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常州天环净化设备有限公司 商铺
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喷淋水洗湍球塔-H2S酸雾漆雾统统去除蓝阳环保,  湍球塔水喷淋废气净化塔分单塔体和双塔体。采用圆形塔体,用法兰分段连接而成。具体由贮液箱、塔体、进风段、喷淋层、填料层、旋流除雾层、观检窗、出风口等组成。

     适用范围:炼油厂、橡胶厂、皮革厂、印刷厂、化工厂、中西药厂、金属铸造厂、塑料再生厂、喷涂溶剂、食品加工厂、肉类加工厂、屠宰场、家禽饲料场、造纸 厂、污水处理厂、垃圾转运站等有机和无机物废气净化处理。









Spray wash turbulent ball tower - H2S acid mist paint fog removal of Lanyang environmental protection, turbulent ball tower water spray waste gas purification tower is divided into single tower and double tower body. The circular tower is connected by flange. It is composed of liquid storage tank, tower body, air inlet section, spray layer, packing layer, swirl demister layer, inspection window, air outlet and so on.

Scope of application: Refinery, rubber factory, leather factory, printing plant, chemical plant, Chinese and Western medicine factory, metal foundry, plastic recycling plant, spraying solvent, food processing plant, meat processing plant, slaughterhouse, poultry feed farm, paper mill, sewage treatment plant, garbage transfer station and other organic and inorganic waste gas purification treatment.

As a new type of spray absorption equipment, turbulent ball tower has been widely used in waste gas purification. It develops the concept of vulcanized bed into gas-liquid mass transfer equipment, which makes the filler in spray tower fluidized, and thus enhances the mass transfer process. His characteristics are: high gas velocity, large processing capacity, light tower weight, vapor-liquid distribution is more uniform, not easy to be blocked by solid and viscous materials. Especially because of the strong turbulence in the tower, the mass and energy transfer can be strengthened, so the diameter of the tower can be greatly reduced and the height of the tower can be reduced. The tower has large air flow rate, air velocity of empty tower is 1.5-6.0 m/s, spray density is 20-110 m3/(m2.h) and pressure loss is less than 1000 Pa. The defogging device of turbulent spherical tower adopts cyclone plate defogger. By making the gas rotate through the tray, the defogging efficiency can reach 98-99% by centrifugal force. The structure is simple and the pressure drop is small.

Turbulent spherical tower can effectively remove hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen fluoride (HF), ammonia (NH3), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), chromic acid (CrO3), cyanohydric acid (HCN), alkali vapor (NaOH), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), formalin (HCHO) and other water. Soluble gas. Our own research and development of waste gas absorption tower has high purification efficiency, simple operation and management and long service life. After treatment, the waste gas discharged by acid and alkali reached the national discharge standard.

Safety first, prevention and comprehensive management are the first principles of safety in production. Combined with the actual waste gas installation project of our company, several safety risks and preventive measures in the construction process are listed.

First of all, the high-altitude fall, the site installation of pipes in most of the high-altitude, and the pipeline is large, if the seat belt safety rope hook does not hang in the safe bearing position, it is easy to fall to the ground and occur safety accidents, so as long as the high altitude must wear a seat belt, and the safety rope must hang in the position of adequate load-bearing. Set.

The second is the High-altitude Falling objects, in the field construction process, slightly neglected in the high-altitude construction will fall something, high-altitude operators must be used to place the tools in a safe place, all personnel must wear a helmet and wear labor protection shoes, to prevent falling objects hit the head and foot and cause injury. And the ground staff should not be anxious to do things, do not take things when greedy, take the material within reach, to prevent falling into their own.

The third is the burning of the spot welding, the site generally needs welding, PP welding and argon arc welding, mainly welding slag and PP welding torch placement is not correct and appear burns, followed by welding and argon arc welding when the bright light will cause serious damage to the eyes, so on-site welding and argon arc welding Welding, whether on-site welders or adjacent auxiliary personnel, must wear thick overalls and wear welding glasses to prevent welding slag spatter caused burns and bright welding damage to the eyes. For PP welding, the welding torch must be placed in an idle position after the welding stops. The site construction personnel must always pay attention to the position of the PP welding torch, and must not touch the working torch.

the site cutting materials and splashed into the eye and injured, in the field construction process, the use of cutting machine and angle grinder must be correct use of equipment, do a good job of equipment safety protection, at the same time their own safety protection must be done, must wear protective glasses when cutting, to prevent Debris splashes into the eyes.

The above several situations for our site construction may occur in several cases leading to injuries to employees, in the seat belt, helmet, labor insurance shoes are all assigned to each employee and all wear at the same time, our site project leaders and site construction team leader also need to do regular training, so that the site construction personnel of the individual. People's awareness of protection is getting higher and higher, no matter how good the configuration of external equipment, personal protection awareness will still be a problem.

相关产品:化工车间废气处理 , 酸碱废气净化塔
所属分类:中国环保网 / 其他环保设备
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