
QDX系列超高压力喷泉泵 高性能微型直流多级喷泉泵

信息编号:358615 浏览:67次
温岭市中贸进出口有限公司 商铺
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类型 不锈钢潜水泵 材质 不锈钢
驱动方式 电动 原理 离心泵
用途 增压泵 泵轴位置 边立式
叶轮数目 多级 性能 不阻塞
型号 流量 5-20(m3/h)
扬程 20-50(m) 转速 3500-6800(rpm)
吸入口径 350-480(mm) 排出口径 250-350(mm)

温岭市中贸进出口有限公司位于浙江省温岭市城东街道万昌中路1195号天一茗苑2幢一单元203室。本公司专业从事运动鞋、拖鞋、机电、五金、服装等产品的进出口代理业务,可为中、小型贸易商、生产厂家、个人、国外采购办事处等提供专业进出口代理服务及进出口业务咨询,公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则,自成立之日起,以高品质、低价格、优质服务于天下客,使公司在竞争日益激烈的进出口行业中快速发展。 本公司技术力量雄厚,拥有一支团队。产品远销欧洲、美国、及中东 等地区。中贸是经国家注册、外经贸部批准,具有进出口资格的企业,与众多鞋业工厂保持着紧密的合作。合作企业有着高素质的员工和一套科学的、 严格的产品质量检测管理程序。公司指定专业供应商——路友鞋业有限公司,拥有专业生产运动休闲鞋系列的冷粘流水线以及各类进口专业制鞋辅助设备,在流畅的运作机制下,为中贸提供了专业的技术支持,可靠的质量保证。 值此经济腾飞之际,中贸广迎各界有志之士联系洽谈,共谋发展。 潜水电泵是泵体叶轮和驱动叶轮的电机都潜入水中工作的一种水泵,有深井用和作业面用两种。深井用潜水电泵通过伸入井中的电缆向电机供电,免去了传动长轴,因而结构紧凑,重量轻,安装、使用和转移方便,在有电源地区有取代长轴深井泵的趋势,但对含沙量大的水井和无电源地区不适用。潜水电泵用的电动机有干式(电机全部密封)、半干式(电机的定子密封,而转子在水中运转)、充油式(电机内部充油以防水分侵入绕组)和湿式(电机内部充水,定子和转子都在水中运转)等类型。前3种都需要密封且制造安装精度要求较高,因而农用深井潜水电泵通常采用湿式电动机,其定子绕组采用耐水绝缘导线或在定子绕组端部及槽内浇注合成树脂,水进入电机内部影响不大,密封结构可大大简化,只要求防砂。有的深井潜水电泵扬程高达1400米,Zui大流量达1.4米3/秒。

wenling zhongmao import and export co., ltd is located in east zhejiang province wenling city streets, tianyi mingyuan middle 1195 wanchang · a unit 203 house court 2 room. the company specialized in sports shoes, slippers, electromechanical, hardware products, garments, the import and export agent business for medium and small traders and manufacturers, individuals, foreign buying office offers professional import and export agency service and import and export business consulting, adhering to the "customer first, forge ahead" business philosophy, adhere to the "customers first" principle, since the date of the establishment of, by the high , low price, high service, make the company in maintaining truthful in an increasingly competitive import and export industry in fast development. the company technical force is abundant, has an excellent team. the products are sold well in europe, america, and the middle east. zhongmao is registered by the state, the ministry of foreign trade import and export approval, has the enterprise, with numerous shoe factory maintained a close cooperation. cooperative enterprises have the high-caliber employee and a set of scientific and strict product inspection procedures. company designated professional supplier - road friend shoes co., ltd and have professional production movement leisure shoes series of cold nien lines and various import professional shoe-making auxiliary e, in smooth operation mechanism for zhongmao, provides professional technical support, reliable guarantee. on the occasion of the economic boom, zhongmao wide welcome all of individuals with business, and seek common development.

pump body submersible pump impeller and drive is the motor are submerged impeller a kind of pumps, have deep well use and operation in two. with deep submersible pumps through the cable stretching into wells to motor power supply, waived the transmission, and the long axis structure compact, light weight, easy installation, use and transfer of power there, in areas of replacing the long axis deep well pumps, but on sediment concentration trend is no power of wells and large area does not apply. the submersible pump motor with a dry (motor seal), half all dry type (motor stator and rotor sealing, filling in the water running) oil type (motor oil filled to prevent moisture inside invading winding) and wet (motor internal water filling, stator and rotor are in the water running) type etc. before 3 kinds of all need seal and the manufacture and installation of higher accuracy, and agricultural deep well of submersible pumps usually adopts wet motor stator winding, its by water resistant insulated wire or in the stator winding ends and groove pouring synthetic resin, water into the motor internal difference, sealing structure can greatly simplified, only request sand control. some deep well of submersible pumps head up to 1,400 metres, maximum flow of 1.4 meters 3 / sec.

所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 潜水泵
QDX系列超高压力喷泉泵 高性能微型直流多级喷泉泵的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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主要经营:运动鞋 ; 拖鞋 ; 机电 ; 五金 ; 服装
温岭市中贸进出口有限公司位于浙江省温岭市城东街道万昌中路1195号天一茗苑2幢一单元203室。本公司专业从事运动鞋、拖鞋、机电、五金、服装等产品的进出口代理业务,可为中、小型贸易商、生产厂家、个人、国 ...
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