更新:2023-06-19 08:18 编号:6733140 IP: 浏览:64次
- 供应商
- 山东利特森新能源科技有限公司 商铺
- 认证
- 报价
- 人民币¥111.00元每只
- 品牌
- 型号
- S512/240
- 容量
- 240AH
- 关键词
- 储能蓄电池,铅酸蓄电池,免维护蓄电池,阀控式密闭蓄电池
- 所在地
- 山东省济南市市中区经四路419号
- 手机号
- 18678865010
- 经理
- 李世革 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
W.W. 1888 Mr Gibbs founded in New Jersey in the United States'
Electric Storage 'Company'
Research and development in 1889 and installed the first lead-acid
battery in the world
Products used in the United States in 1890 the first navy
Exide brand was born in 1900, the name comes from the 'Excellent
Oxide', namely "best Oxide"
In 1901 the world's first transcontinental telephone system and the
radio transmission system USES the Eixde brand battery
Help 1912 Cadillac design the world's first by the battery of
internal combustion engine car
In 1969 the national aeronautics and space administration (NASA) of
the first moon landing using Exeter's solar rechargeable batteries,
and choose in all of the Apollo moon mission Exide silver-zinc
1987 acquisition of American General 'Corporation, and expand the
car Battery production line
1990 acquisition of German Sonnenschein (sun) famous lead-acid
battery brand and colloid (GEL) technology
1994 purchase of Britain's BIG and Gemala CEAC Tudor of Spain and
Launched in 1999, spacex cylindrical battery technology, on behalf
of nearly 30 years the most significant progress lead-acid battery
The 2000 acquisition of GNB technology companies in the United
In 2007 from Melbourne, Australia, Asia Pacific headquarters moved
to Shanghai, China
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- 德国阳光蓄电池安装技师必须知道的知识!❶为什么高型电池最好采用卧放,低型电池最好采用竖放?答:高型电池竖放易导致电池内部电解液分层,放置时...
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品牌:GNB - 美国GNB蓄电池S12V120参数111.00元/只
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品牌:利特森 - GNB蓄电池SprinterS12V500美国GNB蓄电池111.00元/只
品牌:GNB - 美国GNB蓄电池12V100AH(S12V370NG)111.00元/只
品牌:GNB - gnb蓄电池12v胶体蓄电池图片111.00元/只
品牌:GNB - GNB蓄电池2V2000AH参数及规格111.00元/只
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