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上海贸升展览服务有限公司 商铺
food online expo
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                                                        food   online   expo

Show Organizer (s): 21FOOD & Food Tech Alliance
Event Date (s): 2020-07-25 ~ 2020-08-05

Products and Services Focus

Food and Beverages;Food ingredients and additives;Health Products and Health Products Raw Material;International Exhibitior pavilion

General Information

As the whole world battles the spread of COVID-19, many exhibitions were cancelled or postponed. The food export enterprises and foreign trade enterprises can't do business via exhibitons like before, which caused a serious impact to those enterprises. We even don't know when will the COVID-19 end.

In March 2020, the 21FOOD International Online Exhibition---Food Additives and Ingredients exhibition  was successfully held. It was attracting 1,013 manufacturing companies to attend. The quantity of online exhibits reached 6,714. The online visitors was 126,451, including the Xu Fuji, COFCO Sugar, Xianle Health, Herbalife , Yili, Tsingtao Brewery, Haidilao Holdings, Amendment Group, Baixiang Food and more than 200 head brands. And the average daily click reached 27,193. The special food machinery in April and special food&beverage in May are developing in steady.

With the accumulation of more than 20 years of global buyers' large database and experience in successfully hosting online food exhibitions, 21FOOD is launching the world's first online food exhibition-21FOOD International Online Exhibition, "FOE". A new model of "Global Online Order Grabbing" is starting.

"FOE" with the help of the application of Internet technology in the food industry in the past 20 years, has accurately analyzed the global food industry database and provided foreign trade companies with a series of services such as online display, online matching and accurate buyer matching. Foreign trade enterprises can find global buyers at home, take orders and expand markets.

"FOE" will accurately create scenarios for the practical application of offline analog products through short video transmission, corporate live broadcasting, online meetings, etc., so that participating companies can display online more comprehensively, truly and vividly, and shape their corporate brand image. To attract more overseas buyers in a more intuitive and perceptual way and increase the conversion rate and transaction rate of customer orders."

Time: Start on July 25th , end on August 5th


Exhibitors:2,000 Exhibitors               

 Visitors: 5,000+ Buyers, 50,000+ Business Matching

Organizers: 21FOOD & Food Tech Alliance Food                   

Co-organizer: Hangzhou Topservice Exhibition Co., Ltd

Exhibitor's profiles:

1.All kinds of Food :

Food and Beverages: Beverages, tobacco and alcohol, biscuits, candy, agricultural products, convenience foods, quick-frozen foods, green foods, health foods, infant foods, canned foods, meat products, poultry products, dairy products, seasonings, grain and oil products, Fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, snack foods, edible fungi, tea, etc.

Machinery and equipment: filling machines, labeling machines, filters, ice machines, freezing machines, baking equipment, meat product processing machinery, beverage machinery, sterilization equipment, packaging materials, etc.

2.Food ingredients and additives:

Food additives: sour agents, sweeteners, antioxidants, thickeners, preservatives, anti-caking agents, emulsifiers, water retention agents, stabilizers and coagulants, nutrition enhancers, flavor enhancers, colorants, etc.

Food ingredients: ground vegetable fat, starch, modified starch, starch sugar, sugar alcohol, edible fats and oil substitutes, special flour, yeast products, oligosaccharides, vegetable protein, dietary fiber, fruits and vegetables and meat freeze-dried food, various Various fillings, seasonings, spices, condiments, dairy products, health foods, animal and plant extracts, beverage concentrates, ice cream stabilizers, pickling preparations

3.Health Products and Health Products Raw Material

Beneficial fungi, biologically active ingredients, edible fiber, dietary supplements, nutritious foods, health food raw materials and ingredients, dietary supplements, functional foods, functional drinks, nutraceuticals, supplements, cosmetics, botanicals, OTC, marine products Raw materials, animal-derived medicines, amino acids, antioxidants, beneficial fungi, biologically active ingredients, edible fiber, yeast, essential oils, protein, vitamins, minerals and finished products, etc.

4.International Exhibitior Pavilion

Creating the global food "cloud exhibition" model

"Cloud Technology" puts you in the moment. This is a true online international exhibition, through technology empowerment, we moved the exhibition into a mobile phone and a computer, through video, pictures, live broadcast and other exhibition forms, all-round restoration of the offline exhibition scene, global connection to let global buyers and users at home, as if they were in the physical exhibition.

"Cloud Services" helps you negotiate transactions online. We have opened a variety of communication functions for buyers and sellers such as online business card exchange, timely communication, etc. On this cloud platform, you can have one-to-one "cloud communication" with buyers from all over the world, so that you can stay out of the house and do good business at home.

"Cloud Matching" links you to precise customers. In order to maximize exhibition efficiency and reduce communication costs, 21FOOD International Online Exhibition for the majority of buyers launched the "Purchase Matching" service has been officially launched, with zero cost. During the show, procurement requests submitted through the Purchase Matching service will be matched directly with thousands of exhibitors through a precise match.

"Cloud Forum" helps you to learn and communicate."21FOOD International Online Exhibition will hold forum activities at the same time to share new food trends, new technologies and new developments online through live broadcast.

"Cloud Communications" helps you promote your brand. 21FOOD International Online Exhibition is disseminated through all media channels and promoted through multiple channels. The exhibition is based on the mode of "Chinese and English website + full media channel" to attract accurate users. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and other overseas users are connected online in real time, supported by 1.6 million+ food industry customer data on the Food Business Network. This all-media approach not only efficiently links resources and promotes cooperation, but also allows the corporate brand to be spread very well.

Attendee Information

Exhibitor Information

相关产品:food , online , expo
所属分类:中国展会网 / 综合类展会
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