臭氧检测仪 英迪特可燃有毒气体检测专业厂家

更新时间:2015-09-06 21:26:02 信息编号:3865659 发布者IP: 浏览:117次
福州英迪特自动化科技有限公司 商铺
臭氧检测仪 固定式臭氧检测仪 臭氧浓度探测器 臭氧泄漏检测仪



6、取得国家防爆认证,防爆等级exdiict6 gb
11、%vol ppm mg/m3单位可以自由切换 


exdiict6 gb 证书号:cnex15.1978
带背光lcd液晶显示 3个状态指示灯
(15~30)vdc 常规24vdc  功率<3w
三组,可用于高报警、低报警和故障报警;容量:6a 220vac/ 30vdc
模拟信号 (4~20)ma    ;Zui大负载500欧姆
数字信号 modbus rs485 ;传输距离<2km
gb3836.1-2010、 gb3836.2-2010《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第一部分:通用要求》及第二部分 隔爆要求
-20℃~70℃,带温度补偿;15%~95% 相对湿度(标准)


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bottom: auto; text-indent: 0pt; opacity: 1; text-shadow: none; block-direction: ltr; clip-bottom: auto; clip-left: auto; clip-right: auto; clip-top: auto; scrollbar3d-light-color: #e3e3e3; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: #696969; style-float: none; transform: none; css-float: none; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; backface-visibility: visible; perspective: none; transform-style: flat; background-clip: border-box; background-origin: padding-box; background-size: auto; border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; border-top-left-radius: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; animation-delay: 0s; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0s; animation-fill-mode: none; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-name: none; animation-play-state: running; font-feature-settings: normal; break-after: auto; break-before: auto; break-inside: auto; column-count: auto; column-fill: balance; column-gap: normal; column-rule: medium none #0066cc; column-rule-color: #0066cc; column-rule-style: none; column-rule-width: medium; column-span: 1; column-width: auto; columns: auto auto; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-popup-container input { background-image: none; background-color: rgb(255,255,255) } #evernote-popup-container input { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: hidden; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: rgb(112,112,112) 1px solid; height: auto; border-right: rgb(112,112,112) 1px solid; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: auto; background: rgb(255,255,255); unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; word-spacing: normal; border-collapse: separate; min-width: auto; table-layout: auto; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0; text-overflow: clip; border-bottom: rgb(112,112,112) 1px solid; text-transform: none; text-align-last: auto; word-break: normal; page-break-inside: auto; ruby-position: above; page-break-after: auto; zoom: normal; page-break-before: auto; font-weight: 400; color: rgb(33,33,33); scrollbar-base-color: rgb(33,33,33); outline-width: 0px; padding-bottom: 2px; direction: ltr; font-style: normal; text-align: left; padding-top: 2px; empty-cells: show; ruby-overhang: auto; 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transform-style: flat; background-clip: border-box; background-origin: padding-box; background-size: auto; border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; border-top-left-radius: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; animation-delay: 0s; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0s; animation-fill-mode: none; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-name: none; animation-play-state: running; font-feature-settings: normal; break-after: auto; break-before: auto; break-inside: auto; column-count: auto; column-fill: balance; column-gap: normal; column-rule: medium none rgb(33, 33, 33); column-rule-color: rgb(33, 33, 33); column-rule-style: none; column-rule-width: medium; column-span: 1; column-width: auto; columns: auto auto; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-options-content br { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: auto; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; word-spacing: normal; border-collapse: separate; min-width: auto; table-layout: auto; overflow-x: visible; overflow-y: visible; scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0; text-overflow: clip; border-bottom: #000000; text-transform: none; text-align-last: auto; word-break: normal; page-break-inside: auto; ruby-position: above; page-break-after: auto; zoom: normal; page-break-before: auto; font-weight: 400; color: #000000; scrollbar-base-color: #000000; outline-width: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; direction: ltr; font-style: normal; text-align: left; padding-top: 0px; empty-cells: show; ruby-overhang: auto; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000; outline-style: none; padding-left: 0px; clear: none; left: auto; filter: none; margin: auto; min-height: auto; border-left: #000000; orphans: 2; text-underline-position: auto; widows: 2; text-justify: auto; ruby-align: auto; text-kashida-space: 0%; z-index: auto; display: inline; letter-spacing: normal; list-style: disc none outside; outline-color: #000000; line-height: normal; top: auto; padding-right: 0px; caption-side: top; layout-flow: horizontal; max-height: none; 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column-fill: balance; column-gap: normal; column-rule: medium none #000000; column-rule-color: #000000; column-rule-style: none; column-rule-width: medium; column-span: 1; column-width: auto; columns: auto auto; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-popup-container br { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: auto; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; word-spacing: normal; border-collapse: separate; min-width: auto; table-layout: auto; overflow-x: visible; overflow-y: visible; scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0; text-overflow: clip; border-bottom: #000000; text-transform: none; text-align-last: auto; word-break: normal; page-break-inside: auto; ruby-position: above; page-break-after: auto; zoom: normal; page-break-before: auto; font-weight: 400; color: #000000; scrollbar-base-color: #000000; outline-width: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; direction: ltr; font-style: normal; text-align: left; padding-top: 0px; empty-cells: show; ruby-overhang: auto; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000; outline-style: none; padding-left: 0px; 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border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; border-top-left-radius: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; animation-delay: 0s; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0s; animation-fill-mode: none; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-name: none; animation-play-state: running; font-feature-settings: normal; break-after: auto; break-before: auto; break-inside: auto; column-count: auto; column-fill: balance; column-gap: normal; column-rule: medium none #000000; column-rule-color: #000000; column-rule-style: none; column-rule-width: medium; column-span: 1; column-width: auto; columns: auto auto; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-popup-container span { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: auto; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; word-spacing: normal; border-collapse: separate; min-width: auto; table-layout: auto; overflow-x: visible; overflow-y: visible; scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0; text-overflow: clip; border-bottom: #000000; text-transform: none; text-align-last: auto; 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column-span: 1; column-width: auto; columns: auto auto; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernotepreviewlegend span { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; 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animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0s; animation-fill-mode: none; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-name: none; animation-play-state: running; font-feature-settings: normal; break-after: auto; break-before: auto; break-inside: auto; column-count: auto; column-fill: balance; column-gap: normal; column-rule: medium none #000000; column-rule-color: #000000; column-rule-style: none; column-rule-width: medium; column-span: 1; column-width: auto; columns: auto auto; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-popup-container label { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: auto; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; word-spacing: normal; border-collapse: separate; min-width: auto; table-layout: auto; overflow-x: visible; overflow-y: visible; scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0; text-overflow: clip; border-bottom: #000000; text-transform: none; text-align-last: auto; word-break: normal; page-break-inside: auto; ruby-position: above; page-break-after: auto; zoom: normal; page-break-before: auto; font-weight: 400; 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style-float: none; transform: none; css-float: none; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; backface-visibility: visible; perspective: none; transform-style: flat; background-clip: border-box; background-origin: padding-box; background-size: auto; border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; border-top-left-radius: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; animation-delay: 0s; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0s; animation-fill-mode: none; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-name: none; animation-play-state: running; font-feature-settings: normal; break-after: auto; break-before: auto; break-inside: auto; column-count: auto; column-fill: balance; column-gap: normal; column-rule: medium none #000000; column-rule-color: #000000; column-rule-style: none; column-rule-width: medium; column-span: 1; column-width: auto; columns: auto auto; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernotepreviewlegend ul { line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: auto; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; 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marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernotepreviewlegend li { line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: auto; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; word-spacing: normal; right: auto; border-collapse: separate; min-width: auto; table-layout: auto; overflow-x: visible; overflow-y: visible; scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0; text-overflow: clip; border-bottom: #000000; position: static; text-transform: none; text-align-last: auto; 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stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-popup-container textarea { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: scroll; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: rgb(112,112,112) 1px solid; height: auto; border-right: rgb(112,112,112) 1px solid; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: auto; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: pre-wrap; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; word-spacing: normal; border-collapse: separate; background-repeat: repeat; min-width: auto; table-layout: auto; background-attachment: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0; text-overflow: clip; border-bottom: rgb(112,112,112) 1px solid; text-transform: none; text-align-last: auto; word-break: normal; page-break-inside: auto; background-position: 0% 0%; ruby-position: above; page-break-after: auto; zoom: normal; page-break-before: auto; font-weight: 400; color: ; 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transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-options-content table { box-sizing: border-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: top; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; 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animation-fill-mode: none; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-name: none; animation-play-state: running; font-feature-settings: normal; break-after: auto; break-before: auto; break-inside: auto; column-count: auto; column-fill: balance; column-gap: normal; column-rule: medium none #000000; column-rule-color: #000000; column-rule-style: none; column-rule-width: medium; column-span: 1; column-width: auto; columns: auto auto; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; 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baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-options-content tbody { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: middle; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; 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animation-name: none; animation-play-state: running; font-feature-settings: normal; break-after: auto; break-before: auto; break-inside: auto; column-count: auto; column-fill: balance; column-gap: normal; column-rule: medium none #000000; column-rule-color: #000000; column-rule-style: none; column-rule-width: medium; column-span: 1; column-width: auto; columns: auto auto; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; transition-property: all; alignment-baseline: auto; baseline-shift: baseline; clip-path: none; clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-popup-container tbody { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: middle; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; word-spacing: normal; border-collapse: separate; min-width: auto; table-layout: auto; overflow-x: visible; overflow-y: visible; scrollbar-face-color: #f0f0f0; text-overflow: clip; border-bottom: #000000; text-transform: none; text-align-last: auto; word-break: normal; page-break-inside: auto; ruby-position: above; page-break-after: auto; zoom: normal; page-break-before: auto; font-weight: 400; color: #000000; scrollbar-base-color: #000000; outline-width: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; direction: ltr; 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clip-rule: nonzero; dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-options-content tr { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: middle; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; 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dominant-baseline: auto; enable-background: accumulate; fill: black; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } #evernote-options-content td { box-sizing: content-box; line-break: normal; overflow: visible; cursor: auto; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; text-kashida: 0%; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none; max-width: none; border-top: #000000; height: auto; border-right: #000000; font-variant: normal; width: auto; vertical-align: middle; background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: normal; layout-grid: none none; writing-mode: lr-tb; word-spacing: normal; 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fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; flood-opacity: 1; glyph-orientation-horizontal: 0deg; glyph-orientation-vertical: auto; kerning: auto; marker: none; marker-end: none; marker-mid: none; marker-start: none; mask: none; pointer-events: visiblepainted; stop-opacity: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-dashoffset: 0px; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 0.01px; text-anchor: start } .yui3-cssreset div { box-sizing: content-box } .yui3-cssreset html { background: #fff; color: #000 } .yui3-cssreset body { padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin: 0px; padding-right: 0px } .yui3-cssreset div { padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin: 0px; padding-right: 0px } .yui3-cssreset dl { padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin: 0px; padding-right: 0px } .yui3-cssreset dt { padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin: 0px; padding-right: 0px } .yui3-cssreset dd { padding-bottom: 0px; 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box-shadow: inset 0 0 8px 3px rgba(2, 52, 24, 0.3) } #evernote-post-clip-content #openbutton { background-color: #7b7b7b; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 #9d9d9d } #evernote-post-clip-content #openbutton:hover { background-color: #9d9d9d } #evernote-post-clip-content #openbutton:active { background-color: #9d9d9d; box-shadow: inset 0 0 8px 3px rgba(12, 57, 74, 0.3) } #evernote-post-clip-content #sharebuttons { position: absolute; bottom: 18px } .evn-iexplorer7#evernote-post-clip-content #postclipcontainer { position: static } .evn-iexplorer7#evernote-post-clip-content #sharebuttons { left: 20px } #evernote-post-clip-content .sharebutton { cursor: pointer; height: 28px; border-right: #66696e 1px solid; width: 32px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; float: left; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin: 0px; padding-right: 0px; background-size: auto } #evernote-post-clip-content #linkedin { width: 40px; background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/linkedin-old.png) } #evernote-post-clip-content #facebook { background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/fb-old.png) } #evernote-post-clip-content #twitter { background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/twitter-old.png) } #evernote-post-clip-content #clipboard { border-right: medium none; width: 40px; background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/clipboard-old.png) } #evernote-post-clip-content #weibo { background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/waibo.png); display: none } #evernote-post-clip-content #linkedin:hover { background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/linkedin-old-hover.png) } #evernote-post-clip-content #facebook:hover { background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/fb-old-hover.png) } #evernote-post-clip-content #twitter:hover { background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/twitter-old-hover.png) } #evernote-post-clip-content #clipboard:hover { background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/clipboard-old-hover.png) } #evernote-post-clip-content #evn-clipboardcopy-container { display: none } .evn-clipboard-mode#evernote-post-clip-content { height: 198px } .evn-clipboard-mode#evernote-post-clip-content .notetitle { margin-bottom: 20px } .evn-clipboard-mode#evernote-post-clip-content .clippedmessage { display: none } .evn-clipboard-mode#evernote-post-clip-content #sharebuttons { display: none } .evn-clipboard-mode#evernote-post-clip-content #evn-clipboardcopy-container { color: white; display: block } #evernote-post-clip-content #evn-clipboardcopy-container .evn-pcp-clipboard-input { box-sizing: border-box; border-top: medium none; height: 24px; border-right: medium none; width: ; text-overflow: ellipsis; border-bottom: medium none; color: #2f373d; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; font: 13px/24px gothammedium; padding-left: 10px; border-left: medium none; padding-right: 10px; background-color: #fafafa; border-radius: 2px } .evn-iexplorer7#evernote-post-clip-content #evn-clipboardcopy-container .evn-pcp-clipboard-input { width: 392px } #evernote-post-clip-content #evn-clipboardcopy-container .evn-pcp-clipboard-message { margin-bottom: 5px; height: 28px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left center; color: #8a98a2; font: 13px/28px gothammedium; text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(000,000,000,0.6) } #evernote-post-clip-content .evn-success#evn-clipboardcopy-container .evn-pcp-clipboard-message { background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/post-clip/checkmark_url.png); padding-left: 20px } #evernote-post-clip-content #evn-clipboardcopy-container .evn-pcp-clipboard-button:hover { background-color: #33cc78 } #evernote-post-clip-content #evn-clipboardcopy-container .evn-pcp-clipboard-button { cursor: pointer; height: 32px; width: 176px; right: 20px; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; font: 15px/32px gothammedium; background-color: #26b064; text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(000,000,000,0.5); border-radius: 2px; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 #33cc78 } #evernote-post-clip-content #evn-clipboardcopy-container .evn-pcp-divider { margin-bottom: 10px; border-top: #21262c 1px solid; height: 0px; width: 414px; border-bottom: #495865 1px solid } .evn-error-mode#evernote-post-clip-content .clippedmessage { display: none } .evn-error-mode#evernote-post-clip-content .notetitle { display: none } .evn-error-mode#evernote-post-clip-content #sharebuttons { display: none } .evn-error-mode#evernote-post-clip-content #evn-clipboardcopy-container { display: none } #evernote-post-clip-content .evn-error-message { display: none } .evn-error-mode#evernote-post-clip-content .evn-error-message { display: block } .evn-error-mode#evernote-post-clip-content #postclipcontainer { padding-left: 50px } .evn-error-mode#evernote-post-clip-content { height: auto; background-image: url(file:///c:/program%20files%20%28x86%29/evernote/evernote/evernoteieres/images/error-clip.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 20px 22px } #evernote-post-clip-content .evn-error-message #evn-show-logs { text-decoration: underline; color: #d3d3d3; font: 11px verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif } #evernote-post-clip-content .evn-error-message #evn-show-logs:hover { cursor: pointer } #evernote-post-clip-content .evn-error-message .evn-error-desc { margin-bottom: 10px; color: white; font: 13px verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif } #evernote-content { z-index: 2147483647 !important } #evernoteerrorpopup { z-index: 2147483647 !important } #evernotesaveoptionssign { z-index: 2147483647 !important } #evernote-options-content { z-index: 2147483647 !important } #evernote-post-clip-content { z-index: 2147483647 !important } #evernotecontentclipperwait { z-index: 2147483647 !important } #evernote-popup-container #evn-notebook-selector { z-index: 2147483647 !important } #evernote-popup-container .evernote-autocomplete-panel { z-index: 2147483647 !important } #evernote-share-content { z-index: 2147483646 !important } #evernotescreencapturetip { z-index: 2147483646 !important } #evernotescreenshotarea { z-index: 2147483646 !important } em.clearly_highlight_element a.clearly_highlight_delete_element { z-index: 2147483646 !important } #evernotepreviewcontainer { z-index: 2147483645 !important } #evernoteloadingsign { z-index: 2147483645 !important } #evernoteclearlyarticle { z-index: 2147483645 !important } .evconveil { z-index: 2147483644 !important } .skitch-surface { z-index: 2147483644 !important } #evernotecontentveil { z-index: 2147483644 !important } .evernotepreviewcontainer { z-index: 2147483644 !important } #evernotecontentveilleft { z-index: 2147483643 !important } .evconveilcorn { z-index: 2147483642 !important } if ( typeof evernote == 'undefined' ) { /** * represents global evernote context (namespace). * all objects should be a part of this namespace. * @type {object} */ evernote = {}; } evernote.inherit = function( childconstructor, parentclassorobject, includeconstructordefs ) { if ( parentclassorobject.constructor == function ) { // normal inheritance childconstructor.prototype = new parentclassorobject; childconstructor.prototype.constructor = childconstructor; childconstructor.prototype.parent = parentclassorobject.prototype; childconstructor.constructor.parent = parentclassorobject; } else { // pure virtual inheritance childconstructor.prototype = parentclassorobject; childconstructor.prototype.constructor = childconstructor; childconstructor.prototype.parent = parentclassorobject; childconstructor.constructor.parent = parentclassorobject; } if ( includeconstructordefs ) { for ( var i in parentclassorobject.prototype.constructor ) { if ( i != "parent" && i != "prototype" && parentclassorobject.constructor[i] != parentclassorobject.prototype.constructor[ i ] && typeof childconstructor.prototype.constructor[ i ] == 'undefined' ) { childconstructor.prototype.constructor[ i ] = parentclassorobject.prototype.constructor[ i ]; } } } if ( typeof childconstructor.handleinheritance == 'function' ) { childconstructor.handleinheritance.apply( childconstructor, arguments ); } if ( typeof childconstructor.prototype.handleinheritance == 'function' ) { childconstructor.prototype.handleinheritance.apply( childconstructor, arguments ); } return childconstructor; }; evernote.enclipper = { enclipperprocessid: -1, init: function() { evernote.responsereceiver.subscribe(this); evernote.addin.getprocessid(document); evernote.addin.allowsetforegroundwindow(this.enclipperprocessid); }, ondatareceived: function(data) { if(data && (data.type == "process_id")) { evernote.enclipper.enclipperprocessid = data.data | 0; } } }; /** * proxy object for evernote activex component * @type {object} */ evernote.addin = { _addon : null, isauthenticated: true, init : function(addin) { this._addon = addin; }, /** * injects css specified by filename to specified document. * @param filename - path to css * @param doc - document object */ injectstylesheet : function(doc, filename) { try { this._addon.injectstylesheet(doc, filename) } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error( "addin.injectstylesheet() failed " + e ); } }, /** * injects script content to specified document * @param doc - document object * @param content - content of the script file */ injectscript : function(doc, content) { try { this._addon.injectscript( doc, content ); } catch ( e ) { evernote.logger.error( "addin.injectscript() failed " + e ); } }, /** * loads file content from disk * @param url - path to the file */ loadfile : function(url) { try { return this._addon.loadfile( url ); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error( "addin.loadfile() failed " + e ); } }, /** * append message to log file with specified level. * supported levels: * 0 - debug * 1 - info * 2 - warning * 3 - error * 4 - critical * @param loglevel * @param message */ log : function(loglevel, message) { try { this._addon.log(loglevel, message) } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to log message '" + message + "' to the log file due to error: " + e); } }, /** * opens new note window. */ opennewnote : function() { try { this._addon.createnewnote(); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to open new note window due to error: " + e); } }, /** * return path to directory on local filesystem for specified type. * @param type - type of directory to return. currently supported types: * options - directory, where options configuration is stored. * resources - directory, where resources are located (images, scripts, etc.) */ getpath : function(type) { try { return this._addon.getaddinpath(type); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to clip full page due to error " + e); } }, /** * returns localized message by code. * @param code - number of message in resource file. */ getlocalizedmessage : function(code) { try { return this._addon.getlocalizedstring(code) || 'l10n_error'; } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to retrieve localized message due to error " + e); } }, clipnote : function(content, options, sourceurl, imageurls, silent, doc ) { var issilentclip = silent ? 1 : 0; var images = imageurls; if(!(images instanceof array)) { images = [imageurls]; } try { var notebookuid = options.notebookuid | 0; try { notebookuid = options.notebookuid() | 0; } catch(e) { //notebook uid is not a function, but just an integer that we saved on previous step, ignore exception here } this.ensureauthenticated(); evernote.logger.debug("clip to " + (notebookuid) + " with tags: " + options.tags.join(",") + " ; comment: " + options.comments); return this._addon.clipnote(options.title, content, sourceurl, issilentclip, images.join("#") , notebookuid, options.tags.join(","), "", doc,"evernoteglobalreceiver"); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to clipnote due to error " + e); } }, getcursorxposition : function() { try { return this._addon.getcursorxposition(); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to retrieve localized message due to error " + e); throw e; } }, /** * call addin to get all notebooks (global "evernoteglobalreceiver" function is called with response) * @param document - document object */ getnotebooks : function(document) { this.ensureauthenticated(); this._addon.getnotebooks(document, "evernoteglobalreceiver", evernote.notebooktypes.personal); this.ensureauthenticated(); this._addon.getnotebooks(document, "evernoteglobalreceiver", evernote.notebooktypes.business); this.ensureauthenticated(); this._addon.getnotebooks(document, "evernoteglobalreceiver", evernote.notebooktypes.linked); }, /** * call addin to get all personal tags (global "evernoteglobalreceiver" function is called with response) * @param document - document object */ gettags : function(document) { this.ensureauthenticated(); this._addon.gettags(document, "evernoteglobalreceiver"); }, /** * call addin to get linked notebook tags (global "evernoteglobalreceiver" function is called with response) * @param document - document object */ getlinkedtags : function(document, notebookuid) { this.ensureauthenticated(); this._addon.getlinkednotebookstags(document, "evernoteglobalreceiver", notebookuid); }, /** * returns document location address * @param document - dom document * @return {*} */ getdocumenthref: function(document) { return this._addon.getdocumenthref(document); }, allowsetforegroundwindow: function(id) { this._addon.allowsetforegroundwindow(id); }, getprocessid: function(doc) { this.ensureauthenticated(); this._addon.getprocessid(doc, "evernoteglobalreceiver"); }, resetauthenticatedstate: function() { this.isauthenticated = true; }, //this function should be called before every call to addin that will establish connection with evernoteclipper process. ensureauthenticated: function() { if(!this.isauthenticated) { throw new evernote.authenticatedexception("user is not authorized"); } }, processerror: function(error) { if(error.code == evernote.errorcodes.authentication_error) { this.isauthenticated = false; } return false; }, getevernoteversion: function(document) { this._addon.getevernoteversion(document, "evernoteglobalreceiver"); }, getserverlocation: function() { try { return this._addon.getserverlocation(); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to get evernote server location due to error: " + e); } }, getevernoteversionasync: function(callback) { var requestid; try { requestid = evernote.asyncengine.addrequest(callback); this._addon.getevernoteversionasync( evernote.asyncengine.commoncallback, requestid ); } catch(e) { evernote.asyncengine.removerequest(requestid); evernote.logger.error("failed to get evernote version (async) due to error: " + e); } }, getnotebooksasync : function(callback) { this.ensureauthenticated(); var requestid; try { requestid = evernote.asyncengine.addrequest(callback); this._addon.getnotebooksasync( evernote.asyncengine.commoncallback, requestid, evernote.notebooktypes.personal); requestid = evernote.asyncengine.addrequest(callback); this._addon.getnotebooksasync( evernote.asyncengine.commoncallback, requestid, evernote.notebooktypes.business); requestid = evernote.asyncengine.addrequest(callback); this._addon.getnotebooksasync( evernote.asyncengine.commoncallback, requestid, evernote.notebooktypes.linked); } catch(e) { evernote.asyncengine.removerequest(requestid); evernote.logger.error("failed to get notebooks (async) due to error: " + e); } }, gettagsasync : function(callback) { this.ensureauthenticated(); var requestid; try { requestid = evernote.asyncengine.addrequest(callback); this._addon.gettagsasync( evernote.asyncengine.commoncallback, requestid ); } catch(e) { evernote.asyncengine.removerequest(requestid); evernote.logger.error("failed to get tags (async) due to error: " + e); } }, getlinkedtagsasync : function(callback, args, notebookuid) { this.ensureauthenticated(); var requestid; try { requestid = evernote.asyncengine.addrequest(callback, args); this._addon.getlinkednotebookstagsasync( evernote.asyncengine.commoncallback, requestid, notebookuid ); } catch(e) { evernote.asyncengine.removerequest(requestid); evernote.logger.error("failed to get notebooks tags (async) due to error: " + e); } }, clipnoteasync : function(callback, content, options, sourceurl, imageurls, silent) { var issilentclip = silent ? 1 : 0; var images = imageurls; if(!(images instanceof array)) { images = [imageurls]; } var requestid; try { requestid = evernote.asyncengine.addrequest(callback); var notebookuid = options.notebookuid | 0; try { notebookuid = options.notebookuid() | 0; } catch(e) { } this.ensureauthenticated(); evernote.logger.debug("clip to " + (notebookuid) + " with tags: " + options.tags.join(",") + " ; comment: " + options.comments); this._addon.clipnoteasync(evernote.asyncengine.commoncallback, requestid, options.title, content, sourceurl, issilentclip, images.join("#") , notebookuid, options.tags.join(","), ""); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to clipnote due to error " + e); } }, /** * performs security (https - port: 443) asynchronous post request. example: https://www.evernote.com/login.action * @param callback * @param url example: "www.evernote.com" * @param urlnamedobject example: "login.action" * @param data - data for "post" request * @constructor */ asyncwebrequest : function(callback, url, urlnamedobject, data) { var requestid; try { requestid = evernote.asyncengine.addrequest(callback); this._addon.asyncwebrequest( evernote.asyncengine.commoncallback, requestid, url, urlnamedobject, data); } catch(e) { evernote.asyncengine.removerequest(requestid); evernote.logger.error("failed to exec async web request due to error: " + e); } }, clipimageasync : function(options, callback, url, imagebase64) { var requestid; try { requestid = evernote.asyncengine.addrequest(callback); var notebookuid = options.notebookuid | 0; try { notebookuid = options.notebookuid() | 0; } catch(e) { } this._addon.clipimageasync(evernote.asyncengine.commoncallback, requestid, notebookuid, options.title, url, options.tags.join(","), options.comments, imagebase64); } catch(e) { evernote.asyncengine.removerequest(requestid); evernote.logger.error("failed to exec async web request due to error: " + e); } }, getscreenshotbase64 : function(doc, coord) { try { return this._addon.getscreenshotbase64ex(doc, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], coord[3]); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to get screnshot due to error: " + e); } }, openlocalfile : function(logpath, flags) { try { if (!flags) flags = 1; this._addon.openlocalfile(document, logpath, flags); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error("failed to open local file due to error " + e); } }, getlastloginuser : function() { try { return this._addon.getlastloginuser(); } catch (e) { evernote.logger.error( "getlastloginuser failed " + e ); } return null; } }; evernote.filelogger = { _addin : evernote.addin, _log : function(level, message) { if(level >= this.level) this._addin.log(level, "js: " + message); }, debug : function(message) { try { this._log(0, message); } catch(e) { if(this._next) { this._next.debug(message); } } }, info : function(message) { try { this._log(1, message); } catch(e) { if(this._next) { this._next.info(message); } } }, warn : function(message) { try { this._log(2, message); } catch(e) { if(this._next) { this._next.warn(message); } } }, error : function(message) { try { this._log(3, message); } catch(e) { if(this._next) { this._next.error(message); } } }, setnext : function(logger) { this._next = logger; this._next.setlevel(this.level); }, setlevel : function(level) { this.level = level; } }; evernote.consolelogger = { debug : function(message) { if(this.level >= evernote.loggerconfigurator.debug) { try { console.info(message); } catch(e) { if(this._next) { this._next.debug(message); } } } }, info : function(message) { if(this.level >= evernote.loggerconfigurator.info) { try { console.info(message); } catch(e) { if(this._next) { this._next.info(message); } } } }, warn : function(message) { if(this.level >= evernote.loggerconfigurator.warn) { try { console.warn(message); } catch(e) { if(this._next) { this._next.warn(message); } } } }, error : function(message) { if(this.level >= evernote.loggerconfigurator.error) { try { console.error(message); } catch(e) { if(this._next) { this._next.error(message); } } } }, setnext : function(logger) { this._next = logger; }, setlevel : function(level) { this.level = level; } }; evernote.alertlogger = { debug : function(message) { alert("debug: " + message); }, info : function(message) { alert("info: " + message); }, warn : function(message) { alert("warn: " + message); }, error : function(message) { alert("error: " + message); } }; evernote.loggerconfigurator = { debug : 0, info : 1, warn: 2, error: 3, getlogger : function() { var logger = evernote.filelogger; if(logger) { logger.setlevel(this.warn); evernote.consolelogger.setnext(evernote.alertlogger); logger.setnext(evernote.consolelogger); return logger; } return evernote.consolelogger; } }; /** * represents page context (have permissions to access and modify dom objects) */ try { pagecontext = { url: (location && location.href) ? location.href : document.location.href, title: document.title, meta: "evernote-webclipper-extension", getfaviconurl : function() { var links = document.getelementsbytagname("link"); var i; for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { if (links[i].rel) { var rels = links[i].rel.tolowercase().split(/\s+/); if (evernote.arrayextension.indexof(rels, "icon") !== -1) { // found it! return links[i].href; } } } //try to get it from google web site var re = new regexp( "^[^:]+:\/+([^\/" + ":" + "]+).*$" ); var domain = pagecontext.url.replace( re, "$1" ); return "http://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=" + domain.tolowercase(); }, injectadditionaltags : function() { var url = document.location.href; if ( url.match( /^https?:\/\/[a-z0-9-+\.]*(evernote|yinxiang)\.com\//i ) ) { try { var metas = document.getelementsbytagname( "meta" ); for ( var i = 0; i < metas.length; ++i ) { if ( metas[i].name == pagecontext.meta ) { return; } } var meta = document.createelement( "meta" ); meta.name = pagecontext.meta; meta.content = "installed"; var head = document.head; if ( head ) { head.appendchild( meta ); } if ( document.body ) { document.body.classname += ((document.body.classname) ? " " : "") + pagecontext.meta; } } catch ( e ) { alert( "pagecontext.injectadditionaltags() failed: " + e ); throw e; } } } }; if((document.readystate == "complete" || document.readystate == "interactive") && !window.pagecontext) { pagecontext.injectadditionaltags(); } } catch(e) { //just ignore exception here } /** * string constants used in the project. * @type {object} */ constants = { clip_dialog_id : "evernote-content", clip_dialog_new_id : "evernote-popup-container", options_dialog_id : "evernote-options-content", attr_dialog_id : "evernote-attributes-content", share_dialog_id : "evernote-share-content", post_clip_dialog_id : "evernote-post-clip-content", expand_sign : '+', contract_sign : '–', new_line: '\n' }; browsernavconstants = { // full list: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa768360(v=vs.85).aspx navopeninnewwindow : 0x1, navopennewtab : 0x0800, navopeninbackgroundtab : 0x1000, navopennewforegroundtab : 0x10000 }; /*! jquery v1.7.2 jquery.com | jquery.org/license */ (function(a,b){function cy(a){return f.iswindow(a)?a:a.nodetype===9?a.defaultview||a.parentwindow:!1}function cu(a){if(!cj[a]){var b=c.body,d=f("").appendto(b),e=d.css("display");d.remove();if(e==="none"||e===""){ck||(ck=c.createelement("iframe"),ck.frameborder=ck.width=ck.height=0),b.appendchild(ck);if(!cl||!ck.createelement)cl=(ck.contentwindow||ck.contentdocument).document,cl.write((f.support.boxmodel?"":"")+""),cl.close();d=cl.createelement(a),cl.body.appendchild(d),e=f.css(d,"display"),b.removechild(ck)}cj[a]=e}return cj[a]}function ct(a,b){var c={};f.each(cp.concat.apply([],cp.slice(0,b)),function(){c[this]=a});return c}function cs(){cq=b}function cr(){settimeout(cs,0);return cq=f.now()}function ci(){try{return new a.activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp")}catch(b){}}function ch(){try{return new a.xmlhttprequest}catch(b){}}function cb(a,c){a.datafilter&&(c=a.datafilter(c,a.datatype));var d=a.datatypes,e={},g,h,i=d.length,j,k=d[0],l,m,n,o,p;for(g=1;g0}}}(),function(){var a=c.createelement("div");a.innerhtml="
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'', _return__containers = [], _return__candidates = [], _return__links = [] ; // recursive function // ================== var _recursive = function (_node) { // increment index // starts with 1 _global__element_index++; var _tag_name = (_node.nodetype === 3 ? '#text' : ((_node.nodetype === 1 && _node.tagname && _node.tagname > '') ? _node.tagname.tolowercase() : '#invalid')), _result = { '__index': _global__element_index, '__node': _node, '_is__container': ($r.parsingoptions._elements_container.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1), '_is__candidate': false, '_is__text': false, '_is__link': false, '_is__link_skip': false, '_is__image_small': false, '_is__image_medium': false, '_is__image_large': false, '_is__image_skip': false, '_debug__above__plain_text': _global__above__plain_text, '_debug__above__links_text': _global__above__links_text, '_length__above_plain_text': _global__length__above_plain_text, '_count__above_plain_words': _global__count__above_plain_words, '_length__above_links_text': _global__length__above_links_text, '_count__above_links_words': _global__count__above_links_words, '_length__above_all_text': (_global__length__above_plain_text + _global__length__above_links_text), '_count__above_all_words': (_global__count__above_plain_words + _global__count__above_links_words), '_count__above_candidates': _global__count__above_candidates, '_count__above_containers': _global__count__above_containers, '_length__plain_text': 0, '_count__plain_words': 0, '_length__links_text': 0, '_count__links_words': 0, '_length__all_text': 0, '_count__all_words': 0, '_count__containers': 0, '_count__candidates': 0, '_count__links': 0, '_count__links_skip': 0, '_count__images_small': 0, '_count__images_medium': 0, '_count__images_large': 0, '_count__images_skip': 0 }; 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i -1) { _result._is__link_skip = true; break; } } // inside link if (_global__inside_link); else { _global__inside_link = true; _global__inside_link__element_index = _result.__index; } // done _return__links.push(_result); break; // image // ===== case (_tag_name == 'img'): // skip // ==== if (_node.src && _node.src.indexof) { for (var i=0, _i=$r.skipstufffromdomain__images.length; i -1) { _result._is__image_skip = true; break; } } } // size // ==== var _width = $(_node).width(), _height = $(_node).height(); switch (true) { case ((_width * _height) >= 50000): case ((_width >= 350) && (_height >= 75)): _result._is__image_large = true; break; case ((_width * _height) >= 20000): case ((_width >= 150) && (_height >= 150)): _result._is__image_medium = true; break; case ((_width ') ; return; } // hidden // ====== if ($r.parsingoptions._elements_visible.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { // included inline // _node, _tag_name must be defined // will return, if node is hidden switch (true) { case (_node.offsetwidth > 0): case (_node.offsetheight > 0): break; default: switch (true) { case (_node.offsetleft > 0): case (_node.offsettop > 0): break; default: // exclude inline divs -- which, stupidly, don't have a width/height if ((_tag_name == 'div') && ((_node.style.display || $.css( _node, "display" )) == 'inline')) { break; } // it's hidden; exit current scope return; } break; } } // clean -- before // ===== // just a return will skip the whol element // including children // objects, embeds, iframes // ======================== switch (_tag_name) { case ('object'): case ('embed'): case ('iframe'): var _src = (_tag_name == 'object' ? $(_node).find("param[name='movie']").attr('value') : $(_node).attr('src')), _skip = ((_src > '') ? false : true) ; if (_skip); else { // default skip _skip = true; // loop for (var i=0, _i=$r.keepstufffromdomain__video.length; i -1) { _skip = false; break; } } } // skip? if (_skip) { $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-before', 'object-embed-iframe'); return; } break; } // skipped link // ============ if (_tag_name == 'a' || _tag_name == 'li') { _explored = (_explored || $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_node, true)); switch (true) { case (_explored._is__link_skip): case (((_explored._count__images_small + _explored._count__images_skip) > 0) && (_explored._length__plain_text < 65)): $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-before', 'skip-link'); return; } } // link density // ============ if ($r.parsingoptions._elements_link_density.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { _explored = (_explored || $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_node, true)); switch (true) { case (_explored._length__plain_text > (65 * 3 * 2)): case ($r.language == 'cjk' && (_explored._length__plain_text > (65 * 3 * 1))): case (!(_explored._count__links > 1)): case (_global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor && (_explored._length__plain_text / _global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor._length__plain_text) > 0.5): case (_global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor && (_explored._count__plain_words / _global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor._count__plain_words) > 0.5): case ((_explored._length__plain_text == 0) && (_explored._count__links == 1) && (_explored._length__links_text < 65)): case ((_explored._length__plain_text < 25) && ((_explored._count__images_large + _explored._count__images_medium) > 0)): break; case ((_explored._length__links_text / _explored._length__all_text) < 0.5): if (_explored._count__links > 0); else { break; } if (_explored._count__links_skip > 0); else { break; } if (((_explored._count__links_skip / _explored._count__links) > 0.25) && (_explored._length__links_text / _explored._length__all_text) < 0.05) { break; } default: $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-before', 'link-density'); return; } } // floating // ======== if ($r.parsingoptions._elements_floating.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { _explored = (_explored || $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_node, true)); switch (true) { case (_explored._length__plain_text > (65 * 3 * 2)): case ($r.language == 'cjk' && (_explored._length__plain_text > (65 * 3 * 1))): case (_global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor && (_explored._length__plain_text / _global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor._length__plain_text) > 0.25): case (_global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor && (_explored._count__plain_words / _global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor._count__plain_words) > 0.25): case ((_explored._length__plain_text < 25) && (_explored._length__links_text < 25) && ((_explored._count__images_large + _explored._count__images_medium) > 0)): case (_node.getelementsbytagname && (_explored._length__plain_text < (65 * 3 * 1)) && ((_node.getelementsbytagname('h1').length + _node.getelementsbytagname('h2').length + _node.getelementsbytagname('h3').length + _node.getelementsbytagname('h4').length) > 0)): break; default: var _float = $(_node).css('float'); if (_float == 'left' || _float == 'right'); else { break; } if ((_explored._length__links_text == 0) && ((_explored._count__images_large + _explored._count__images_medium) > 0)) { break; } $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-before', 'floating'); return; } } // above target // ============ if (_custom_mode == 'above-the-target') { // is ignored? if ($r.parsingoptions._elements_above_target_ignore.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-before', 'above-target'); return; } // is image? if (_tag_name == 'img') { _explored = (_explored || $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_node, true)); if (_explored._is__image_large); else { $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-before', 'above-target'); return; } } // has too many links? //if (_node.getelementsbytagname && _node.getelementsbytagname('a').length > 5) // { $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-before', 'above-target'); return; } } // headers that are images // ======================= if (_tag_name.match(/^h(1|2|3|4|5|6)$/gi)) { _explored = (_explored || $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_node, true)); switch (true) { case ((_explored._length__plain_text < 10) && ((_explored._count__images_small + _explored._count__images_medium + _explored._count__images_large + _explored._count__images_skip) > 0)): $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-before', 'skip-heading'); return; } } // start tag // ========= if ($r.parsingoptions._elements_ignore_tag.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1); else { /* mark */ _pos__start__before = _global__the_html.length; /* add */ _global__the_html += ''; } else { _global__the_html += '>';} /* mark */ _pos__start__after = _global__the_html.length; } // child nodes // =========== if ($r.parsingoptions._elements_self_closing.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1); else { for (var i=0, _i=_node.childnodes.length; i -1)): return; case (($r.parsingoptions._elements_self_closing.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): /* mark */ _pos__end__before = _global__the_html.length; /* mark */ _pos__end__after = _global__the_html.length; break; default: /* mark */ _pos__end__before = _global__the_html.length; /* end */ _global__the_html += ''; /* mark */ _pos__end__after = _global__the_html.length; break; } // clean -- after // ===== // we need to actually cut things out of // "_global__the_html", for stuff to not be there // largeobject classes // =================== if (_tag_name == 'iframe' || _tag_name == 'embed' || _tag_name == 'object') { _global__the_html = '' + _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before) + '
' + _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__before, (_pos__end__after - _pos__start__before)) + '' ; return; } // add image classes // ================= if (_tag_name == 'img') { _explored = (_explored || $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_node, true)); switch (true) { case (_explored._is__image_skip): $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'skip-img'); _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before); return; case (_explored._is__image_large): // add float class -- for images too narrow/tall // remove width/height -- only for large images // http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/05/gps-gallery/?pid=89&viewall=true // http://david-smith.org/blog/2012/03/10/ios-5-dot-1-upgrade-stats/index.html // http://www.turntablekitchen.com/2012/04/dutch-baby-with-caramelized-vanilla-bean-pears-moving-through-the-decades/ _global__the_html = '' + _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before) + '
' + _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__before, (_pos__end__after - _pos__start__before)).replace(/width="([^=]+?)"/gi, '').replace(/height="([^=]+?)"/gi, '') + '' ; return; } } // large images in links // ===================== if (_tag_name == 'a') { _explored = (_explored || $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_node, true)); switch (true) { case (_explored._count__images_large == 1): _global__the_html = '' + _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__after-1) + ' class="readablelinkwithlargeimage">' + _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)) + '' ; return; case (_explored._count__images_medium == 1): _global__the_html = '' + _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__after-1) + ' class="readablelinkwithmediumimage">' + _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)) + '' ; return; } } // too much content // ================ if ($r.parsingoptions._elements_too_much_content.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { _explored = (_explored || $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_node, true)); switch (true) { case (_tag_name == 'h1' && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 2))): case (_tag_name == 'h2' && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 2 * 3))): case ((_tag_name.match(/^h(3|4|5|6)$/) != null) && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 2 * 5))): case ((_tag_name.match(/^(b|i|em|strong)$/) != null) && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 5 * 5))): $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'too-much-content'); _global__the_html = '' + _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before) + _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)) ; return; } } // empty elements // ============== switch (true) { case (($r.parsingoptions._elements_self_closing.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): case (($r.parsingoptions._elements_ignore_tag.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): case (_tag_name == 'td'): break; default: var _contents = _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)); _contents = _contents.replace(/(
)/gi, ''); _contents = _contents.replace(/()/gi, ''); // for rows, clear empty cells if (_tag_name == 'tr') { _contents = _contents.replace(/]*?>/gi, ''); _contents = _contents.replace(//gi, ''); } // for tables, clear empty rows if (_tag_name == 'table') { _contents = _contents.replace(/]*?>/gi, ''); _contents = _contents.replace(//gi, ''); } var _contentslength = $r.measuretext__gettextlength(_contents); switch (true) { case (_contentslength == 0 && _tag_name == 'p'): _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before) + '

'; return; case (_contentslength == 0): case ((_contentslength < 5) && ($r.parsingoptions._elements_visible.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'blank'); _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before); return; } break; } // too much missing // ================ if ($r.parsingoptions._elements_link_density.indexof('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { _explored = (_explored || $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_node, true)); var _contents = _global__the_html .substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)) .replace(/(]+)>)/gi, ''), _contentslength = $r.measuretext__gettextlength(_contents), _initiallength = 0 + _explored._length__all_text + (_explored._count__images_small * 10) + (_explored._count__images_skip * 10) + (_node.getelementsbytagname('iframe').length * 10) + (_node.getelementsbytagname('object').length * 10) + (_node.getelementsbytagname('embed').length * 10) + (_node.getelementsbytagname('button').length * 10) + (_node.getelementsbytagname('input').length * 10) + (_node.getelementsbytagname('select').length * 10) + (_node.getelementsbytagname('textarea').length * 10) ; // too much missing switch (true) { case (!(_contentslength > 0)): case (!(_initiallength > 0)): case (!((_contentslength / _initiallength) < 0.5)): case (!(($r.language == 'cjk') && (_contentslength / _initiallength) < 0.1)): case ((_global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor && ((_explored._length__plain_text / _global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor._length__plain_text) > 0.25))): case (($r.language == 'cjk') && (_global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor && ((_explored._length__plain_text / _global__explorenodetobuildhtmlfor._length__plain_text) > 0.1))): break; default: $r.debugoutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'missing-density'); _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before); return; } } // return return; }; // actually do it _recursive(_nodetobuildhtmlfor); // return html return _global__the_html; }; // article title marker // ==================== $r.articletitlemarker__start = '

'; $r.articletitlemarker__end = ''; // article title check function // ============================ $r.getcontent__find__hasisolatedtitleinhtml = function (_html) { return (_html.substr(0, $r.articletitlemarker__start.length) == $r.articletitlemarker__start); }; // article title get function // ============================ $r.getcontent__find__getisolatedtitleinhtml = function (_html) { // is it there? if ($r.getcontent__find__hasisolatedtitleinhtml(_html)); else { return ''; } // regex var _gettitleregex = new regexp($r.articletitlemarker__start + '(.*?)' + $r.articletitlemarker__end, 'i'), _gettitlematch = _html.match(_gettitleregex) ; // match? if (_gettitlematch); else { return ''; } // return return _gettitlematch[1]; }; // find title in arbitrary html // ============================ $r.getcontent__find__isolatetitleinhtml = function (_html, _document_title) { // can't just use (h1|h2|h3|etc) -- we want to try them in a certain order // ============================= var _heading_pregs = [ /]*?>([\s\s]+?)/gi, /]*?>([\s\s]+?)/gi, /]*?>([\s\s]+?)/gi ], _secondary_headings = '|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|', _search_document_title = ' ' + _document_title.replace(/]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ') + ' ' ; // loop pregs // ========== for (var i=0, _i=_heading_pregs.length; i -1)): // will continue loop break; default: // measurements var _heading_end_pos = _heading_pregs[i].lastindex, _heading_start_pos = (_heading_end_pos - _match[0].length), _heading_type = _match[1], _heading_text = _match[2].replace(/]*>/gi, '').replace(/[\n\r]+/gi, ''), _heading_text_plain = _heading_text.replace(/]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' '); _heading_length = $r.measuretext__gettextlength(_heading_text_plain), _heading_words = [], _to_heading_text = _html.substr(0, _heading_start_pos), _to_heading_length = $r.measuretext__gettextlength(_to_heading_text.replace(/]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ')) ; // return? switch (true) { case (!(_heading_length > 5)): case (!(_heading_length < (65 * 3))): case (!(_to_heading_length < (65 * 3 * 2))): // will continue for loop break; case ((_secondary_headings.indexof('|' + _heading_type + '|') > -1)): // words in this heading _heading_words = _heading_text_plain.split(' '); // count words present in title for (var j=0, _j=_heading_words.length, _matched_words=''; j -1) { _matched_words += _heading_words[j] + ' '; } } // break continues for loop // nothing goes to switch's default // ================================ // no break? var _no_break = false; switch (true) { // if it's big enough, and it's a substring of the title, it's good case ((_heading_length > 20) && (_search_document_title.indexof(_heading_text_plain) > -1)): // if it's slightly smaler, but is exactly at the begging or the end case ((_heading_length > 10) && ((_search_document_title.indexof(_heading_text_plain) == 1) || (_search_document_title.indexof(_heading_text_plain) == (_search_document_title.length - 1 - _heading_text_plain.length)))): _no_break = true; break; } // break? var _break = false; switch (true) { // no break? case (_no_break): break; // heading too long? -- if not h2 case ((_heading_length > ((_search_document_title.length - 2) * 2)) && (_heading_type != 'h2')): // heading long enough? case ((_heading_length < math.ceil((_search_document_title.length - 2) * 0.50))): // enough words matched? case ((_heading_length < 25) && (_matched_words.length < math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.75))): case ((_heading_length < 50) && (_matched_words.length < math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.65))): case ((_matched_words.length < math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.55))): _break = true; break; } // break? if (_break) { break; } default: // this is the title -- do isolation; return // ================= return '' + $r.articletitlemarker__start + _heading_text + $r.articletitlemarker__end + _html.substr(_heading_end_pos) ; } break; } } // return unmodified return _html; }; $r.getcontent__find = function () { // get content // =========== var _found = $r.getcontent__findinpage($r.win), _targetnode = _found._targetcandidate.__node, _$targetnode = $(_targetnode), _abovenodes = [] ; // rtl // === switch (true) { case (_$targetnode.attr('dir') == 'rtl'): case (_$targetnode.css('direction') == 'rtl'): $r.makertl(); break; } // get html // ======== var _foundhtml = _found._html, _firstfragmentbefore = $r.getcontent__nextpage__getfirstfragment(_foundhtml), _documenttitle = ($r.document.title > '' ? $r.document.title : '') ; // get title // ========= // has title already? _foundhtml = $r.getcontent__find__isolatetitleinhtml(_foundhtml, _documenttitle); $r.articletitle = $r.getcontent__find__getisolatedtitleinhtml(_foundhtml); $r.debugprint('titlesource', 'target'); // get html above? if ($r.articletitle > ''); else { // get html above target? // ====================== // global vars: // _found // _foundhtml // _documenttitle // _abovenodes var _prevnode = _found._targetcandidate.__node, _prevhtml = '', _abovehtml = '', _differenttargets = (_found._firstcandidate.__node != _found._targetcandidate.__node) ; (function () { while (true) { // the end? switch (true) { case (_prevnode.tagname && (_prevnode.tagname.tolowercase() == 'body')): case (_differenttargets && (_prevnode == _found._firstcandidate.__node)): // enough is enough return; } // up or sideways? if (_prevnode.previoussibling); else { _prevnode = _prevnode.parentnode; continue; } // previous _prevnode = _prevnode.previoussibling; // outline -- element might be re-outlined, when buildhtml is invoked if ($r.debug) { $r.debugoutline(_prevnode, 'target', 'add-above'); } // get html; add _prevhtml = $r.getcontent__buildhtmlfornode(_prevnode, 'above-the-target'); _abovehtml = _prevhtml + _abovehtml; _abovenodes.unshift(_prevnode); // isolate title _abovehtml = $r.getcontent__find__isolatetitleinhtml(_abovehtml, _documenttitle); // finished? switch (true) { case ($r.measuretext__gettextlength(_abovehtml.replace(/]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ')) > (65 * 3 * 3)): case ($r.getcontent__find__hasisolatedtitleinhtml(_abovehtml)): return; } } })(); // is what we found any good? // ========================== switch (true) { case ($r.getcontent__find__hasisolatedtitleinhtml(_abovehtml)): case (_differenttargets && (_abovehtml.split(']+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ')) < (65 * 3))): _foundhtml = _abovehtml + _foundhtml; break; default: _abovehtml = ''; _abovenodes = []; break; } $r.articletitle = $r.getcontent__find__getisolatedtitleinhtml(_foundhtml); $r.debugprint('titlesource', 'above_html'); // get document title? if ($r.articletitle > ''); else { // if all else failed, get document title // ====================================== // global vars: // _foundhtml // _documenttitle (function () { // return? // ======= if (_documenttitle > ''); else { return; } // vars var _doc_title_parts = [], _doc_title_pregs = [ /( [-][-] |( [-] )|( [>][>] )|( [ 1 ? _doc_title_parts[0] : _documenttitle) + $r.articletitlemarker__end + _foundhtml ; })(); $r.articletitle = $r.getcontent__find__getisolatedtitleinhtml(_foundhtml); $r.debugprint('titlesource', 'document_title'); } } // display // ======= $r.$pages.html(''); $r.displaypagehtml(_foundhtml, 1, $r.win.location.href); // remember // ======== $r.debugremember['thetarget'] = _found._targetcandidate.__node; $r.debugremember['firstcandidate'] = _found._firstcandidate.__node; // next // ==== $r.nextpage__firstfragment__firstpage = _firstfragmentbefore; $r.nextpage__firstfragment__lastpage = $r.getcontent__nextpage__getfirstfragment(_foundhtml);; $r.nextpage__loadedpages = [$r.win.location.href]; $r.getcontent__nextpage__find($r.win, _found._links); // return return true; }; $r.getcontent__findinpage = function (_pagewindow) { // calculations // ============ var _firstcandidate = false, _secondcandidate = false, _targetcandidate = false ; $r.debugtimerstart('exploreandgetstuff'); var _stuff = $r.getcontent__explorenodeandgetstuff(_pagewindow.document.body); $r.debugprint('exploreandgetstuff', $r.debugtimerend()+'ms'); $r.debugtimerstart('processfirst'); var _processedcandidates = $r.getcontent__processcandidates(_stuff._candidates); _firstcandidate = _processedcandidates[0]; _targetcandidate = _firstcandidate; $r.debugprint('processfirst', $r.debugtimerend()+'ms'); // debug if ($r.debug) { // debug first candidates $r.log('first 5 main candidates:'); for (var x in _processedcandidates) { if (x == 5) { break; } $r.log(_processedcandidates[x], _processedcandidates[x].__node); } // highlight first $r.debugoutline(_firstcandidate.__node, 'target', 'first'); } // in case we stop $r.debugprint('target', 'first'); // do second? switch (true) { case (!(_firstcandidate._count__containers > 0)): case (!(_firstcandidate._count__candidates > 0)): case (!(_firstcandidate._count__pieces > 0)): case (!(_firstcandidate._count__containers > 25)): break; default: $r.debugtimerstart('processsecond'); var _processedcandidatessecond = $r.getcontent__processcandidatessecond(_processedcandidates); _secondcandidate = _processedcandidatessecond[0]; $r.debugprint('processsecond', $r.debugtimerend()+'ms'); // they're the same if (_firstcandidate.__node == _secondcandidate.__node) { break; } // debug if ($r.debug) { // log second candidates $r.log('first 5 second candidates:'); for (var x in _processedcandidatessecond) { if (x == 5) { break; } $r.log(_processedcandidatessecond[x], _processedcandidatessecond[x].__node); } // highlight second $r.debugoutline(_secondcandidate.__node, 'target', 'second'); } // compute again // ============= _firstcandidate['__points_history_final'] = $r.getcontent__computepointsforcandidatethird(_firstcandidate, _firstcandidate); _firstcandidate['__points_final'] = _firstcandidate.__points_history_final[0]; _secondcandidate['__points_history_final'] = $r.getcontent__computepointsforcandidatethird(_secondcandidate, _firstcandidate); _secondcandidate['__points_final'] = _secondcandidate.__points_history_final[0]; // log results // =========== if ($r.debug) { $r.log('the 2 candidates:'); $r.log(_firstcandidate); $r.log(_secondcandidate); } // are we selecting _second? // ========================= switch (true) { case ((_secondcandidate.__candidate_details._count__lines_of_65_characters < 20) && (_secondcandidate.__points_final / _firstcandidate.__points_final) > 1): case ((_secondcandidate.__candidate_details._count__lines_of_65_characters > 20) && (_secondcandidate.__points_final / _firstcandidate.__points_final) > 0.9): case ((_secondcandidate.__candidate_details._count__lines_of_65_characters > 50) && (_secondcandidate.__points_final / _firstcandidate.__points_final) > 0.75): _targetcandidate = _secondcandidate; $r.debugprint('target', 'second'); break; } // print points // ============ if ($r.debug) { $r.debugprint('pointsfirst', _firstcandidate['__points_history_final'][0].tofixed(2)); $r.debugprint('pointssecond', _secondcandidate['__points_history_final'][0].tofixed(2)); } break; } // highlight target // ================ if ($r.debug) { $(_targetcandidate.__node).css({ 'box-shadow': 'inset 0px 0px 50px rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.95), 0px 0px 50px rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.95)' }); } // get html // ======== $r.debugtimerstart('buildhtml'); var _html = $r.getcontent__buildhtmlfornode(_targetcandidate.__node, 'the-target'); _html = _html.substr((_html.indexof('>')+1)) _html = _html.substr(0, _html.lastindexof('
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