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河南星维庆医疗器械有限公司 商铺
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品牌 欣然 型号 B-638A
规格 38*34*20 产地 中国

型 号: b-638a
名 称: 导入导出美容铲皮机
规 格: 包装:38*34*20 cm
功 能:
功能: 去死皮.杂质,深层清洁肌肤,营养导入,杂质导出,微电脑控制,双功能一体设计,效果立显.

b-638a illustration

general description

super transduction technology is applied to this apparatus to transform the ultrasonic electric vibration into ultrasonic mechanic vibration in order to clear away the facial blackhead, pimple and dirt, endowing you with a brilliant face. additionally, by making use of the attraction between positive and negative electrons, it deduces the “accumulated pigments” and “metal ions in cosmetics” out of the pore, and induces nourishments and solvents needed into the skin.

ii.faceplate diagram

faceplate description

time display window

work time reducer

complete machine work indicator light


work time increaser

load button

out button

out work indicator light

load & out work general button

skin shovel load & out double-function work general button

skin shovel work button

negative pole socket

skin shovel socket

impulse wave button

continuous wave button

continuous wave indicator light

impulse wave indicator light

skin shovel energy increaser

skin shovel energy display

skin shovel energy reducer

skin shovel work indicator light

skin shovel load & out double-function indicator light

load & out work indicator light

load & out energy increaser

load & out energy display window

load & out energy reducer

load indicator light

iv.operational method

wind the negative pole wire on the wrist of the customer, plug it into the negative pole socket (12), plug the skin shovel into the correspondent socket (13) and screw down. note: the metal parts of the negative pole wire should be well contacted with the skin.

plug one end of the power wire into the socket on the back of the apparatus, and the other end into the used power socket.

turn on the power (4)

note: all the indicator lights are for the correspondent state, on for at work and off for at rest.

operation method of load & out functions

press the load & out work general button (9).

set the time. press the work time reducer (2) or work time increaser (5) to regulate it between 1-30min.

select load or out by pressing the load button (6) or out button (7). note: when the load is selected, the negative pole wire is + with skin shovel the -; when the out is selected, the negative pole wire is – with skin shovel the +.

turn the load & out energy to minimum by pressing the load & out energy reducer.

draw the skin shovel head near to the customer’s skin and set the care energy. press the load & out energy increaser (24) or load & out energy reducer (26) to regulate the output energy to get a satisfactory value.

operation method of skin shovel function

turn the load & out energy to the minimum and then press the skin shovel work button (11).

select the work wave. press the continuous wave button (15) or impulse wave button (14).

set the care energy. press the skin shovel energy increaser (18) or skin shovel energy display (20) to get a satisfactory value.

operation method of skin shovel load & out double-function

press the skin shovel load & out double-function work general button (10).

set the care energy. press the skin shovel energy increaser (18) or skin shovel energy reducer (20) to get a satisfactory value.

select load or out by pressing the load button (6) or out button (7).

press the load & out energy increaser (24) or load & out energy reducer (26) to regulate the output energy to get a satisfactory value.


please ask the customers to temporarily take off the metal ornaments when caring to avoid discomfort caused by electric concentration.

do not raise the energy up suddenly when caring to avoid discomfort; turn it slowly from low to high.

do not leave the end of clipper for cotton tip out to avoid discomfort caused by electric concentration.

it is normal for the customers to have slight prickly feeling at operation.

所属分类:中国家居日用品网 / 美容仪器
供应美容仪器导出导入美容铲皮机B-638A的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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