, humic acid potassium, high temperature resisting salt resistant viscosify drop water loss, hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile potassium, iron chromium lignin sulfonates, plants, 801 glue the plugging agents with drilling, theunidirectional pressure agent, cationic polyacrylamide, acrylamide acrylic acid sodium copolymer, low fluorescence prevent collapse agent, phenolic resin, preparing sulphonated sulphonated lignite, asphalt powder, preparing sulphonated without fluorescence prevent collapse collapse agent, prevent sticking-releasing agent, lubricant, various viscous agent, drop adhesive, emulsifier, lubricant, shale of various chemical agents such as tilting preparations, widely used in oil field, mining, paper making, textile, sewage treatment and other industries, the annual production reaches 35 million yuan, products are exported to tianjin, jiangsu, anhui, shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, xinjiang, etc.

Quality is life, nearly 20 years, the company always adhere to the "credibility for the purpose, to the quality strives for the development" business philosophy, always put quality first, well-paid graduate students as a high-tech technology research personnel, actively organize attend various technical exchanges, and strive to improve the technical level and product quality, continuously strengthening internal management, adhere to the principle of goods directly to each user to ensure supply of qualified products. And each big oilfield long-term keeps good relationship of supply and demand.

The good faith for this, to the prestige for the purpose, the company aims to sincere cooperation
所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 选矿药剂及冶炼助剂
洗煤专用聚丙烯酰胺的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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主要经营:聚丙烯酰胺,聚丙烯酸钾,羧甲基纤维素钠,两性离子聚合物,乙烯基单体多元共聚物,广谱护壁剂,腐殖酸钾,抗高温抗盐增粘降失水剂,水解聚丙烯腈钾盐 ,铁铬木质素磺酸盐 ,植物胶,801随钻堵漏剂 ,单向压力
河南省铭泰化工有限公司地处豫东北中原油田,位于山东与河南两省交界处,北临《水浒传》武松打虎之处―阳谷县,南临黄河,是当年刘邓大军南下度黄河之要道,贯通南北的京九铁路与在建的聊商高速为交通带来了便利。现 ...
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