
PC 6485GR 901510 UL黄卡

更新时间:2021-05-11 08:00:00 信息编号:6321206 发布者IP: 浏览:100次
东莞市彤达塑胶原料有限公司 商铺
6485GR 90151
PC 6485GR 901510
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PC 6485GR 901510 overview: the English name of Polycarbonate, PC for short, is non-crystalline thermoplastic plastics. It is a kind of molecular chain containing ester structure of high molecular compounds and based on it to prepare a variety of materials. According to the different ester groups in the molecular structure, it can be divided into aliphatic group, aliphatic group, aliphatic group and aliphatic group. Bisphenol A - type polylipids are important, and the molecular weight is usually 30-100 thousand. In the absence of special instructions, generally referred to as the polyester bisphenol A type and its modified varieties. Because of its excellent mechanical properties, commonly known as glue.PC 6485GR 901510 features:1, high impact strength, wide range of temperature.2. High degree of staining.3. H.D.T.4. Excellent electrical characteristics.5, tasteless and odorless to the human body harmless in line with health.6. Low forming shrinkage and good dimensional stability.Electronic appliances: CD, switch, housing, canister, telephone.Industrial parts: camera body, case, cap, diving mirror, lens.Heat resistance, shock resistance, flame retardant, good mechanical properties at ordinary operating temperature. Compared with the similar polyester, the polyester has better impact resistance, high refractive index, good processing ability and UL94 v-0 flame retardant performance without additives. However, the price of poly is relatively low, and can be produced by bulk polymerization of large devices. With the increase of the production scale of poly (ethyl ester), the price difference between poly (ethyl ester) and poly (methyl group) is decreasing day by day. Polyester has poor wear resistance. Some polyurethane devices for wear and tear applications require special surface treatments.PC 6485 gr 901510 injection molding process; plastic processing: PC bibulous rate is bigger, plastic raw materials must be preheated before processing dry, pure PC 120 ℃ drying, modified PC 110 is commonly used in present dry more than 4 hours. The drying time shall not exceed 10 hours. In general, air extrusion can be used to determine whether the drying is sufficient. The proportion of recycled materials can reach 20%. In some cases, the actual amount of recycled material used depends on the re of the product. The recycled material cannot be mixed with different color masterbatch at the same time, otherwise it will seriously damage the property of the finished product. Common mold temperature is 80-100 ℃, and glass fiber is 100-130 ℃, small products available needle gate, 70% of the gate depth should be thick parts, other gate are circular and rectangular. The larger the gate, the better, to reduce the plastic clamping caused by defects. The depth of the exhaust hole should be less than 0.03-0.06mm, the flow channel should be as short and round as possible, and the demoulding slope is generally about 30 '-1. Melt temperature: the processing temperature can be determined by injection. General PC plastic processing temperature is 270-320 ℃, some modification or low molecular weight PC plastic material is 230-270 ℃.PC 6485GR 901510 performance: physical properties PC is a kind of amorphous engineering material, which has particularly good impact strength, thermal properties, gloss, properties, flame retardant properties and anti-pollution properties. The otched Izod impact stregth of PC is very high, and the shrinkage rate is very low, generally 0.1%~0.2%.Chemical properties PC has good mechanical properties, but poor flow characteristics, so this material injection is more difficult. In the selection of what of PC materials, to the end of the product expectations as a benchmark. If the plastic requires a high impact resistance, then the use of low flow rate of PC materials; Instead, a PC material with a high flow rate can be used, which allows for injection molding. PC plastic raw material it is a new kind of thermoplastic plastic, the degree of 90%, known as the metal. It is rigid and ductile, with high impact strength, high size and a wide range of temperature, good electrical insulation and heat resistance and performance, can be injected, extrusion molding. PC plastic thermal performance, can be in - long-term use of between 100 ℃ to 130 ℃, the brittle temperature under - 100 ℃.Although the polyester has poor cracking resistance and tolerance, easy hydrolysis at high temperature, poor compatibility with other resins and poor performance, it can be modified by adding other resins or inorganic filler, so as to achieve excellent performance.

相关产品:PC , 6485GR , 901510
所属分类:中国橡胶塑料网 / PC
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