FORM E certificate of origin

更新时间:2022-01-04 09:28:39 信息编号:6395283 发布者IP: 浏览:122次
萍乡市韵辰财贸易有限公司 商铺
China asean FORM E certificate of origin filling, asean FOEM E certificate of origin processing
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Pingxiang yun chencai trade co., LTD., approved by China international trade promotion council, entry-exit commodity inspection bureau, customs general administration for the record, is a formal third party agency company, professional agency certificate of origin, commercial certification, ccpit certificate, invoice certification, customs declaration certificate, embassy certification/endorsement certificate! Welcome to contact us...

In the current world situation, factors of instability and uncertainty are on the rise and protectionist unilateralism is on the rise. This poses unprecedented challenges to east Asia, but it also presents opportunities. China and asean have deepened comprehensive cooperation, worked together to build a higher level of strategic and cooperative relations, and built a closer china-asean community of Shared future. All this will contribute to the entire human society.

China is committed to working with other countries in the region to promote regional economic integration and globalization. Despite the challenges of unilateralism and rising protectionism in international economic and trade cooperation, the general trend of regional economic integration and globalization remains unchanged. China will continue to make asean as a peripheral diplomatic priority, in the china-asean fta "upgrade" full effect as an opportunity, and region, including the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) member countries to further promote regional trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and promote the economic integration in east Asia, hand in hand with the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) to create a higher level of strategic partnership, build closer China asean community of fate, the china-asean cooperation became the important pillar of promoting regional peace and prosperity.

From January 16, 2019, the preferential origin visa agencies of the China trade promotion system will launch the issuance of preferential origin certificates of the china-asean free trade area. It is of great significance for ccpit to issue the certificate of origin of china-asean free trade agreement in person to promote the development of regional economic integration, give full play to the function of ccpit and facilitate enterprises to go abroad. The visa agencies should keep pace with The Times and innovate the service mode. Do a good job of endorsement industry and commerce, service the steady development of foreign trade and economic cooperation; Expand the service area and enlarge the function function; Strengthen cooperation, actively unite and cooperate with relevant government departments; We will get deeply involved in the formulation of international rules to help improve global economic governance.

In the future, the general administration of customs and the council for the promotion of trade will continue to optimize the issuing process of origin, improve the electronic level of co (cepa), promote cross-border data transmission, and expand the benefits of preferential measures of origin, so as to bring more tangible benefits to enterprises.

Filling of asean FORM E certificate of origin:

Column 1 (Exp orter) : name, address, country of the export commodity in this column, the exporter's name must be registered by the inspection and quarantine bureau, and its name and address must be consistent with the registration file.

Column 2 (Consignee) : the name, address and country of the Consignee shall generally be filled in with the final name of the Consignee, that is, the notifier of the bill of lading or the Consignee specially declared on the letter of credit.

Column 3 Means of transp ort and route: indicate the port of loading, port of destination and mode of transport (sea, air or land). In case of transhipment, the place of transhipment shall be indicated.

Column 4 :(Country/region of destination) destination refers to the destination where the goods finally arrive at the port, Country or region, generally consistent with the final consignee (column 2).

Column 5 (For certifying authority use only) : this column is blank.

Column 6 (Mrks and Numbers) : shipping mark and package number. Complete patterns, text marks and package Numbers shall be filled in this column.

A) Number and kind of packages b) packages c) packages d) packages Description of goods, quantity and type of package, in which the general description and specific name of the goods should be indicated. The name of the goods shall be followed by an English number in capital letters and the Arabic number in brackets and the type of package or unit of measure.

Column 8 (H.S. Code) : commodity Code. This column requires H.S. Code with more than 6 digits.

Column 9 (Quantity) : Quantity and weight, in which the unit of measurement of the product should be indicated.

Column 10 (Number) : invoice Number and date, this column shall not be left blank. Months are abbreviated in English.

Column 11 Declaration by the exp orter: Declaration by the exporter. This column shall be signed by the applicant and affixed with the company's seal in both Chinese and English.

Column 12: the Certification body indicates that the applicant should fill in the date and place of the visa in this column, and then the visa applicant authorized by the Certification body should sign and stamp it.

If you want to handle the certificate of origin can be reserved through this website contact us to write contact...

相关产品:China , asean , FORM , E , certificate , of , origin , filling , asean , FOEM , E , certificate , of , origin , processing
所属分类:中国商务服务网 / 单证服务
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