进口Krohn Hite 3945 滤波器

更新时间:2022-03-01 15:07:43 信息编号:5101078 发布者IP: 浏览:65次
深圳市湾边贸易有限公司 商铺
Krohn Hite
张雪凤  请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多


 深圳市湾边贸易有限公司供应美国krohn-hite model 7500,krohn-hite 3362, krohn-hite model 6620, krohn-hite 7602 m等功率放大器。


krohn hite 3945 滤波器 

 3361 single channel; hp, lp; 24db/octave, diff./single-ended input; butterworth, bessel; gain
option 002: extend low-end cutoff to 0.005hz
rk-314: rack mount kit
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (2 cables recommended)
3362 dual channel; hp, lp; 24db/octave, diff./single-ended input; butterworth, bessel; gain
option 002: extend low-end cutoff to 0.005hz
option bk-330: battery kit
rk-314: rack mount kit
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (4 cables recommended)
3364 four channel; hp, lp; 24db/octave, diff./single-ended input; butterworth, bessel; gain
option 002: extend low-end cutoff to 0.005hz
rk-314: rack mount kit
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (8 cables recommended)
3381 single channel; hp, lp; 48db/octave, diff./single-ended input; butterworth, bessel; gain
option 002: extend low-end cutoff to 0.005hz
rk-314: rack mount kit
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (2 cables recommended)
3382 dual channel; hp, lp; 48db/octave, diff./single-ended input; butterworth, bessel; gain
option 002: extend low-end cutoff to 0.005hz
option bk-330: battery kit
rk-314: rack mount kit
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (4 cables recommended)
3384 four channel; hp, lp; 48db/octave, diff./single-ended input; butterworth, bessel; gain
option 002: extend low-end cutoff to 0.005hz
rk-314: rack mount kit
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (8 cables recommended)
30a-1 single channel; low-pass; 1hz to 99khz, 115db/octave; diff/single-ended input; gain; elliptic
31a-1 single channel; high-pass; 1hz to 99khz, 115db/octave; diff/single-ended input; gain; elliptic
34a dual channel; low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-reject; 3hz to 2mhz, butterworth, bessel, gain
option 020: lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3hz to 200khz
35 single channel; low-pass; amplifier mode; 170hz to 25.6mhz; 24db/octave; butterworth
option 005: bessel response replaces butterworth response
38 single channel; low-pass, high-pass; 0.03hz to 1mhz; 48db/octave; butterworth, bessel, gain
option 002: extends low-end cutoff frequency range to 0.003hz
3905c mainframe; gpib programmable, up to five plug-in cards
option me39a: card extender
rk-317: rack mount kit
cab-10: gpib cable with connectors, 2-meters
cab-11: gpib cable with connectors, 1-meter
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (recommend 2-3 per card depending on the model installed)
3916c mainframe; gpib programmable, up to sixteen plug-in cards
option me39a: card extender
rk-817: rack mount kit with rack slides
cab-10: gpib cable with connectors, 2-meters
cab-11: gpib cable with connectors, 1-meter
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (recommend 2-3 per card depending on the model installed)
3900 dual channel; low-pass; 1hz to 99khz, 115db/octave; diff/single-ended input; gain; elliptic
rk-37: rack mount kit
cab-10: gpib cable with connectors, 2-meters
cab-11: gpib cable with connectors, 1-meter
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (6 cables recommended)
3901 dual channel; low-pass, high-pass; 1hz to 99khz, 115db/octave; diff/single-ended; gain; elliptic
rk-37: rack mount kit
cab-10: gpib cable with connectors, 2-meters
cab-11: gpib cable with connectors, 1-meter
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (6 cables recommended)
3940 dual channel; low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-reject; 3hz to 2mhz, butterworth, bessel, gain
option 020: lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3hz to 200khz
rk-37: rack mount kit
cab-10: gpib cable with connectors, 2-meters
cab-11: gpib cable with connectors, 1-meter
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (4 cables recommended)
3944 four channel; lp, hp, bp, br; 3hz to 2mhz, butterworth, bessel, gain
option 020: lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3hz to 200khz
rk-37: rack mount kit
cab-10: gpib cable with connectors, 2-meters
cab-11: gpib cable with connectors, 1-meter
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (8 cables recommended)
3945 three channel; low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-reject; two channels;
rk-37: rack mount kit
cab-10: gpib cable with connectors, 2-meters
cab-11: gpib cable with connectors, 1-meter
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (6 cables recommended)
3955 dual channel; low-pass, 170hz to 25.6mhz, 24db/octave; butterworth; amplifier mode
option 005: bessel response replaces butterworth response
rk-37: rack mount kit
cab-10: gpib cable with connectors, 2-meters
cab-11: gpib cable with connectors, 1-meter
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (4 cables recommended)
3988 dual channel; lp, hp, bp, br; 0.03hz to 1mhz; 48db/octave; butterworth, bessel; gain
option 002: extends low-end cutoff frequency range to 0.003hz
rk-37: rack mount kit
cab-10: gpib cable with connectors, 2-meters
cab-11: gpib cable with connectors, 1-meter
cab-025: 3ft. bnc cable (6 cables recommended) 

相关产品:KROHN-HITE , KROHN-HITE , 7500 , KROHN-HITE , 3362 , KROHN-HITE , 6620 , KROHN-HITE , 7602
所属分类:中国仪表网 / 其他专用仪器仪表
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