编号:3610079 浏览:88次
- 供应商
- 深圳市比科速科技有限公司 商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第11年主体名称:深圳市比科速科技有限公司组织机构代码:91440300664157342Y
- 报价
- 人民币¥3300.00元每
- 加工定制
- 否
- 品牌
- 美国EIT
- 型号
- MC-2
- 所在地
- 深圳市宝安区沙井中心路
- 联系电话
- 0755-33276103
- 手机号
- 13423951818
- 营销部
- 阮诗莹 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
产品型号:mc-2型\\mc10产品品牌: 美国eit
特点: 应用:
·体积小 ·制程空间小/自动化操作的应用
·重量轻 ·小容器的干燥,如瓶子,罐头盒等
·电池驱动式 ·纲印(配合连接器)
·高采样率(2,000个/秒) ·小型输送带式、批量生产的干燥,
·自动开/停机 如半导体印刷、小零件接着等。
·耐高温 ·统计制品管控制
mc-2低能量:(2w版本) 100mw/cm² to 2w/cm²
mc-10高能量:(10w版本)500 mw/cm² to 10 w/cm²
光谱量测: uva(320-390nm10%)能量点
采样率: 2000/秒
总能量: 0-9999 j/cm²
分辨率: 0.001j/cm²
度: 标准:25℃下+/-7% ;超范围之外:每℃-0.2%
空间响应: 近似余弦
操作温度范围: 15-70℃
自动关机时间: Zui后一次uv曝光后约4分钟
电池: 锂电池
micro curetm: 标准使用情况下可读数200次
微量表寿命: 或首次使用后一年(以校准证书为准)
体积: 宽1.3”x 高1.0”x 深0.25”
重量: 0.33盎司(9.4g)
材料: 不锈钢,尼龙
microcure辐射计 mc-2
microcure辐射计 mc-10
microcure读数器 mcr2000
microcuretmminiature uv radiometer
eit's microcure is an electro-optic unit capable of measuring peak uv intensity and uv dosage applied to a work piece in a uv curing system.
features: small size: 1.3" x 0.95" x 0.25" lightweight: 0.33 ounces measures total energy density in joules/cm2 measures peak irradiance in watts/cm2 battery powered high sample rate: 2000 samples per second automatic operation high temperature resistance | applications: uv applications requiring small size and automatic operation small container curing (bottles, cans, etc.) three-dimensional objects web printing very small conveyorized and batch applications (semiconductor printing, small part bonders, etc.) statistical process control measurements |
eit's microcuretmmeasurement system is comprised of two separate stand-alone items; the data collection radiometer which is placed in the ultraviolet (uv) environment to be measured, and a datareader which reads and displays the measurement results from the radiometer.
the uv integrating radiometer is a microprocessor-based, electro-optical instrument that measures and accumulates the total uv energy density that is applied to the measurement surface of the instrument. the radiometer measures the total amount of uv energy density that would be impinged on a work piece passing through the curing system and the peak uv irradiance. the radiometer combines very small physical size and adaptability to address a variety of demanding physical and thermal measurement environments.
the microcuretmradiometer is designed to be placed in a uv curing environment so that the uv radiation strikes the radiometer in the same manner it would strike an actual work piece. the radiometer is designed so that when uv strikes the measuring face of the instrument it automatically measures and stores electronically the uv energy density impinged upon it and the peak uv irradiance. upon completion of the measurement the operator places the radiometer in a stand-alone datareader. depressing the "select" button on the datareader downloads the information in the radiometer and displays on an lcd display the total uv energy density and peak uv irradiance seen by the radiometer. a short push of the "select" button toggles between the dosage and uv irradiance measurement readings. pressing the "reset" button on the datareader will clear the electronic storage in the radiometer and the readings on the datareader display. the radiometer is now ready to take another reading.
if no uv radiation above a threshold value is encountered for four minutes, the radiometer will enter a "deep sleep" mode. in the "sleep" mode the radiometer batteries will last a minimum of one year. alternatively, the unit can make 200 measurements on the same battery.
to ensure that the radiometer battery has sufficient remaining energy, the datareader display indicates how many readings have been made by the individual radiometer since new.
the datareader is battery powered and can perform 36,000 readings on a single battery. a low battery condition is indicated on the display.
the microcuretmradiometer is very versatile because of its small size and automatic operation. exact method of use will depend on the given application. some specific examples are:
small conveyor or batch mode– in this application the radiometer is placed in the uv curing environment in the same manner as an actual work piece. the radiometer’s very small size and ability to withstand harsh environments provide measurements in such previously inaccessible areas as small conveyorized semiconductor marking, credit cards, small part curing, etc. small containers curing– uv environments encountered in small container curing such as cosmetic containers or drink containers, are generally characterized by putting the radiometer in place of one of the containers. in the case of cylindrical containers like shampoo bottles, the radiometer can be attached to the product using eit's innovative web accessory kit. the radiometer can also be placed inside a container with the measurement being made through a pre-cut hole. the radiometer is retrieved at the end of the process and inserted in the datareader. the data reader displays the radiomenter readings. 3-d objects–attach the radiomenter to objects such as furniture or vehicle dashboards to monitor uv levels on unusual shapes and processes. web press– in this application the radiometer is attached and removed from the web using a special web accessory kit. the measurement is made as the radiometer passes under the lamp station in question. (the radiometer is placed on the web while it is stationary or moving and removed prior to the print station). because of its very small size, it can pass over rollers without damage. compact disc manufacture– the microcuretmradiometer is sufficiently small that it can be inserted directly into one of the cd "nests" to measure the uv radiation used to cure uv coatings and finishes. flexible light guide curing systems– some flexible light guide systems, such as those used in curing adhesives on small objects, are fixed into geometries that make it impossible to place a standard radiometer in the curing region. the microcuretmradiometer's very small size makes such measurements generally possible.
product ordering
information: orders may be placed through your local representative or distributor. call or fax directly to eit at the numbers below.
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