丽勋活动顶针 伞形顶针,高速中负荷顶针车床顶针

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昆山市巴城镇金泰利五金贸易商行 商铺
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★   切 削 刀 具:日本stk /skl铣刀nachi 越钻头铣刀丝锥带锯 ,台湾cta钨钢铣刀,美国qct/lbk高精度钨钢铣刀,,台湾三禄车刀,台湾苏氏tpt钻头,日本osg(tosg)大宝丝攻(丝锥),螺帽丝锥 滚丝轮,牙板牙规,板牙,钨钢丝攻,  日本东芝,住友,京瓷,三菱,黛杰 / 伊斯卡/克洛依/日立/瑞士lamina刀片。

★   数控刀具:台湾aw安威粗搪刀柄刀具,stanny世邦精粗搪刀, bt刀柄,铣刀把 强力铣刀夹头筒夹 延长杆 舍弃式刀杆 舍弃式快速钻头,微调精搪孔系统,锁刀座拉钉螺栓,台湾广杰刀柄延长杆夹头筒夹,耐久搪刀钻铣万用刀杆,铨宝钻夹头,日本九州,日研 big精密高速刀把镗刀

★   机 床 附件:台湾精展铣床磨床配件,冲子成型器冲子研磨机 砂轮修整器 角度成型器,工具万力 精密块规 精密吸盘 正弦磁台,线切割夹具台湾丽勋陶瓷寻边器,z轴设定器, 台湾鹰牌工具磨刀机,英国电控永磁吸盘夹紧装置,永磁吊重器,协威虎钳,京山夹具组(组合压板)台湾贸巨气动攻丝机,千岛卡盘,卡盘软爪硬爪,韩国super gun气动抽吸装置。

★   磨具润滑抛光及模具标准件: 日本东发弹簧,日本futaba(瑞士agathon)模具标准件导柱导套定位珠,优力胶, 美国诺顿砂轮台湾基准cbn&sdc树脂砂轮,中国砂轮,普力切割片 瑞典鱼唛锯条,韩国金钟油石,美国必宝油石,日本女神红丹,德国省铜膏(金属护理膏),瑞士羊角精密锉刀,五星钻石膏,台湾力全气动刻磨机,超音波抛光研磨机,日本模具计数器, 德国yc钢印,红鹰砂纸,台湾恐龙wd40 防锈油 除垢油,银晶脱模剂防锈剂,线切割机用离子交换树脂,过滤器,比尔罗哥攻牙油精冲压油

★   检 测 量 具:日本三丰mitutoyo精密量仪,万濠投影仪光学尺系统,日本爱森eisen新鸿针规、大宝塞规 栓环规 爱光aikoh推拉力计,放大镜,显微镜,硬度计,德国哈斯伯h+s精密垫片,文件整理柜,刀具管理车




gentili mould hardware co., ltd., located in kunshan city, jiangsu province high-tech industrial park, primarily serving the majority of electronic components, machinery manufacturing, mold manufacturing, measuring and testing factories and other related areas or departments, professional services, sales of imported milling machines, grinding machines, cnc machining center accessories, consumables and industrial precision measurement equipment, headquartered in hong kong, shenzhen, chongqing, zhengzhou, dalian, jinan, changchun, hangzhou, wuhu, nanjing has offices and service points.with first-rate sales staff have long years of field sales and service experience and provide high-quality products, has won the praise and trust of our customers, we write all my colleagues at this table to thank, and common development with customers in the growing while continuing to provide the following high quality products:

【taiwan exhibition gin such fine grinder, milling machine, cnc parts, taiwan, japan showa equipment heyuan holder】aw arvee is a one-way punch former, two-way punch former, flat hydraulic vise, containing hydraulic vise,supercharged vices, foreign possession of hydraulic vices, times the force outside the tibetan vices, pneumatic vices, vector-type precision vise, angle-solid-type vise, cnc precision angle vise, cnc times the power-type superchargervices, milling parallel to the block, a large punch former, er punch former, three-jaw punch former, wheel dresser, diamond dresser, electric diamond wheel dresser, everything wash stone, perspective universal wheel dresser, wheel thickness dresser, grinding wheel angle shaper, grinding wheel balancing units, r shaper, grinder flange, sine, angle gauge blocks, magnetic blocks, magnetic v-block, square magnetic determination sets demagnetizer, plane off ceramic ware, universal magnetic stand, magnetic sine taiwan, brief breakdown of sinusoidal magnetic units, one thin sinusoidal magnetic units, forming tool 10 000 power tool 10000 sinusoidal force, cutting million power line, electric shock motorola, stainless steel power tool 10000 , adjustable wire cutting tools motorola, hand tools for motorola turn, strong permanent magnet chuck, magnetic suspended disk, high-speed steel gauge block, tungsten steel gauge block, ceramic gauge block, punch grinding machine, electric punch grinding machine, milling machinefixture group, taiwan s eagle chamfering machine, universal grinding machines, thimble cutting machine, pneumatic tapping machines, tool cart, tool box order, three times per probe, optical edge detector, ceramic edge detector, eccentric look for edgedevice, not magnetic edge detector, edge detector, universal clamp group, automatic drill chuck, precision boring devices, set boring devices, milling baffle, japan showa cutter chuck, boring devices, drill clip head, lock knife, z-axis height setting apparatus ...

【japan mitutoyo mitutoyo gages and instruments】digital calipers, schedule caliper, vernier caliper, (micrometer) micrometer, outside micrometer, inside micrometer, three diameter micrometer, thin micrometer, dial indicator, dial gauge, levertable, marble platform (granite measuring table), gauge blocks, than the test instrument, bore gauge, thickness meter, crossed feet, height gauge, depth gauge, external card rules, regulations within the card, (linear scale) grating, and displacement sensor , surface roughness tester, projector, video measuring instrument, tool microscope, roundness tester, japan tc, eisen pin gauge (pin gauge), precision level meter, glass calibration scale, japan sony sony grating, and the sony than the tester ...

precision cutting tools】【class mitsubishi mitsubishi blade, blade hitachi, sumitomo arbor cutter blade, blade system, sugar, taiwan sus su bit, milling cutter, japan nachi cobalt high speed steel cutter, drill, drive band saw japan stk high-speed steel cutter, japan ncc saw blade, the u.s. scs tungsten steel cutter, taiwan hkf cta tungsten steel cutting tool, japan ok center drill, yamawa center drill bit, fixed-point drill, taiwan tosg wire attack, attack japanese yamawa wire, taiwanthai-style arbor abandon fine tjf, plane milling cutter, reamer, t-slot cutters, dovetail cutter, filling the mouth reamer, saw milling, and face milling cutters, chamfering knife ...

【3r system, wire cutting parts, accessories】sweden 3r edm system kunshan agency, switzerland erowa high precision fixture system, wire cutting jig (tool motorola), line cutting filters, spark machine filters, wire mouth, flushingmouth, japan, nc wire cutting rust water (kc-12 rust water, k-200 rust water), line cutting copper, brass﹑quartz lights, dust ...

【precision grinding tools, consumables and standard pieces of u.s. norton norton grinding wheel, taiwan and china wheel, taiwan anchor brand wheel, taiwan tdc diamond grinding wheels, projector grinding wheel, taiwan best one product diamond repair knife, a product diamond rasp, a product the diamond grinding wheel, a productdiamond paste, diamond grinding of a product rod, germany petiole wheel, wool wheel, germany, the united states will treasure stone, ceramic stone shield japan ceraton sharp, japan uht pneumatic grinding machine, uhsio pneumatic grinders, electric ultrasonic grinding machine, pneumatic ultrasonic grinding machinepetiole wheel, japanese datong mold spring, the u.s. anti-rust oil wd-40, standard and customized non-standard punches, ejector pin, guide pillar, guide sleeve, years date chapters (die date of chapter), tin steel longkai filing cabinet, parts sorting cabinet, tool cart, tool management vehicles, tools, car ...

pursuit of prestige first, customer first, good faith and common development, professional management, inventory is complete, fast delivery, quality and stability of the concept of the pursuit of the best services to the customers, to the customers provide the best configuration to improve product qualityand lower customer production costs.


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丽勋活动顶针 伞形顶针,高速中负荷顶针车床顶针的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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