瓦楞芯 600(℃) 珠海

信息编号:1319233 浏览:69次
珠海市雄威蜂窝制品有限公司 商铺
中国 广东 珠海市 珠海沥溪第二工业区B9栋
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耐火温度 600(℃) 规格 -(mm)
产地 珠海 品牌 雄威
产品类别 芯材 材质
等级 - 低温弯折≤ -
断裂伸长率 - 抗弯强度 -
抗压强度 - 拉伸强度 -
撕裂强度 - 芯材 合金铝
形态 - 形状 波浪


本公司引进先进的铝蜂窝板复合生产设备和铝蜂窝芯生产设备以及拥有一批具有丰富经验,并从事十多年幕墙铝蜂窝板和幕墙铝单板加工制作的高素质技术人员;为客户制作各种优质定型产品,主要产品有铝蜂窝板、铝单板、石材蜂窝板、铝蜂窝芯、铝合金蜂窝结构防静电地板。产品深受国内外用户的好评。公司生产的产品先后获得:中国建筑材料流通协会颁发的“工程建设质量可信推广应用新产品证书”、 建设部科技信息研究所颁发的 “建材科技成果推广应用项目(产品)证书”,中国建筑装饰协会建筑五金委员会颁发的“定点科技开发,生产基地证书和中国质量服务双优,信誉放心十佳品牌荣誉证书”等荣誉称号。为助您的产品达到更轻、更强、更平直、性能更佳、成本更低,雄威公司愿以信赖的质量保证,至诚合作的态度,为您提供的服务。


zhuhai xiongwei honeycomb products co.,ltd.a hong kong-funded compayn,is engaged in r&d,design,production and sales of aluminum honeycomb panels,ultra-thin stone honeycomb panels and single aluminum panels and etc.

xiongwei company has introduced from italy the advanced complex manufacturing facilities of aluminum honeycomb panels and aluminum honeycomb cores,moreover,the company has already possessed a group of high quality technical staffs who has engaged in the processing and manufacturing of aluminum honevcomb panels and curtain wall aluminum single aluminum panels for about 20 years,both guaranteed the high quality of the products.

main products include curtain wall aluminum honeycomb panel,curtain wall single aluminum panel,ultra-thin stone honeycomb panel,porcelain honeycomb panel,aluminum honeycomb celling panel and aluminum honeycomb core and etc.all these products have been highly appraised by users both at home and abroad.

the products developed by the company have gained successively the following honors:the certificate of "conformity proved by national authorized testing-qualified building products proved by national quality testing",issued by the building materials special interest committee of china quality association."both the quality and good faith guarantee demonstration unit"issued by chinese light product quality safeguard center."the certificate of creditable quality of construction project and generalization and application of new products"issued by china building materials circulation association."the certificate of the generalized and applied projects(products)of the scientific and technological achievements"issued by scitech information institute of ministry of construction.the certificate of "a fixed base for scientific development and production of honeycomb panels"and "the honorary certificate of china ten-good brand of quality and service double excellence and reassured credit" issued by metals society of china building decoration association.

the company always pays great attention to product quality and market demands and strictly follows the guideline of "building the top-level company.establishing top-grade reputation,manufacturing first-class products and providing top-grade services" in order to further create new advantages and develop new markets. we have introduced gb/t19001-2000-iso9001:2000 quality management system to improve the current quality management system.
xiongwei company is willing to provide first-class services with dependable quality and absolute sincerity.

所属分类:中国建筑建材网 / 耐火、防火材料
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