蛇形尺 科灵品牌KF-50 软尺 品质好的蛇形尺 定型尺 50cm
编号:3455160 浏览:152次- 供应商
- 上海科灵文化用品有限公司 商铺
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- 品牌
- 科灵
- 型号
- KF-50
- 所在地
- 上海市浦东新区川沙镇营前三组16号
- 联系电话
- 86-02155211762-803
- 手机号
- 13124800020
- 业务员
- 李紫旭 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
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kf-50:50cm(20")科灵牌蛇形尺(flexible curve rulers),内置高精度金属尺条,公制和英制双面使用,柔软易弯曲测量,而且曲线位保持性特别好,决无反弹。双面尺身都设置有精细的墨槽,便于使用。
蛇尺系列(flexible curve ruler series)
kf-30: the 30cm (12") flexible curve is instantly adjustable to hold any contour shape without support. it is made with a lead between two steel ribbons, and encased in flexible blue plastic. it has inking edges. calibrated in inch one side, metric the other side. this 12" flexible ruler is perfect for all your smaller areas of pattern making and designing.
kf-40: the 40cm (16") flexible curve is instantly adjustable to hold any contour shape without support. it is made with a lead between two steel ribbons, and encased in flexible blue plastic. it has inking edges. calibrated in inch one side, metric the other side.
kf-46: the 46cm (18") flexible curve is instantly adjustable to hold any contour shape without support. it is made with a lead between two steel ribbons, and encased in flexible blue plastic. it has inking edges. calibrated in inch one side, metric the other side.
kf-50: the 50cm (20") flexible curve is instantly adjustable to hold any contour shape without support. it is made with a lead between two steel ribbons, and encased in flexible blue plastic. it has inking edges. calibrated in inch one side, metric the other side.
kf-60: the 60cm (24") flexible curve is instantly adjustable to hold any contour shape without support. it is made with a lead between two steel ribbons, and encased in flexible blue plastic. it has inking edges. calibrated in inch one side, metric the other side.
kf-75: the 75cm (30") flexible curve is instantly adjustable to hold any contour shape without support. it is made with a lead between two steel ribbons, and encased in flexible blue plastic. it has inking edges. calibrated in inch one side, metric the other side.
kf-80: the 80cm (32") flexible curve is instantly adjustable to hold any contour shape without support. it is made with a lead between two steel ribbons, and encased in flexible blue plastic. it has inking edges. calibrated in inch one side, metric the other side.
kf-90: the 90cm (36") flexible curve is instantly adjustable to hold any contour shape without support. it is made with a lead between two steel ribbons, and encased in flexible blue plastic. it has inking edges. calibrated in inch one side, metric the other side.
有六种规格备有现货:available sizes:12"&30cm;16"&40cm;20"&50cm;24"&60cm;30"&75cm;36"&90cm。其它特殊规格产品需要提前定制。
flexible curve rulers, instantly adjustable to hold any contour shape without support. it is made with a lead between two steel ribbons, and encased in flexible blue plastic. it has inking edges. calibrated in inch one side, metric the other side.
six sizes at stock:12"&30cm;16"&40cm;20"&50cm;24"&60cm;30"&75cm;36"&90cm。
other size of flexible curve rulers can be made by order according to customers’ samples or drawings information.
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