JSW Hot melt adhesive film

更新时间:2019-11-25 11:43:26 信息编号:7225236 发布者IP: 浏览:55次
东莞市台茂电子材料有限公司 商铺
Hot melt adhesive film,Metal hot melt film,Bonding Film 615
中国 广东 东莞市 广东省东莞市长安镇上沙工业区
86 0769 85097989/85097987
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JSW is easy to use and has low melting point. It can be used at 110 ℃. The Hot melt adhesive film is widely used in the solution of narrow frame bonding of mobile phones and tablet computers. It has good weather resistance: because of the irreversible characteristics after bridge erection, it will not creep and brittle due to the change of ambient temperature. Modified solid Hot melt adhesive film is a kind of cross-linked structural adhesive with high adhesive strength. It has good fluidity when heated and is easy to coat It has the characteristics of fast melting by heating and fast cooling (about 4S) to achieve high strength adhesive force. Hot melt adhesive film can meet the bonding requirements of structural parts of mobile electronic products. The adhesive strength of Hot melt adhesive film is 40% - 60% higher than other adhesives under the same conditions, reducing the use of adhesives.

The above is a brief introduction of Hot melt adhesive film. For detailed data, please go to the download window of jinshengwei official website. The following is the informal information of Hot melt adhesive film for reference only.


At the same time of high-speed growth in output and sales, Hot melt adhesive film applications have also increased significantly. The grade and quality of products are continuously improving, and new products and technologies are constantly emerging. Ten years ago, the domestic production of Hot melt adhesive film was almost a dream, and it could only be replaced by traditional general-purpose products and adhesive varieties. In 2010, Hot melt adhesive film was introduced into domestic production, but it was small in scale, low in yield and single in variety. Nowadays, great progress has been made in the development and innovation of new products, new technologies and new equipment. Hot melt adhesive film not only improves and improves the performance of traditional general-purpose products through copolymerization, grafting, crosslinking and other methods, reducing or eliminating the content of harmful substances, but also develops many new Hot melt adhesive film products of high-tech type and environmental protection and energy saving type, and most of them have been industrialized. Solventless polyurethane structural adhesives are new products that have been developed and rapidly developed in the past ten years. In the field of Hot melt adhesive film products, the development of new products capable of surface adhesion and resistant to high and low temperatures has been successful and breakthrough progress has been made in production.

JSW Company has a team specialized in researching and developing Hot melt adhesive film. What really makes JSW different is that the company converts individual ambition and desire for wealth and reputation into the company's internal team consciousness. There is no "I" in JSW, only "we". This team spirit makes Hot melt adhesive film more professional than other companies. JSW does not promise anyone how much salary it will be based on in the next few years, but gives them a commission based on the profits earned by the salesmen. Hot melt adhesive film Products Have Today's Achievements, The Greatest Assets Are Our Staff, Capital and Reputation. If any of these three are damaged, reputation is the most difficult to restore. JSW is committed to fully following the literal meaning and spirit of norms, regulations and moral standards. 615 The continuous success of hot melt adhesive depends on its unswerving adherence to this standard.

As a Hot melt adhesive film company, it should have its own brand. JSW's brand may further expand its market and gain the greatest benefits. During the evaluation of Hot melt adhesive film investment project, one of the most concerned issues is whether Hot melt adhesive film products, technologies or services of the enterprise can solve the problems in the bonding of narrow borders, or whether Hot melt adhesive film products (services) can help customers save expenses and increase income. In this way, the market competitiveness of Hot melt adhesive film products and the market prospect prediction of the products can be guaranteed.

相关产品:Hot , melt , adhesive , film , Metal , hot , melt , film , Bonding , Film , 615
所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 无机胶粘剂
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