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品牌 PEACHY CANYON 皮奇卡宁 净重 750(ml)
保质期 20(年) 原料与配料 加州纳帕葡萄
酒精含量 14-15(%) 葡萄汁含量 100(%)
含糖量 0(g) 生产厂家 皮奇卡宁酒庄
原产地 美国 加州 特产
储藏方法 倒置或卧放在干燥通风处8-20度 生产日期 见标签


our history我们的历史

when doug and nancy beckett, a couple of school teachers looking for a better life, moved to paso robles in 1982 with their two sons, joshua and jacob, they never knew the life they would lead today.当道格拉斯和南希贝克特,一个学校的教师夫妇对美好生活的期待,移动在1982年帕索罗布尔斯与他们的两个儿子约书亚和雅各,他们从来不知道他们的生活会导致今天。the label"s start came in 1988, thanks to a load of zinfandel grapes from benito dusi"s vineyard.标签的开始是1988年后,可从贝尼托都司仙粉黛葡萄的葡萄园负荷感谢。though only amounting to a couple hundred cases, the premiere release centered the label"s reputation for premium red wines.虽然只有一对夫妇达100起病例,该中心的首演版本标签的优质红葡萄酒的声誉。

today, the beckett"s brand has become nationally distributed in 49 states and select international destinations.今天,贝克特的品牌已成为在全国选择49个州和国际目的地分布。this coming year production is set for 84,000 cases, their largest production yet.这是对来年的生产八四〇〇〇箱子集,其Zui大的生产呢。in order to secure premium fruit, peachy canyon sources grapes from over twenty local growers in the paso robles ava and 100 acres of their own vineyards.为了确保来自20多个地方种植者在帕索罗布尔斯视觉艺术院和100亩优质葡萄园自己的水果,葡萄皮奇卡宁来源。the winery is still headed by founding vintners doug and nancy, as well as the family"s second generation.该酒厂还成立酒商为首的道格和南希,以及家庭的第二代。after years away from home, both josh and jake returned to paso robles and peachy canyon to work for the family business.经过多年远离家乡,既乔什和杰克回到帕索罗布尔斯和皮奇卡宁工作的家族企业。josh has been with the winery for nine years and has been the winemaker since 2003.乔希已与9年酒厂,并已自2003年以来的酿酒师。combining his varied experiences with different winemakers and regions, josh keeps an open mind in order to create the most exciting wines possible.结合不同的酿酒师和地区的不同经验,乔希保持开放的态度,以创造Zui令人兴奋的葡萄酒成为可能。jake wasn"t able to resist the lure of the family business either.杰克是无法抗拒的诱惑的家族企业之一。for years, jake worked as the vineyard manager over-seeing the four peachy canyon vineyards and working with local growers to ensure fruit quality is kept at their high standard.多年来,杰克的葡萄园经理担任过看到4皮奇卡宁葡萄园,与当地种植者合作,以确保在其果实品质保持高水准。in 2005, jake wanted to learn other aspects of the business and joined the sales team.2005年,杰克想学习其他方面的业务,并加入了销售队伍。jake now is the general sales manager and travels the country promoting the family brand.杰克现在是一般销售经理和旅行家在全国范围内推广品牌。

our wines我们的葡萄酒

although zinfandels dominate the peachy canyon tasting menu, you will find cabernets, merlots, and special blends that are available to sample.虽然zinfandels主宰皮奇卡宁品尝菜单,你会发现赤霞珠,梅洛,以及可用来样特殊的混合物。each wine poses unique characteristics with distinguished qualities and is why the whole peachy canyon team works so hard to pick only the best paso robles fruit while supporting the local growers.每个葡萄酒带来的卓越品质和独特的特征,所以整个皮奇卡宁团队非常努力地只挑选的帕索罗布尔斯,同时支持当地的水果种植者。doug beckett also makes sure "each wine is released in the peak of its youth," the beckett"s feel they give their customers the choice to either enjoy the wines young or cellar them for a later date.贝克特还可以确保道"是每个葡萄酒在其青年高峰释放,"在贝克特的感觉,他们给客户的选择,要么享受日后的葡萄酒酒窖或他们年轻。


this wine is made up of big zinfandel characteristics along with the essence of terrior.这酒是用了大金芬黛特点随着terrior本质。full of spice, black pepper,raspberries and vanilla are the upfront aromatics.全部的香料,黑胡椒,覆盆子,香草是前期芳烃。the palateis made up of blueberries, blackberries and mild earth notes.由蓝莓起来的palateis,黑莓和轻微地球笔记。bright acidity and mild fruit tannins give the wine longevity.明亮的酸度和单宁温和水果给酒长寿。

accolades:荣誉: 90 points, california grapevine 90 points, connoisseurs" guide 86 points, wine enthusiast95点,加州葡萄98分,鉴赏家指南92点,葡萄酒爱好者
appellation:称谓: paso robles帕索罗布尔斯
composition:成分: zinfandel100%的增芳德
vineyard designation or source:葡萄园名称或来源: mustang springs vineyard野马泉葡萄园
vinification:酿造过程: the especial block is made up of vines that have proven themselves worthy of being propagated from there original peachy canyon vineyard.中特殊的块是由葡萄树的葡萄园已经皮奇卡宁证明自己值得被传播原来从那里。this section of the mustang springs vineyard was meticulously farmed to one cluster per shoot.这葡萄园条的规定,野马泉经过精心栽培,每到一组拍摄。once ripe, the fruit was hand picked early in the morning and then cold soaked for three days.一旦成熟,果实是手工采摘清晨,然后冷浸泡3天。after a ten day fermentation, the wine was basket pressed and aged in american and french hybrid barrels.经过10天发酵,酒篮按下桶岁的美国和法国的混合体。
alcohol:酒精度: 14.5 %14.5%
harvest brix:收获糖度: 24.524.5
residual sugar:残余糖分: .5.5
case production:案例生产: 674瓶
distribution:分布: tasting room & wine club品酒室和葡萄酒俱乐部
winemaker:酿酒师: josh beckett乔希贝克特

© 2007 peachy canyon winery.© 2007皮奇卡宁酒厂。all rights reserved.保留所有权利。

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限量供应 原装进口 世界 加州纳帕 蓝色经典的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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