中国锚固胶 中国锚固胶 环氧树脂胶

信息编号:1480993 浏览:90次
扬州澳德固建筑材料技术有限公司 商铺
中国 江苏 扬州市 江都高徐工业园区
86 514 86711668/86711698/8008288308


型号 中国锚固胶 粘合材料类型 石材类、其他材质、水泥制品、陶瓷
树脂胶的分类 环氧树脂胶

hilide-500 anchor glue (aluminum flexible packaging) series, anchorage anchorage anchorage reinforcement of structural adhesive applications, the best choice. international / domestic test reports and certification, combined with a wealth of key engineering applications, the installation is not adverse environmental impact, and the anchoring effect is as safe and reliable as the embedded structure, be called after the anchoring process is currently the highest standards of the substrate concrete / natural hard - qualitative appearance of original stone + aluminum flexible packaging material injection system a, b two-component epoxy adhesive anchor reinforced concrete structures.

(a): product features

high strength, strong adhesion and durability is good, just like embedded, without with glue, construction simple, fast and easy and professional double-helical mixing nozzle, heat resistance is good, room temperature, no creep, can withstand high temperature soldering connectors, short-term , weather is good, anti-aging, seismic performance, unused plastic bottle caps to be tightened up and the next can continue to use, will not cause waste, supporting the construction of professional tools to ensure that the construction specifications.

(b): scope

reinforced concrete structures, bolts planting, dry hanging stone curtain wall brackets, building structure and framework for reinforcement anchorage, a variety of devices based on fixed, steel and concrete structure of the anchor connection, railways, highways, bridges, water reform and expansion project reinforcement, billboards, tunnel pipelines, viaducts acoustic panels and fence fixed.

(c): anchorage steps

drilling, using the hammer, or drilling machine drilling, drill bit size of the reference to install the data tables, drilling depth of drawing the design requirements should be clear holes in the implanted steel brush before using the chiang khong, and then completely clear with the blow-hole pump or air compressor blow dust, (2 × blowing, 2 × brushes, 2 × blowing) pre-injection, screw on a special hybrid mouth, the plastic into the special anchorage glue gun, originally developed by the first three mixed-mouth out of the glue gun to be abandoned, after starting from the hole at the bottom of plastic injection, to reach a deep hole 2 / 3. slowly clockwise rotation into the reinforcement to ensure that hole to reach the end of the mixing nozzle slowly moved out to ensure that no air bubbles or pores hole

plastic cured completely only after testing is completed, follow-up construction.

(d): the proportion with glue

a, b group were equipped with rubber ratio of 3:1

(e): note

hole must be completely clear, screw implant hole, the gel rod body touches before curing is strictly prohibited, winter construction could be placed in about 40℃colloidal warm water warm, the construction required to wear gloves, masks, goggles, helmets and other protective products , accidentally get on skin or clothing that can be used acetone wash and rinse with plenty of water, "hilide" anchoring tape to your anchorage anchorage mature theory.

(f): packaging / transport

this product uses original aluminum flexible packaging, 500ml / pieces carton packing 20 / sticks box

this product is non-hazardous materials, chemical building materials as a general transport

this product should be stored in a dark overcast (5-25℃)凉dry warehouse, the storage period "of 12 months

this product is more than storage period, after passing through the test performance can still be used

所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 结构胶
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