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品牌 牛头排线器 型号 GP15型
绝缘性质 其他 电线Zui大外径 0.1-16(mm)
材料形状 圆线


the user’s guide for operation of the gp series plain shaft traversing drive


please read this manual carefully before you use the machine.




the wire drawn from the main frame is wound up onto the take-up reel through the wire guide pulley/pipe over the traversing drive. it’s recommended the plain shaft be powered by the shaft of the take-up reel, and the speed ratio can be set according to customer’s requirement, typically in the range of 1:1~1:5. the dynamic force of the plain shaft traversing drive can be designed independently. in a special case, the take-up reel can be powered by the traversing drives while the wire released by the main frame is immobile.

when the traversing drive guides wire/cable onto the edge of take-up reel, the trigger roller of the reversal arm snap the end stop, by which the instantaneously reversal is realized, in 1 second or less.

applicable to the high speed condition of 1200 rpm and where the reciprocating movement occurs frequently.


application diagram of the traversing drive


installation and adjustment of traversing drives gp15~60


direction of shaft rotation



the shaft must be, in series, put through the deadeyes of several bearings inside the drive housing, taking care to prevent the shaft from colliding against the dustproof shields at both ends of the housing. shaft surface hardness: hrc50-62; surface finish: 0.8; diameter deviation:±0.02mm; and the length of shaft shall be controlled in the range of 20-30 times of the shaft diameter.

as for gp15-40, when you face the scale dial (a), the downward turning of shaft (b) is defined as the working rotation direction (anticlockwise), and the trigger roller (c) on the reversal arm is mounted at the end near the scale dial (a), see photo 1. as for gp50 or plus, when you face the scale dial (a), the upward turning of the shaft (b) is defined as the working rotation direction (clockwise), and the reversal arm trigger roller (c) is mounted at the end away from the scale dial, see photo 2. if the rotation direction of the shaft transmitted from the take-up reel shaft is opposite to that of abovementioned, just adjust the reversal arm or the plain shaft for 180 degrees, otherwise the reversal could not be effected. in other word, the shaft direction transmitted by the take-up reel shaft can be either positive or negative, but care must be taken to adjust the mounting direction of the reversal arm or the plain shaft.


stepless adjustment of speed


just a push to speed adjustment handle (a) within the scope of 1-10 on the scale dial (b), will realize the stepless adjustment from standstill, slow motion to the travel of maximum pitch. for pitch adjustment, please refer to the data table.


release mechanism


jus a turning of the release lever (a) for 90 degrees, i.e. from position i to position o, will remove the thrust force of the traversing drive and then the traversing drive can be pushed by hand freely within the working interval. the release lever at position o means in the release condition, and at position i means in the working condition.


common problems and troubleshooting of the traversing drive


insufficient thrust


clockwise and slightly adjust two pressure-adjusting blind nuts (a) on the bottom of the traversing drive or the pressure-adjusting blind nut (b) in the center of the top of the traversing drive, in clockwise way, until the required thrust force is achieved.


reversal failed


if the reversal is too slow or not available, check the reversal arm (c) and other parts for swiveling blockage, which must be manually corrected. in case of insufficient resilience, change the spring and apply the grease at the location of parts where there is relative motion so as to keep good lubrication condition and reduce the friction.


uneven traversing


in case of any asymmetry of the reciprocating travel speed, you can correct it by loosing two check screws (a and b) on both sides of the scale dial, and then slightly move the scale dial left or right. the measurements can be simply made by drawing and measuring the helical line with calipers and a pencil (only applicable for the traversing drive of spray-painted iron housing, see photo 1).


if the traversing drives of models gplx15-30 don’t travel symmetrically, you can loose the head screw (d) on the traversing drive, and adjust eccentric sleeve slightly by left or right turning (see photo 2). you can try several times until the satisfying result is reached, and then tighten the top screw (d) again.


adjustment of the clearance between the rail and the bearing of the traversing drive assembly:


loosen the bolt (d) and turn the hexagonal eccentric post (c) to make an adequate running clearance, if the bearing (a) runs on the rail (b) with too tight or loose clearance.




this company reserves its right to continually improve quality and perfect the design. if there’s any discrepancy between data of the product and the data of the sample, the data of products as are purchased shall prevail. the data in this manual are subject to change without notice. for confirmation of the technological data, please contact the technical office or supply division.


names and specifications of the gp15-60 traversed dr

所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 漆包线
漆包线收排线配套使用的GP15型光杆排线器的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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