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 代理销售55KW西门子变频器 代理销售55KW西门子变频器 代理销售55KW西门子变频器 6SE6440-2UD35-5FB1 MICROMASTER 440,不带滤波器,3AC 380-480V +10/-10% 47-63Hz,恒转矩,额定输出功率,55 KW 过载 150%,用于 60S,200% 3 S,平方转矩,额定输出功率,75 KW 850 x 350 x 320 (H x W x D),防护等级 IP20,环境温度 -10 - +50 ℃,不带 AOP/BOP; 产品图片: 55KW西门子变频器MM440 6SE6440-2UD35-5FB1不带滤波器380-480V 西门子MM440变频器不带滤波器380-480V 55KW  6SE6440-2UD35-5FB1 联 系 人 :黄 世 鹏 ( 销 售 经 理 ) 工 作 Q Q :6 4 9 4 2 6 2 8 1 联系电话:1 8 7 0 1 8 5 2 7 1 8 工作微信:1 8 7 0 1 8 5 2 7 1 8   上海地友自动化设备有限公司本着“以人为本、科技先导、顾客满意、持续改进”的工作方针,致力于工业自动化控制领域的产品开发、工程配套和系统集成,拥有丰富的自动化产品的应用和实践经验以及雄厚的技术力量,尤其以 PLC复杂控制系统、传动技术应用、伺服控制系统、数控备品备件、人机界面及网络/软件应用为公司的技术特长,几年来,上海地友自动化设备有限公司在与德国 SIEMENS公司自动化与驱动部门的长期紧密合作过程中,建立了良好的相互协作关系。   主要优势产品西门子:S7-200CN、S7-200、Smart200、S7-300、S7-400、S7-1200、触摸屏、6FC、6SN、S120、V10、V20、V60、V80、G110、G120、6RA、伺服数控备件、NCU、MM系列变频器。 6SE6440-2UD35-5FB1 相似图像 MICROMASTER 440,不带滤波器,3AC 380-480V +10/-10% 47-63Hz,恒转矩,额定输出功率,55 KW 过载 150%,用于 60S,200% 3 S,平方转矩,额定输出功率,75 KW 850 x 350 x 320 (H x W x D),防护等级 IP20,环境温度 -10 - +50 ℃,不带 AOP/BOP 列表价(不含增值税) 显示价格   您的单价(不含增值税) 显示价格   PDF 格式的数据表 下载 服务和支持 (手册,认证,问答...) 下载     产品 商品编号(市售编号) 6SE6440-2UD35-5FB1 产品说明 MICROMASTER 440,不带滤波器,3AC 380-480V +10/-10% 47-63Hz,恒转矩,额定输出功率,55 KW 过载 150%,用于 60S,200% 3 S,平方转矩,额定输出功率,75 KW 850 x 350 x 320 (H x W x D),防护等级 IP20,环境温度 -10 - +50 ℃,不带 AOP/BOP 产品家族 订货数据总览 产品生命周期 (PLM) PM300:有效产品 价格数据 价格组 / 总部价格组 IB / 列表价(不含增值税) 显示价格 您的单价(不含增值税) 显示价格 金属系数 无 交付信息 出口管制规定 AL : 3D225 / ECCN : N 工厂生产时间 32 天 净重 (Kg) 56.0 Kg 产品尺寸 (W x L X H) 未提供 包装尺寸 未提供 包装尺寸单位的测量 未提供 数量单位 1 件 包装数量 未提供 其他产品信息 EAN 未提供 UPC 未提供 商品代码 85044097 LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID DA51-J 产品组 9823 原产国 中国 Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive 阐明 RoHS 合规性 产品类别 未提供 电气和电子设备使用后的收回义务类别 没有电气和电子设备使用后回收的义务 分类     版本 分类 eClass 5.1 27-02-31-01 UNSPSC 15 39-12-20-01  |  捆绑销售:  6SE6440-2UD31-1CA1 MICROMASTER 440,不带滤波器,3AC 380-480V +10/-10% 47-63Hz,恒转矩,额定输出功率,11 KW 过载 150%,用于 60S,200% 3 S,平方转矩,额定输出功率,15 KW 245 x 185 x 195 (H x W x D),防护等级 IP20,环境温度 -10 - +50 ℃,不带 AOP/BOP    6SE6440-2UD23-0BA1 MICROMASTER 440,不带滤波器,3AC 380-480V +10/-10% 47-63Hz,恒转矩,额定输出功率,3 KW 过载 150%,用于 60S,200% 3 S,平方转矩,额定输出功率,3 KW 202 x 149 x 172 (H x W x D),防护等级 IP20,环境温度 -10 - +50 ℃,不带 AOP/BOP    6SE6440-2UD24-0BA1 MICROMASTER 440,不带滤波器,3AC 380-480V +10/-10% 47-63Hz,恒转矩,额定输出功率,4 KW 过载 150%,用于 60S,200% 3 S,平方转矩,额定输出功率,4 KW 202 x 149 x 172 (H x W x D),防护等级 IP20,环境温度 -10 - +50 ℃,不带 AOP/BOP    6SE6440-2UD31-5DB1 MICROMASTER 440,不带滤波器,3AC 380-480V +10/-10% 47-63Hz,恒转矩,额定输出功率,15 KW 过载 150%,用于 60S,200% 3 S,平方转矩,额定输出功率,18.5 KW 520 x 275 x 245 (H x W x D),防护等级 IP20,环境温度 -10 - +50 ℃,不带 AOP/BOP    6SE6400-0BP00-0AA1 MICROMASTER 4 BASIC OPERATOR PANEL (BOP)   Energy efficiency classes in accordance with EN 50598 产品信息 跳转到 Overview More information Overview Step by step to more efficiency One of the core objectives of the European Union is a sustainable power industry. In industrial plants today, around 70 % of the power demand is from electrically driven systems. This high percentage contains huge potential for saving energy in electrical drives. For that reason, the European Union introduced minimum requirements for the energy efficiency of electric motors in the form of a statutory motor regulation as early as 2011. However, measures aimed solely at the motor are not enough to achieve the mandatory energy-saving targets. The European legislation fills this gap with the standard series EN 50598 and extends the focus from individual drive components to entire drive systems, even enabling consideration of specific use cases. The European standard series EN 50598 defines the ecodesign requirements for drive systems in the low-voltage range with an electrically driven machine. It consists of definitions for energy efficiency (parts 1 and 2) and an ecobalance calculation (part 3). To take account of the different use cases, consideration of eight application-relevant operating points has been introduced as mandatory for the first time. Determination of loss values at these eight points and definition of efficiency classes are laid down by the standard in a uniform way. This enables data relevant to operation, such as application-specific load profiles, to now be taken into account more easily in the energy efficiency analysis. The standard is especially important for variable-speed drives of the following types: for AC/AC converters without energy recovery functionality for motors with integrated converters for supply voltages of 100 V to 1000 V for power ratings of 0.12 kW to 1000 kW To cover all applications of driven machines, the new standard defines operating points in full-load and partial-load operation, at which the losses of the motor and drive systems have to be determined. Based on the loss data at the operating points in partial-load operation, variable-speed drives can be explicitly considered in more detail. This makes their advantages especially clear. Duty cycles for different driven machines Moreover, frequency converters and motor systems are classified in efficiency classes, which permit an initial rough estimate of the potential saving. Definition of reference systems is a key aspect of this because they provide standard reference values. The positioning of these reference systems defines the efficiency class. The relative distance from the reference system can be used as an absolute measure of the efficiency at the operating point in question. Advantages of the detailed loss consideration of EN 50598 over the previous consideration of efficiencies and maximum loss values For motors, the efficiency consideration was previously only defined for operation without a converter at 50/60 Hz. It provides a good way of comparing the energy efficiency of motors from different manufacturers for this use case. The more detailed loss analysis of EN 50598, on the other hand, is aimed at speed-controlled operation and therefore now also includes motors especially designed for converter operation in the energy analysis. These were previously not covered by the applicable standards. Moreover, a loss analysis over the entire setting and load range of the motor is possible. This is done in accordance with the standard EN 50598 with typical values. For holistic consideration, it is essential to include all the relevant components of a drive system. The EN 50598 standard defines this in detail. The standardized expression of power loss data as a percentage makes comparison considerably easier and more transparent. The method also makes it possible to consider a motor that produces a holding torque at speed zero, for example. In this case, the efficiency is zero, but a power loss from current producing magnetization and holding torque does occur. In summary, the key advantage of standard EN 50598 is the ability to perform the energy analysis of an electrical drive system based on standardized load profiles in all operating ranges due to uniform general conditions. This provides the user with complete transparency irrespective of the manufacturer. Establishing efficiency classes of frequency converters (Complete Drive Modules CDM) To avoid overmodulation and to ensure comparability between makes, which cannot be achieved otherwise, the efficiency classes of CDMs refer to the 90/100 operating point (90 % motor stator frequency, 100 % torque current). Standard EN 50598‑2 defines the relative losses of a CDM in efficiency classes IE0 to IE2. With reference to the value of a CDM of efficiency class IE1 (reference converter), a CDM of efficiency class IE2 has 25 % lower losses and a CDM of efficiency class IE0 has 25 % higher losses. Operating points for CDMs Complete Drive Module (CDM) – determining the efficiency class Establishing the efficiency classes of drive systems (Power Drive Systems PDS) What is possible for the individual systems, of course, also applies to the entire electrical PDS (frequency converter plus motor). Detailed comparisons are now possible at this level, too. The reference values for the reference system provide clear indications of the energy performance of the PDS. Because targeted matching of the motor and CDM provides additional potential for optimization in electrical drive systems, it is especially important for the user to consider the entire drive system. For the efficiency class of a PDS, too, a specific load point is defined. In this case, the reference point used is the 100/100 operating point (100 % motor stator frequency, 100 % torque). Standard EN 50598‑2 defines the relative losses of a PDS in efficiency classes IES0 to IES2. With reference to the value of a PDS of efficiency class IES1 (reference drive), a PDS of efficiency class IES2 has 20 % lower losses and a PDS of efficiency class IES0 has 20 % higher losses. Operating points for PDS Power Drive System (PDS) – determining the efficiency class   More information An example of a highly efficient drive system with efficiency class IES2 is the new synchronous inductance drive system with SIMOTICS reluctance motors and SINAMICS drives. More information is available on the Internet at  http://www.siemens.com/drivesystem-reluctance  http://www.siemens.com/simotics-gp  http://www.siemens.com/simotics-sd Power loss data of SINAMICS converters for single-axis drives are available on the Internet at  https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/document/94059311 More information on current laws and standards, new standards, and mandatory guidelines is available on the Internet at  www.siemens.com/legislation-and-standards   功率模块和进线侧组件 模块型功率模块 推荐的进线侧组件 模块型功率模块 推荐的进线侧组件 4/19 ■ 概述 进线侧功率组件的选型依据是功率模块的额定功率。 下表列出了一些推荐组件,针对的是环境温度 40 °C (104 °F) 以下 的应用。 有关表中指定的进线接触器、隔离开关、断路器和熔断器的详细 信息,请参见产品目录 LV 10.1 和 IC 10。 和模块型功率模块配套的进线侧功率组件 额定输出电流 额定功率 配套的模块型 功率模块 进线接触器 断路器 IEC 60947 和 UL489/  CSA C22.2 编号 5-02 UL/CSA 熔断器, J 级 可从以下公司订购:Mersen  www.ep.mersen.com A kW (HP) 型号 6SL3210- 型号 订货号 额定电流 大小 mm 参考号 进线电压 200 ... 240 V 1  相 AC 0.9 0.12 (0.2) 1SB11-0... 5TT57... 5SJ4206-7HG41 6 A 21 57 AJT6 2.3 0.37 (0.5) 1SB12-3... 5TT57... 5SJ4210-7HG41 10 A 21 57 AJT10 3.9 0.75 (0.75) 1SB14-0... 5TT57... 5SJ4216-7HG41 15 A 21 57 AJT15 额定输出电流 额定功率 配套的模块型 功率模块 进线接触器 断路器 IEC 60947 断路器 UL489/  CSA C22.2 No. 5-02 主开关 A kW (HP) 型号 6SL3210- 型号 订货号 订货号 订货号 进线电压 380 ... 480 V 3  相 AC 1.3 0.37 (0.5) 1SE11-3UA0 3RT2015-... 3RV2011-1DA10 – 3LD2003-1TP51 1.7 0.55 (0.75) 1SE11-7UA0 3RT2015-... 3RV2011-1DA10 – 3LD2003-1TP51 2.2 0.75 (1) 1SE12-2UA0 3RT2015-... 3RV2011-1FA10 – 3LD2003-1TP51 3.1 1.1 (1.5) 1SE13-1UA0 3RT2015-... 3RV2011-1GA10 – 3LD2003-1TP51 4.1 1.5 (2) 1SE14-1UA0 3RT2015-... 3RV2011-1HA10 – 3LD2003-1TP51 5.9 2.2 (3) 1SE16-0... 3RT2015-... 3RV2011-1KA10 – 3LD2003-1TP51 7.7 3 (5) 1SE17-7... 3RT2015-... 3RV2011-4AA10 – 3LD2003-1TP51 10 4 (5) 1SE21-0... 3RT2016-... 3RV2021-4BA10 – 3LD2103-1TP51 18 7.5 (10) 1SE21-8... 3RT1025-... 3RV1031-4EA10 – 3LD2203-0TK51 25 11 (15) 1SE22-5... 3RT1026-... 3RV1031-4FA10 – 3LD2504-0TK51 32 15 (20) 1SE23-2... 3RT1034-... 3RV1031-4HA10 – 3LD2504-0TK51 38 18.5 (25) 1SE23-8... 3RT1035-... 3RV1042-4JA10 – 3LD2504-0TK51 45 22 (30) 1SE24-5... 3RT1036-... 3RV1042-4KA10 – 3LD2504-0TK51 60 30 (40) 1SE26-0... 3RT1044-... 3RV1042-4MA10 3VL2191-3KN30-.... 3LD2704-0TK51 75 37 (50) 1SE27-5... 3RT1045-... 3VL1712-1DD33-.... 3VL2110-3KN30-.... 3LD2704-0TK51 90 45 (60) 1SE31-0... 3RT1046-... 3VL1716-1DD33-.... 3VL2112-3KN30-.... 3LD2804-0TK51 110 55 (75) 1SE31-1... 3RT1054-... 3VL3720-1DC36-.... 3VL2115-3KN30-.... 3KA5330-1GE01 145 75 (100) 1SE31-5... 3RT1056-... 3VL3720-1DC36-.... 3VL3120-3KN30-.... 3KA5530-1GE01 178 90 (125) 1SE31-8... 3RT1064-... 3VL4725-1DC36-.... 3VL3125-3KN30-.... 3KA5530-1GE01 功率模块和进线侧组件 模块型功率模块 推荐的进线侧组件 模块型功率模块 推荐的进线侧组件 4/20 ■ 概述 (续) 额定输出 电流 额定功率 配套的模块型 功率模块 熔断器式隔离开关 带熔断器座的隔离开关 熔断器 UL/CSA 熔断器, J 级 1) 可从以下公司订购:Mersen  www.ep.mersen.com A kW (HP) 型号 6SL3210- 订货号 订货号 订货号 额定电流 大小 mm 参考号 进线电压 380 ... 480 V 3  相 AC 1.3 0.37 (0.5) 1SE11-3UA0 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3804 4 A 21 57 AJT4 1.7 0.55 (0.75) 1SE11-7UA0 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3804 4 A 21 57 AJT4 2.2 0.75 (1) 1SE12-2UA0 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3801 6 A 21 57 AJT6 3.1 1.1 (1.5) 1SE13-1UA0 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3803 8 A 21 57 AJT8 4.1 1.5 (2) 1SE14-1UA0 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3803 10 A 21 57 AJT10 5.9 2.2 (3) 1SE16-0... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3803 10 A 21 57 AJT10 7.7 3 (5) 1SE17-7... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3805 12 A 21 57 AJT12 10 4 (5) 1SE21-0... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3805 15 A 21 57 AJT15 18 7.5 (10) 1SE21-8... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3810 25 A 21 57 AJT25 25 11 (15) 1SE22-5... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3814 35 A 27 60 AJT35 32 15 (20) 1SE23-2... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3817 45 A 27 60 AJT45 38 18.5 (25) 1SE23-8... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3820 50 A 27 60 AJT50 45 22 (30) 1SE24-5... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1GB01 3NA3822 60 A 27 60 AJT60 60 30 (40) 1SE26-0... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5230-1GB01 3NA3824 90 A 29 117 AJT90 75 37 (50) 1SE27-5... 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5230-1GB01 3NA3830 100 A 29 117 AJT100 90 45 (60) 1SE31-0... 3NP4070-0CH01 3KL5230-1GB01 3NA3832 125 A 41 146 AJT125 110 55 (75) 1SE31-1... 3NP4070-0CH01 3KL5330-1GB01 3NA3836 150 A 41 146 AJT150 145 75 (100) 1SE31-5... 3NP4270-0CA01 3KL5530-1GB01 3NA3140 200 A 41 146 AJT200 178 90 (125) 1SE31-8... 3NP4270-0CA01 3KL5530-1GB01 3NA3144 250 A 54 181 AJT250 1) 不适用于 3NP 和 3KL 隔离开关。 功率模块和进线侧组件 装置型 风冷式功率模块 装置型 风冷式功率模块 4/21 ■ 设计 带有控制单元 (不在供货范围内)的装置型功率模块 装置型功率模块标配了以下连接和接口: • 1 个电源连接 • 2 个用于选件的直流母线连接,如制动模块 • 3 个 DRIVE-CLiQ 插座 • 1 路“安全停车”输入 (脉冲使能) • 1 路温度传感器输入 (KTY84-130 或 PTC/Pt100) • 1 个开关电源接口 • 1 个电机接口 • 1 个安全抱闸适配器接口 • 2 个 PE(保护性接地)连接 CU310-2/SIMOTION D410-2 控制单元可安装在装置型功率模 块内。 功率模块的供货范围包括: • 1 根用于连接  CU310-2/SIMOTION D410-2 控制单元的 DRIVE-CLiQ 电缆 • 1 根用于连接  CU310-2/SIMOTION D410-2 控制单元的 24 V 电源电缆 • 1 块用于安装  CU310-2/SIMOTION D410-2 控制单元的安装板 • 1 套警告标签, 30 种语言 装置型功率模块可以连接到接地的 TN/TT 系统和不接地的 IT  系统。 多轴系统中的应用 装置型功率模块还可通过 DRIVE-CLiQ 直接连接到独立的 CU320- 2 或 SIMOTION D4x5-2 控制单元或 CX32-2 扩展控制器。必须另 行订购与所需距离配套的 DRIVE-CLiQ 电缆附件。 CUA31/CUA32 适配器模块不必安装到装置型功率模块中。 ■ 选型和订货数据 额定输出电流 额定功率 装置型风冷式功率模块 A kW (HP) 订货号 进线电压 380 ... 480 V 3  相 AC 210 110 (150) 6SL3310-1TE32-1AA3 260 132 (200) 6SL3310-1TE32-6AA3 310 160 (250) 6SL3310-1TE33-1AA3 380 200 (300) 6SL3310-1TE33-8AA3 490 250 (400) 6SL3310-1TE35-0AA3 补充订购的附件 警告标签, , 30 种语言 可以将其他语言的标签贴在标准英语或德 语标签的上方。 标签随设备一起提供。 每套标签提供的语言有: 保加利亚语、汉语、捷克语、德语、丹麦 语、爱沙尼亚语、西班牙语、芬兰语、法 语、英语 (大不列颠)、希腊语、匈牙利 语、爱尔兰语、冰岛语、意大利语、日 语、韩语、立陶宛语、拉脱维亚语、马尔 他语、荷兰语、挪威语、波兰语、葡萄牙 语、罗马尼亚语、俄语、瑞典语、斯洛文 尼亚语、斯洛伐克语、土耳其语 6SL3166-3AB00-0AA0 SINAMICS/SINUMERIK/SIMOTION   防尘哑插头 (50 个) 用于 DRIVE-CLiQ 端口 6SL3066-4CA00-0AA0
相关产品:S7-200CN , S7-200 , 连接器 , 电源模块 , 插头 , Smart200 , S7-300 , S7-400 , S7-1200 , 触摸屏 , 6FC , 6SN , S120 , V10 , V20 , V60 , V80 , G110 , G12
所属分类:中国电子元件网 / 西门子变频器
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