
更新时间:2015-07-28 15:56:30 信息编号:3802438 发布者IP: 浏览:191次
深圳市企润商贸有限公司 商铺
Beruform VSM 164
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 锻造工艺润滑剂 Bechem润滑剂锻造处理液产品在全世界范围都有应用。当物料的形状要经过冷处理或者热处理,Bechem的处理液,固体,皂基以及水基产品能够起到对于极端的表面压力有着减小摩擦的效果,这样的效果即使在锻造金属以及磨具之间有极大的压力也会有很好的效果。 Bechem润滑剂对于生产半成型和成型产品的高精度表面优化处理的厂商而言扮演着重要的角色。这些产品能够完成这些处理所需要的应用要求,同时也包括之后的后续工艺。 8.1 金属板材成型加工润滑剂更多 得益于Bechem公司对于金属板材加工润滑剂的创新配方以及定制研发的产品,我们能够提供给客户相当高的生产稳定性以及生产效率。同时,Bechem的产品能提供工具寿命延长,出色准确的表面精度,同时非常少的表面残留物。在Bechem公司的研发过程中,我们也相当注重产品对环境的影响,在不使用氯的情况下依旧保持产品的高性能。 Product Materials to be processed Polar additives EP-additives Properties Product Beruform VSM 9 Stanzen Biegen biologisch abbaubar Gutes Rückstandsverhalten Materials to be processedSteel, aluminium, copper, brass Polar additives- EP-additives- Properties Clean processing, almost no smell, biodegradable according to OECD 301 F Product Beruform VSM 41 Stanzen Biegen Gutes Rückstandsverhalten Materials to be processedSteel, aluminium, copper, brass Polar additives1 EP-additives- Properties Almost clean processing, further machining possible without degreasing Product Beruform VSM 164 Stanzen Biegen lange Werkzeugstandzeiten Gutes Rückstandsverhalten Materials to be processedStainless steel, steel, aluminium, copper, brass Polar additives1 EP-additivesxx Properties High-performance volatilizing punching oil, leaves a thin protective film against corrosion Product Berucut MQL-A 20 Stanzen Biegen Minimalmengenschmierung Gutes Rückstandsverhalten Materials to be processedSteel, copper, brass, sensitive aluminium alloys Polar additivesxxxx EP-additives- Properties Fully synthetic processing oil, readily biodegradable according to OECD 301 B, highly suitable for minimum quantity lubrication Product Beruform STE 5023 Stanzen Tiefziehen Korrosionsschutz Gutes Rückstandsverhalten Materials to be processedSteel, aluminium, copper, brass Polar additivesxxx EP-additivesxxx Properties Water miscible forming concentrate for punching and deep drawing of non-ferrous metals, forms a finely dispersed, highperformance emulsion, excellent protection against corrosion Product Beruform STO 121 ZF Stanzen Feinschneiden Tiefziehen Minimalmengenschmierung Materials to be processedStainless steel, steel Polar additivesxxx EP-additivesxxxxx Properties Chlorine-free high-performance oil for severe to very severe punching and fine cutting operations on transfer presses, highly suitable for minimum quantity lubrication Product Beruform MF 465 Stanzen Feinschneiden Tiefziehen Minimalmengenschmierung Materials to be processedStainless steel, steel, aluminium, copper, brass Polar additivesxxx EP-additivesxxx Properties Chlorine-free processing oil for medium to severe forming operations, inhibited against corrosion of yellow metals (nonferrous), highly suitable for minimum quantity lubrication Product Beruform MF 765 Stanzen Feinschneiden Tiefziehen Minimalmengenschmierung Materials to be processedStainless steel, steel, aluminium, copper, brass Polar additivesxxx EP-additivesxxx Properties Chlorine-free processing oil for medium to severe forming operations, inhibited against corrosion of yellow metals (nonferrous), also suitable for minimum quantity lubrication and machine lubrication if viscosity grade ISO VG 68 is required Product Beruform STO 1268 Stanzen Feinschneiden Tiefziehen Minimalmengenschmierung hohe Belastung Materials to be processedStainless steel, steel Polar additivesxxxx EP-additivesxxxxx Properties Chlorine-free high-performance oil for severe to very severe forming operations of tempered steels and stainless steels, highly suitable for minimum quantity lubrication Product Beruform STO 1568 Feinschneiden Tiefziehen Biegen Minimalmengenschmierung hohe Belastung Materials to be processedStainless steel, steel Polar additivesxxxx EP-additivesxxxxx Properties See Beruform STO 1268, however with higher viscosity Product Beruform STO 3446 Stanzen Feinschneiden Tiefziehen Biegen hohe Belastung Materials to be processedStainless steel, steel Polar additivesxxxx EP-additivesxxxx Properties Chlorine-free high-performance oil for demanding to highly demanding forming processes, especially deep drawing operations Product Beruform STP 50 CA Tiefziehen Biegen Gutes Rückstandsverhalten hohe Belastung Materials to be processedStainless steel, steel Polar additivesxxxxx EP-additivesxxxx Properties Chlorine and mineral oil free high performance paste, allows high deformation degrees, washable, excellent surface quality Product Beruform STP 152 DL Tiefziehen Biegen Gutes Rückstandsverhalten hohe Belastung Materials to be processedStainless steel, steel, aluminium, copper, brass Polar additivesxxxxx EP-additivesx Properties Chlorine and mineral oil free forming paste, allows high deformation degrees based on excellent friction values, water miscible, excellent surface quality 1)Value marked in grey indicates short term maximum temperature.  
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深圳市企润商贸有限公司,我们公司是由一组从事国内特种润滑剂15年的专业队伍组,主要从事国内工业特种润滑产品,从事食品级润滑剂,我公司经营范围分别:1,润滑油:(高温合成链条油,高温合成食品级链条油,合 ...
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