更新:2022-02-22 15:02 编号:4401794 IP: 浏览:82次
- 供应商
- 深圳市恒生瑞科技有限公司 商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第14年主体名称:深圳市恒生瑞科技有限公司组织机构代码:440301103028902
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- KS-650N
- 所在地
- 广东省深圳市南山区蛇口花果山大厦a2004
- 联系电话
- 86-0755-26829883
- 手机号
- 13537566612
- 销售经理
- 黄桂增 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
general characteristics of KS650N
品名 name 项目 items |
KS650N |
外观 Appearance |
乳白色半透明油脂状 milky white translucent greasy form |
比重 proportion |
25℃ |
0.96 |
浓度 concentration |
25℃/JIS.混合 blending |
263 |
离油度 oil separation degree |
105℃/24hour(%) |
0.5 |
挥发率 evaporation rate |
105℃/24hour(%) |
0.5 |
吸水率 water absorption rate |
60℃/72hour(%) |
1.0以下 以下 |
水洗耐水度 water resistance degree during washing |
80℃ (%) |
3.0以下 以下 |
硅酮橡胶膨胀度 expansion degree of silicone rubber 105℃/500hour(%) |
重量变化 weight variation |
+0.5 |
体积变化 volume variation |
+1.1 |
容积电阻率 volume resistivity |
TΩ*m{Ω*cm} |
208{208×1014} |
导电率 electrical conductivity |
50Hz |
2.48 |
耗散系数 dissipation factor |
50Hz |
4.3×10-4 |
使用温度范围 Temperature Range |
℃ |
-10~+100 |
(非标准值non-standard value)
optical use
OPTSEAL 是具有近似于石英玻璃的高透明性油脂状合成油。
OPTSEAL is a kind of transparent and fat-like synthetic oil similar to quartz glass.
The transmittance of 10mm thickness of synthetic oil for visible light lay reaches above 90%.
therefore, they are most suitable to filling into cemented part of optical equipment , such as optical and electronic Instrument equipment, optical fiber and so on.
l 透镜,棱镜等光学设备的粘接
adhesion of optical instruments, such as lens and prisms, etc.
l 中标,眼镜,相机等光学电子类原件,光纤维等粘接部分填充
bonding part padding of cemented original of optical electronics including clock , glasses, camera and optical fiber, etc
l 投影机显像管部分填充
filling into display tube part of projecting camera
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