

信息编号:125672 浏览:144次
赣州市赣威卫生用品厂 商铺
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品牌 赣威 型号 英语版
规格 600PCS 形态 固体
毒性 微毒 产地 江西赣州
单件净重 7.18 主要成分 除虫菊酯
有效物质≥ 0.4% 执行质量标准 GW2001-001
箱装数量 1600 贸易属性 外贸内贸
产品类别 灭鼠/杀虫剂


主要功效及特点:对蟑螂、蚂蚁、臭虫、蚤类等卫生害虫有独特的杀灭作用,对人、畜无害,使用安全、方便、不污染环境。 已经多年出口到美国德克萨斯州,墨西哥,新加坡,菲律宾,印度,摩洛哥,南非等国家。 包装规格:1 块 / 盒 1000 盒 / 箱(a型) 600 盒 / 箱(b型) 交货期:40尺集装箱30天(客户无特殊要求) 备注:可按客户要求改动包装,该产品提供oem服务。采用新工艺,价格有优势。

miraculous insecticide chalk

product information:

the miraculous insecticide chalk is a highly effective product used in destroying crawling insects and yet not toxic to humans. it is highly recommended in killing troublesome insects like cockroaches, ants, bed – bugs and lice.

this miraculous chalk is a contact insecticide which attacks the nervous system of the insect immediately upon contact. conse, the insect’s nervous system will completely fail to function. it will die within one to two hours after touching the surface powder with its body. the chalk is most effective to use at night.

usage directions per target insect are asfollows:

(1) cockroaches: (a) if they are hiding in cracks, draw lines along the edges of the cracks. (b) if they are hiding in cabinets or boxes, just open them up, draw pareallel lines on both horizontal and vertical surface. (c) if the insects have infested are as that are wet or difficult to draw lines. we recommend you draw 2 or 3 big circles on a movable cardboard paper or plywood and then put a powerful bait for cockroaches in the middle.

(2) ants: simply draw line in the path of ants. where you wish to prevent their invasion on food products like sugar. bread. cereals etc; place food product on a suitable pedestal and draw circle at the base of the pedestal. be sure to cover food securely at all time. wash hands after handling of the chalk.

(3) bed_ bugs: if bed- bugs have infested your bed, remove the mattress, draw heavy parallel lines along edges crack or groove. also, draw lines in crevice of the mattress before putting it back on the bed. on the other hand, if bed – bugs have infested your boxes or cabinets, directions indicated above for cockroaches must be followed.

(4) lice: if poultry. lice are your problem draw lines along grooves and cracks in the chicken or other sleeping areas. to rid lice in human hair, break chalk into 5 equal parts. take one part and grind into powder. pour powder into 5 teaspoonfulls of petroleum jelly or shea – nut butter. stir and mix thouroughly. apply as many finger scoops as needed into hair only. thouroughly wash out of hair with soap or shampoo after one hour.

storage conditions: keep it in dry and ventilated surroundings under 40℃. avoid dircct sunlight, vibrating and moistening situations.

warning: as with all insecticides, keep away from misuse by children.

please note: in drawing all lines. try and draw heavy lines leaving enoughpowder on the surface so as to acquire better results.

所属分类:中国家居日用品网 / 灭鼠、杀虫剂
【供应】神奇药笔【杀蟑螂】灭蟑螂的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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主要经营:神奇药笔 ; 灭虱精 ; 宠物用品 ; 灭虫粉剂 ; 兽药
赣州市赣威卫生用品厂始创于1987年,注册商标'赣威'.本厂是专业从事卫生杀虫剂生产的企业,并与多家国家级科研单位有良好的科研合作关系,给我们提供了强大的技术力量支 ...
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