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广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司 商铺
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8V battery for most electric sightseeing cars, patrol car, car, car  to pick up the scenic tour golf cart, clean sanitation car, forklift  forklift to EV as battery powered vehicles, according to the price  effect of 8V battery capacity, weight, maintenance free and can be  divided into two plates of this bottle of hydropower, at the same time  divided into type, tube type, but in the end to the deep circulation  discharge principle, 8V battery type marked several methods: 4-D-140,  4-EV-140, 4-DG-140, T-875, 4-EV-150T, DTA8200, DT866, DT876, DT896,  DT8240, DGF8140, 4-EVF-150Y, 4-EVF-170, 4-EV-120 and other  specifications, the size is similar, 4 of which represent the 4 lattice,  each single 2V series combination of 8V battery. Capacity can be  classified by 20HR, 10HR, 5HR, 3HR. The weight of each manufacturer's 8V  battery is different, not the same. Guangzhou Bei rance power supply  Co. the company mainly wholesale dealer 8V battery, the battery for  various dealers, carmakers, courts, scenic spots such as the  introduction of supporting installation integration. The use of the  process, we must pay attention to the impact of temperature0n the  battery. Battery room environmental temperature is too high, the plate  corrosion will be intensified, serious when the electrolyte can dry,  melt and even burst. In determining the relationship between the life of  the battery and the temperature, a general experience is: the average  temperature of more than 25 degrees, the battery life of every increase  of 8.3 degrees will be shortened by 50%. Float voltage is generally set  to 25 DEG C, every increase of 1 degrees, the floating voltage drop  0.003V/ monomer. Effect of charging voltage0n battery. The main effect  of gas floating voltage battery positive grid corrosion rate and battery  discharge. When the battery float voltage exceeds a certain value,  increasing grid corrosion phenomenon, further deterioration, shorten the  life of the battery. Floating charge current increase will generate  more surplus gas through the exhaust valve, discharge, resulting in loss  of battery. The amount of gas generated during charging to balance  several times, than the float charging so as equilibrium charging time  is too long, the water loss and grid corrosion will aggravate the  battery, thereby damaging the battery. Effect of discharge0n battery.  The discharge current can not be controlled because the DC load is not  controllable in the discharge process. Practice shows that the large  current discharge release small current discharge capacity is small,  easy to form lead sulfate crystals, excessive discharge will cause the  battery 'sulfation, increase its resistance, charge and discharge  performance of the battery0n the poor, the service life of the battery  will be shortened. Effect of temperature0n storage battery. Battery room  environmental temperature is too high, the plate corrosion will be  intensified, serious when the electrolyte can dry, melt and even burst.  In determining the relationship between the life of the battery and the  temperature, a general experience is: the average temperature of more  than 25 degrees, the battery life of every increase of 8.3 degrees will  be shortened by 50%. Float voltage is generally set to 25 DEG C, every  increase of 1 degrees, the floating voltage drop 0.003V/ monomer. Effect  of charging voltage0n battery. The main effect of gas floating voltage  battery positive grid corrosion rate and battery discharge. When the  battery float voltage exceeds a certain value, increasing grid corrosion  phenomenon, further deterioration, shorten the life of the battery.  Floating charge current increase will generate more surplus gas through  the exhaust valve, discharge, resulting in loss of battery. The amount  of gas generated during charging to balance several times, than the  float charging so as equilibrium charging time is too long, the water  loss and grid corrosion will aggravate the battery, thereby damaging the  battery. Effect of discharge0n battery. The discharge current can not  be controlled because the DC load is not controllable in the discharge  process. Practice shows that the large current discharge release small  current discharge capacity is small, easy to form lead sulfate crystals,  excessive discharge will cause the battery 'sulfation, increase its  resistance, charge and discharge performance of the battery0n the poor,  the service life of the battery will be shortened.


相关产品:8V蓄电池 , 8V电瓶 , 8V动力蓄电池 , 8V动力电瓶 , EV动力电池
所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 蓄电池
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